Using Siebel Tools > Working with Objects >

Creating Objects

Use new object wizards to create objects whenever possible. For example, to create a new business component, use the Business Component Wizard.

Wizards step you through the process of configuring a given object, prompting you for the necessary property values and automatically configuring any necessary child objects.

When a wizard is not available for the object type you want to create, you can create objects manually in the Object List Editor.

For information about using wizards and creating specific objects, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

To create objects using a new object wizard

  1. Choose File > New Object.
  2. Choose the appropriate wizard to create the new object.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

To create a new object manually

  1. In the Object Explorer, select the relevant object type.

    The Object List Editor opens, listing objects of this object type.

  2. To make the Object list Editor active, click it.
  3. Choose Edit > New Record, or right-click and choose New Record.

    A new record appears.

  4. Enter property values in the new row in the Object List Editor.

    At a minimum, you must enter the object's Name and Project properties.
    Typically, other properties are also required. Before you can save the new objects, you must complete the required properties.

    NOTE:  You cannot use punctuation characters as part of an object name.

  5. Click anywhere outside the new row or move outside of the row with the UP or DOWN arrow keys.

    Siebel Tools saves the new object.

Using Siebel Tools