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Oracle® Retail Omnichannel Cloud Data Service Installation Guide
Release 19.1.000
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A Appendix A: Migrating OCDS to v19.1

Preliminary Requirements

To migrate OCDS using this document requires that the deployed version of OCDS is at least v16.0.045 HF3. If OCDS is not at this patch level, apply the hotfixes sequentially from the current hotfix level to the deployment until HF3 is reached. When the deployed OCDS is patched to a least v16 HotFix 3 level, follow the steps in this document.

Download the OmnichannelCloudDataServices19.1.000ForAll19.x.xApps_eng_ga.zip.

Extract the contents of the OmnichannelCloudDataServices19.1.000ForAll19.x.xApps_eng_ga.zip file.

The <<Base Extract Dir>> notation will be used in the documentation to provide the location of the extracted files.

There are three files in the extract which will be used for migrating the application:

<<Base Extract Dir>>/ocds_home/ocds-db/ocds-database-creation.zip

<<Base Extract Dir>>/ocds_home/ocds-bdi/ocds-jobadmin-deployment.zip

<<Base Extract Dir>>/ocds_home/ocds-rib/ocds-injector-deployment.zip

OCDS Schema Upgrade

This section describes the OCDS Schema Upgrade.

Pre Schema Upgrade

Shutdown the ocds-jobAdmin and ocds-injector servers before applying the update.

OCDS Schema Migration

Extract the contents of the <<Base Extract Dir>>/ocds_home/ocds-db/ocds-database-creation.zip file. The location of the database creation files extract is identified as <<DB Extract Dir>> in the schema migration steps.

Connect to the ocds_ifc schema and run the following scripts:

  1. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_txn/migration/drop-ocds-ifc-input-tables.sql. This will drop the ocds_ifc.*_IN tables in the ocds_ifc schema.

  2. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/rtg_ifc/ddl/bdi_ocds_ddl.sql. Provided by RTG to create the interface _IN tables in the ocds_ifc schema.

Connect to the ocds_ifc schema as a user able to grant privileges to the ocds_txn user.

  1. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_txn/plsql/Interface_Schema_Access.sql script. Grants permissions to the ocds_txn user to access data in the ocds_ifc tables.

Connect to the ocds_txn schema and run the following scripts:

  1. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_txn/ddl/ocds-txn-ddl-16-to-19.sql. Migrates the ocds_txn ddl from v16 hf03 to OCDS v19.1.

  2. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_txn/plsql/ocds-txn-plsql.sql. Creates the v19.1 pl sql packages used for import and utility operations.

  3. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_txn/rest/ocds-enable-rest.sql. Creates the 19.1 versions of the rest plsql packages.

Connect to the ocds_txn schema as a user able to grant privileges to the ocds_ifc user.

  1. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_ifc/plsql/Transaction_Schema_Access.sql. Grant the ocds_ifc user permission to access the ocds_txn importer packages.

Connect to the ocds_ifc schema and run the following script:

  1. <<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_ifc/plsql/ocds-ifc-plsql. Replaces the base rtg importers with the ocds ocds_ifc 19.1 importer packages.

Post Schema Upgrade

Connect to the ocds_txn schema and run the following script:

<<DB Extract Dir>>/scripts/ocds_txn/ddl/validate-ddl-16-to-19.sql. Validates that the expected database objects for the ocds_txn schema for 19.1 are present. Missing database objects will generate an error message.

Restart the jobAdmin and ocds-injector servers.

This completes the steps for migrating the ocds_txn and ocds_ifc schemas to the current release of OCDS v19.1.xxx.

WAR FILE Upgrades

This section describes the .war file upgrade.

OCDS jobAdmin.warUpgrade

Extract the contents for the <<Base Extract Dir>>/ocds_home/ocds-bdi/ocds-jobadmin-deployment.zip file.

The location of the extracted files is identified as <<BDI Extract Dir>>.

Edit Deployment Configuration File

  1. Edit the <<BDI Extract Dir>>/conf/bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json file with the database and WebLogic domain details. This file is used by the deployment script to configure WebLogic. This information can be merged from a previous version of the bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json used in previous deployment. For additional information about the /bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json refer to the Oracle Retail Omnichannel Cloud Data Service Installation Guide version 19.1.

    1. Edit the Datasource definitions for JobAdminDatasource:

      • jdbcUrl: Configure the jdbcUrl for all DataSources definitions in DataSourceDef.

        BatchInfraDataSource references a schema created using the WebLogic RCU (<prefix>_WLS).

        All other datasources reference the OCDS interface (ocds_ifc) schema created during the prerequisite step: OCDS Database Creation.

        Figure A-1 Datasource Definitions

        Datasource Definitions
    2. Edit the Middleware Server definitions for JobAdminAppServer

      • webLogicDomainName: WebLogic domain name.

      • webLogicDomainHome: WebLogic domain home directory.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerUrl: Server URL information.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerHost: Server host.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerPort: Admin Server port.

      • webLogicDomainTargetManagedServerName: Managed Server name.

      • jobAdminUiUrl: Host and managed server port where Job Admin application will be deployed. This can be setup with the HTTPS port.

        Figure A-2 OCDS Setup HTTPS Port

        OCDS Setup HTTPS Port
    3. Edit RMS JobAdmin Server.

      • jobAdminUiUrl: Host and managed server port where Job Admin application will be deployed. This can be setup with the HTTPS port.

        Figure A-3 RMS JobAdmin Server Setup

        RMS JobAdmin Server Setup

Job Admin Deployment

Perform the following procedure to install and deploy the Job Admin Application.

  1. Change to the <<BDI Extract Dir>>/ocds-jobadmin-deployment/bin folder and execute the version bdi-job-admin-deployer script for the o/s using the switches:

    -use-existing-credentials -run-db-schema-migration -deploy-job-admin-app

    On Linux:

    ./bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh -use-existing-credentials -run-db-schema-migration -deploy-job-admin-app
  2. Bounce the application server running the bdi-batch-job-admin-19.1.000.war file.

OCDS ocds-injector.war Upgrade

This section describes the OCDS ocds-injector.war upgrade


Extract the contents of the ocds-injector-deployment.zip file. The destination directory will be designated as <<INJ Extract Dir>>.

Edit Deployment Configuration Files

Edit the <<INJ Extract Dir>>/conf/ injector-deployment-env-info.json file with the database and WebLogic domain details. This file is used by the deployment script. This information can be merged from a previous version of the injector-deployment-env-info.json used in previous deployment. For additional information about the injector-deployment-env-info.json refer to the Oracle Retail Omnichannel Cloud Data Service Installation Guide v19.1.

  1. Edit the Datasource definitions for InjectorDataSource.

    1. jdbcUrl: This is the jdbc URL needed to connect to the OCDS Transactional schema. The OCDS Transactional (ocds_txn) schema was created during the prerequisite step: OCDS Database: Database Creation.

      Figure A-4 jdbc URL

      jdbc URL
    2. Edit the Middleware Server definitions for InjectorAppServer.

      • webLogicDomainName: WebLogic domain name.

      • webLogicDomainHome: WebLogic domain home directory.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerUrl: Server URL information.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerHost: Server host.

      • webLogicDomainAdminServerPort: Admin Server port.

      • webLogicDomainTargetManagedServerName: Managed Server name.

        Figure A-5 Middleware Server Definition

        Middleware Server Definition

OCDS Injector Deployment

Perform the following procedures to install and deploy the Injector application.

  1. Change to the <<INJ Extract Dir>>/ocds-injector-deployment/bin folder and execute the version of injector-deployer script for the o/s using the switches:

    -use-existing-credentials -deploy-injector-app

    On Linux:

    ./injector-deployer.sh -use-existing-credentials -deploy-injector-app
  2. Bounce the application server running the ocds-injector.war file.

ORDS Upgrade

The supported version of Oracle of ORDS is 19.4. To determine what version of ords is currently deployed, run the following from the command line:

java -jar ords.war version

If the deployed ords.war file is less than 19.4, download ords 19.4 from https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/appdev/rest-data-services-1946-downloads.html.

Follow the instructions provided in the ORDS documentation for performing the upgrade. Bounce the managed server running the ords.war file after the upgrade.