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Oracle® Identity Manager Connector Guide for IBM RACF
Release 9.0.1

Part Number B31116-01
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2 Deploying the Connector

Deploying the connector involves the following steps:

Step 1: Verifying Deployment Requirements

The following table lists the deployment requirements for the connector.

Item Requirement
Oracle Identity Manager Oracle Identity Manager release 8.5.3 or later
Target systems IBM Mainframe Server
Target systems host platforms RACF on z/OS 01.04
External code The following Host Access Class Library (HACL) class files obtained from IBM Host On-Demand (HOD) version 9.0:
  • hoddbg2.jar

  • hacp.jar

  • hasslite2.jar

  • habasen2.jar

  • WellKnownTrustedCAs.class

  • WellKnownTrustedCAs.p12

Step 2: Configuring the Target System

To configure the target system:

  1. Create a user on the IBM RACF server.

  2. Provide the user with the special and auditor attributes.

    1. Log on to TSO on the IBM RACF server using a user ID with the Special attribute.

    2. Open the READY prompt, and enter the following command:

      Altuser NewUserIDCreated Special Auditor
  3. Set Msgid to ON for the mainframe user.

  4. The Telnet Services on port specified in IT Resource Type definition option should be enabled for this particular user to provide network connection between the Oracle Identity Manager server and the IBM RACF server. It's configured as a text description in the TCPIP profile file.

  5. Enable SSL on port if secured connection is required. It's configured as a text description in the TCPIP profile file.

  6. Upload the following members, using FTP, into a partitioned dataset with record length 80 and record format as Fixed Block.


    Instructions to copy these members into the RACF Scripts directory on the Oracle Identity Manager server are given in the "Step 3: Copying the Connector Files" section.
  7. Upload the following file into a flat file or PS (Physical Sequential file) with record length 80 and record format as Fixed Block.

    xellerate_home\xellerate\RACF Scripts\SYSTMDAT

    This file should contain the following system-related information, as described in the systmdat file:

    • IBM RACF database location

    • Jobcard, which is for background job, along with the NOTIFY parameter

    • Location of partitioned dataset consisting of all the scripts

    • Region size and dynamic resource allocation values into the script

    This file should start with the high-level qualifier of user ID, which carries out reconciliation. For example, it should be referred as XX.SYSTMDAT where XX is the user ID on the IBM RACF server that is used to run reconciliation.

Step 3: Copying the Connector Files

Copying the connector files involves the following steps:

The connector files to be copied and the directories to which you must copy them are given in the following table.


The directory paths given in the first column of this table correspond to the location of the connector files in the following ZIP file on the installation media:
Security Applications\IBM RACF\IBM RACF Rev

Refer to "Files and Directories That Comprise the Connector" for more information about these files.

File in the Installation Media Directory Destination Directory
The following contents of the lib\ThirdParty directory:
  • CustomizedCAs.jar

  • InitialLoginSequence.txt

  • InputFields.txt

  • LogOutSequence.txt

The following contents of the RACF Scripts directory:












xellerate_home\xellerate\RACF Scripts

Step 4: Copying External Code

The procedure to copy the external code files involves the following steps:

  1. Create a JAR file containing the WellKnownTrustedCAs.class and WellKnownTrusted.p12 files. These files are available as part of the HOD installation in the following directory (assuming HOD is installed in the <..\IBM> directory):

    < IBM\HostOnDemand\HOD>

    IBM Host On-Demand 9.0 (HOD) should be installed to extract APIs as listed in Step 4 in Deployment chapter.

  2. Copy the JAR file created in Step 1 along with the external JAR files (hoddbg2.jar, hacp.jar, habasen2.jar, and hasslite2.jar ) available in the HOD installation directory (<.IBM\HostOnDemand\HOD>) to the following directory of the Oracle Identity Manager installation:

  3. Copy the InitialLoginSequence.txt, LogOutSequence.txt, and InputFields.txt files into the following directory after making changes (if required) according to the target configuration:


Step 5: Importing the Connector XML File

To import the connector XML file into Oracle Identity Manager:

  1. Open the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console.

  2. Click the Deployment Management link on the left navigation bar.

  3. Click the Import link under Deployment Management. A dialog box for locating files is displayed.

  4. Locate and open the racfResAdp.xml file, which is in the xellerate_home\xlclient\ directory. Details of this XML file are shown on the File Preview page.

  5. Click Add File. The Substitutions page is displayed.

  6. Click Next. The Confirmation page is displayed.

  7. Click Next. The Provide IT Resource Instance Data page for the RACF Server IT resource is displayed.

  8. Specify values for the parameters of the RACF Server IT resource. Refer to the table in the "Defining IT Resources" section for information about the values to be specified.

  9. Click Next. The Provide IT Resource Instance Data page for a new instance of the RACF Server IT resource type is displayed.

  10. Click Skip to specify that you do not want to define another IT resource. The Confirmation page is displayed.

    See Also:

    If you want to define another IT resource, then refer to Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference Guide for instructions.
  11. Click View Selections.

    The contents of the XML file are displayed on the Import page. You may see a cross-shaped icon along with some nodes. You must remove these nodes. To do this, right-click each such node and then select Remove.

  12. Click Import. The connector XML file is imported into Oracle Identity Manager.

Defining IT Resources

You must specify values for the IBM RACF IT resource parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter Name Parameter Value
Admin Valid admin ID on the RACF server
AdminCredential Password of the admin ID account
Application TSO value to which the admin user logs in.

For example, B.

Host IP address or computer name of the mainframe system
Port Port number
LoginMacro This file is used to reach 'Ready' prompt on a Mainframe setup.
AutoRetry Auto Retry Feature

The value can be YES or NO. The default value is NO.

Note: The values taken by this parameter are case-sensitive.

AmountRetry Number of retries for AutoRetry feature

For example, 2, 5, 10.

WaitTime Wait time between consecutive retries

For example, 10 secs, 20 secs, 30 secs.

IsSecure Connection secure or not

The value can be YES or NO. The default value is NO.

Note: The values taken by this parameter are case-sensitive.

LogoutMacro This file is used to exit from 'Ready' prompt on a Mainframe setup.

After you specify values for these IT resource parameters, go to Step 9 of the procedure to import connector XML files.

Step 6: Configuring Reconciliation

Configuring reconciliation involves defining scheduled tasks for Lookup Fields and User reconciliations.

To define the Lookup Fields reconciliation scheduled task, you must specify values for the following attributes of this scheduled task.

Attribute Name Description Value
Server This attribute specifies the IT resource instance that the connector uses to reconcile data. IT resource instance name for RACF

For example, RACF Server.

LookupField Name This attribute specifies the name of the lookup field to be reconciled.

The values taken by this parameter are case-sensitive.
LookupField Target File This attribute specifies the name of the file that the connector creates on RACF to temporarily store data. Valid file name up to 8 characters in length

For example, temp, work, temp1, work1

RACF Source Directory This attribute specifies the RACF directory in which RACF scripts are stored. RACF directory name

For example, ADTTAR.DT250207.CNTL

IsDebug This attribute specifies whether or not debugging should be performed. The value can be YES or NO. The default value is NO.

Note: The values taken by this parameter are case-sensitive.

To define the User reconciliation scheduled task, you must specify values for the following attributes of this scheduled task.

Attribute Name Description Value
Target System Recon - Resource Object name This attribute specifies the name of the resource object. Resource object name

For example, RACF Server

Server This attribute specifies the IT resource instance that the connector uses to reconcile data. IT Resource Instance name

For example, RACF Server

RACF Source Directory This attribute specifies the RACF directory in which RACF scripts are stored. RACF directory name

For example, ADTTAR.DT250207.CNTL

Target System New User File This attribute specifies the name of the file that RACF uses to store the latest image of the RACF database. Valid file name up to 8 characters in length

For example, Recon, Userrecn

Target System Old User File This attribute specifies the name of the file that RACF uses to store the old image of the RACF database. Valid file name up to 8 characters in length

Reconciling first time, it should be blank.Reconciling Second time, it should be the value used for 'Target System New User File' used for first time reconciliation.Reconciling third time, it should contain the previously used 'Target System Old User File' value.

IsDebug This attribute specifies whether or not debugging should be performed. The value can be YES or NO. The default value is NO.

Note: The values taken by this parameter are case-sensitive.

Step 7: Compiling Adapters

The following adapters are imported into Oracle Identity Manager when you import the connector XML file. You must compile these adapters before you can use them to provision accounts on the target system.

To compile adapters by using the Adapter Manager form:

  1. Open the Adapter Manager form.

  2. To compile all the adapters that you import into the current database, select the Compile All option.

    To compile multiple (but not all) adapters, select the adapters you want to compile. Then, select the Compile Selected option.

  3. Click Start. Oracle Identity Manager compiles the adapters that match the criteria you specified in Step 2.

To view detailed information about an adapter:

  1. Highlight the adapter in the Adapter Manager form.

  2. Double-click the row header of the adapter, or right-click the adapter.

  3. Select Launch Adapter from the shortcut menu that is displayed. Details of the adapter are displayed.


To compile multiple adapters simultaneously, use the Adapter Manager form. To compile one adapter at a time, use the Adapter Factory form. Refer to Oracle Identity Manager Tools Reference Guide for information about how to use these forms.

Step 8: Configuring SSL


This step is required only if IsSecure parameter in IT Resource is set to 'YES'.

The IBM RACF connector is capable of establishing a secure SSL connection to the IBM RACF server using a one-way handshake mechanism. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data: a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. As data is encrypted, data integrity is preserved over network.

Configuring Oracle Identity Manager to use SSL connectivity involves the following steps:

  1. Set the IsSecure parameter of IT resource to YES.

  2. Configure the target system to enable the required port for SSL connection.

  3. Add the certificate in the CustomizedCAs.p12 file. For more information on adding the certificate in the CustomizedCAs.p12 file, refer to Adding the Certificate.

  4. If the certificate is issued by Thwaite or any other weel-known company, then the WellKnownTrustedCertificatesCAs.jar can be prepared and added (refer to the "Step 4: Copying External Code" section).

Adding the Certificate

The CustomizedCAs.p12 file is the container for server certificates used for establishing an SSL connection. This file is compressed in the CustomizedCAs.jar file. The password for the CustomizedCAs.p12 file is hod. If the IBM RACF server has a certificate signed by a CA other than Verisign or Thawte, the root certificate of the CA must be added to the CustomizedCAs.p12 file for establishing the SSL connection.

The certificate can be added to the CustomizedCAs.p12 file by using a key management utility that supports PKCS12 format files. One of the tools that can be used to add the certificate is GSKkit7.0. This tool is part of IBM Host On-demand Server version 9.0.

To implement the SSL connection to the IBM RACF server through Oracle Identity Manager:

  1. Extract the contents of the CustomizedCAs.jar file.

  2. Add the SSL certificate in the CustomizedCAs.p12 file.

  3. Create the CustomizedCAs.jar file with the updated CustomizedCAs.p12 and CustomizedCAs.class files.

  4. Copy the updated JAR file into the following directory:
