Siebel Wireless Administration Guide > Using Siebel Wireless >

Personalizing Your Wireless Device

Using the Mobile screen available with many Siebel Business applications, you can personalize your interaction with Siebel Wireless applications and manage your wireless devices and wireless messaging addresses.

By choosing the main menu links available when you access Siebel Wireless using an Openwave wireless browser, you can customize your Siebel Wireless:

  • Main menu
  • Order in which those links appear
  • Order in which data is sorted once you access the data

For more information, see Main Menu Layout Form Fields.

The Mobile screen is accessible from the Siebel Call Center, Siebel Service, Siebel Sales, and Siebel PRM Partner Portal applications.

You can access the Mobile screen on a desktop or laptop when it is connected to a Siebel Business application through a network or dial-up connection.

NOTE:  The Mobile screen can be used only with the zero-footprint client. However, the Mobile screen also appears in the site map of the disconnected mobile Web client. If you try to access the Mobile screen on a disconnected mobile Web client, you following message is displayed: This feature is not supported in the stand-alone Web client.

To personalize your wireless device

  1. Navigate to the Mobile screen and select the mobile device you want to work with in the Mobile Devices list, or, if necessary, create a new mobile device record.
  2. Use the Mobile Devices, Main Menu Layout, and Record Order views to establish the configuration of the selected device.

    Details for working with each of the Mobile screen tabs for Siebel Wireless applications are provided in the following sections:

Mobile Devices List Fields

The Mobile Devices list allows you to register your mobile devices, set the login preference, and establish the device priority.

Some of the fields are shown in Table 12.

Table 12. Mobile Devices List Fields

Device Name

Enter any name you would like for the device here.

For example, John's Nokia cell phone. Device names must be unique.

Login Preference

Allows you to select a login preference when you access Siebel Wireless using a wireless device with an Openwave browser.

You are required to fully authenticate with the Siebel Server the first time you access Siebel Wireless with a particular device, at which time an entry will be created for this device in the Mobile Devices list.

After the initial login, the value you select for Login Preference takes effect for this device in subsequent logins.

Device Priority

You must select a priority for each wireless device that you register.

Guarantee message delivery by making sure that only one registered device is assigned the highest device priority.

If any device is assigned priority of 6 - Unranked, you cannot register another device from the Mobile Screen.

Message Delivery List Fields

The Message Delivery list allows you to enter wireless address information for each of your mobile devices. This information is used for enabling login preference and personalizing your mobile device. You can automatically register mobile devices from the Siebel Web client through this screen. For more information, see The Auto Registration Process with Siebel Wireless.

This information is also used by Siebel Wireless Messaging. For information about Siebel Wireless Messaging, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

Mobile Alerts List Fields

The Mobile Alerts list lets you select which types of Workflow-driven wireless message alerts you would like to receive on your device. This information is used by Siebel Wireless Messaging.

For information about Siebel Wireless Messaging, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide.

Main Menu Layout Form Fields

The Main Menu Layout form lets you personalize the main menu that is displayed when you access a Siebel Wireless application using an Openwave browser. You choose the links you want to appear on the main menu and in what order they should appear.

Some of the fields are shown in Table 13.

Table 13. Main Menu Layout Fields


To begin setting your main menu preferences, select the Siebel Wireless Application you use.

For example, if you are using Siebel Wireless as a field service representative, select Siebel Service Wireless.

Displays the current configuration of the main menu for the application that you selected.

Remove a link, by highlighting the item and clicking the left arrow to move the item from the Selected Main Menu Links field to the Available Main Menu Links field.

You can change the order (from top to bottom) of the main menu links by highlighting the item and clicking the:

  • Up or down arrow to move a selected main menu link one step up or down
  • Underscored up or down arrows to move the main menu link directly to the top or bottom

Available Main Menu Links

Contains the main menu items that were removed from the Selected Main Menu Links field.

Move a main menu link from the Available Main Menu Links field to the Selected Main Menu Links field, by highlighting the link and clicking the right arrow to move the link.

Save or Reset

When you have finished personalizing your Siebel Wireless main menu, click

  • Save to keep the changes or
  • Reset to return to the default settings.

The changed main menu settings take effect after you have stepped off the current record.

Record Order Form Fields

The Record Order form lets you establish the sort order of data displayed for each of the main menu links. Use the fields in Table 13 to change the sort order.

Some of the fields are shown in Table 14.

Table 14. Record Order Fields


Select the Siebel Wireless application for which you want to define sorting.

For example, if you are using Siebel Wireless as a field service engineer, select Siebel Service Wireless.

NOTE:  The system administration can configure the application names in the Applications drop-down list. If your company has changed the names of the applications in the drop-down list, select the name of the Siebel Wireless application you use.

Main Menu Links

Select one of the main menu links from the drop-down list.

The selection you make in this box determines what is displayed in the Fields box.

For example, if you select the Activity link, the activity fields become available in the Fields box.


Select the field you want to use for sorting records.

For example, to sort activities by Activity Status, select the Activity Status field.

Sort Order

Select Ascending or Descending for the selected field to determine the sort order of the records.

Save or Reset

When you have finished personalizing the sort orders, click

  • Save to keep the changes or
  • Reset to return to the default settings.

The changed sort order settings take effect after you have stepped off the current record.

Siebel Wireless Administration Guide