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About the Siebel Debugger

The Siebel Debugger assists in editing and removing errors from scripts written in Siebel VB and Siebel eScript.

The Siebel Debugger uses the Siebel Script Editor window plus a diagnostic window to display program variables and their values. The Debugger helps you locate and correct execution errors in custom program routines. You can use it to slow or suspend execution of the program routines so that the program flow and variable contents can be examined.

With the Siebel Debugger you can do the following:

  • Set and clear breakpoints in your Siebel script. A breakpoint is a marker on a line of Basic code that tells Basic to suspend execution at that line so that the state of the program can be examined using the Debugger.
  • Step over a line of code. If the current line is a call to a subroutine or function, the Debugger stops at the next line in the current procedure (skipping the subroutine).
  • Step into a subroutine of custom routine code. Step Into is used to execute one line of code in the Debugger. If the current line is a call to a subroutine or function, the Debugger stops at the first line of that function. Otherwise, the Debugger stops at the next line of the current procedure.
  • View the value of custom routine variables. The Siebel Debugger includes a window in which variables and their values are displayed. This window can be used to monitor the values of specific variables as the custom routine executes.
Using Siebel Tools