Using Siebel Tools > Working with Archive Files >

Exporting Objects to an Archive File Using the Command-Line Interface

You can export objects using the command-line interface. You invoke the command-line interface from the siebdev executable, using the command switch /batchexport. The executable file siebdev.exe is located in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN directory of the Siebel Tools installation directory.

The syntax of the /batchexport switch is:

siebdev.exe /c <config file> /d <database> /u <user name> /p <password> /batchexport <Repository Name> <Input File Name> <Log File>

The command-line interface provided by the /batchexport switch accepts an input file that specifies export objects. The input file takes a comma-delimited format of Object Type, Object Name Search Expression, and the .sif file name. The search expression takes any Tools accepted query criteria. To specify the SIF file, you can use an absolute file path or a relative file path to the current directory.

You can place multiple lines in the input file, each requesting to export multiple objects into different SIF file. However, if you specify the same SIF export file in multiple lines, only the last export takes effect—the previous exports will be overwritten.

For example, consider the following sample text from an input file. Using this file as input, the switch /batchexport would export all business components where the Name property is like "*Account*" into a repository file named exports.sif:

"Business Component,*Account*,export.sif"

NOTE:  There must be no space before and after commas.

The following sample export command would export objects specified in the input file, obj.txt. It also logs results into export.log:

siebdev.exe /c tools.cfg /d sample /u sadmin /p sadmin /batchexport "siebel repository" obj.txt export.log

Using Siebel Tools