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Oracle® Identity Manager Connector Guide for IBM RACF
Release 9.0.1

Part Number B31116-01
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1 About the Connector

Oracle Identity Manager automates access rights management, security, and provisioning of IT resources. Oracle Identity Manager connectors are used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with third-party applications. The connector for IBM RACF is used to integrate Oracle Identity Manager with IBM RACF.


Oracle Identity Manager connectors were referred to as resource adapters prior to the acquisition of Thor Technologies by Oracle.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Supported Functionality

The following table lists the functions that are available with this connector.

Functionality Type Description
Create RACF New User Provisioning Creates a user account
Delete a RACF User Provisioning Deletes a user account
Name Updated Provisioning Changes the name of a user account
Password Updated Provisioning Changes the password of a user account
Owner Updated Provisioning Changes the owner of a user account
Department Updated Provisioning Changes the department of a user account
Default Group Updated Provisioning Changes the default group of a user account
Installation data Updated Provisioning Changes the installation data of a user account. Installation data is one of the fields to be filled in. It can contain any installation/system/project related value.
Operations Updated Provisioning Changes the Operations attribute of a user account
Special Updated Provisioning Changes the Special attribute of a user account in RACF
Auditor Updated Provisioning Changes the Auditor attribute of a user account in RACF
Group Access Updated Provisioning Changes the Group Access attribute of a user account in RACF
Enables a RACF User Provisioning Enables the user on RACF so that the user is able to log in to the IBM Mainframe server, running RACF on z/os
Disables a RACF User Provisioning Disables a user on RACF so that the user is not able to log in to the IBM RACF server
Connect Group Provisioning Adds a user to a user's group on the IBM RACF server
Disconnect Group Provisioning Removes a user from a user's group on the IBM RACF server
Add TSO to a User Provisioning Provides TSO(Time Sharing Options) access to a user. TSO is one of the subsystems
Remove TSO Provisioning Removes TSO access from a user
Reconcile lookup field Reconciliation Reconciles the lookup fields
Reconcile User Data Reconciliation Reconciles user data

Reconciliation Module

This section describes the elements that the reconciliation module extracts from the target system to construct a reconciliation event record. In IBM RACF, the reconciliation process can be divided into the following:

Lookup Fields Reconciliation

Lookup Fields reconciliation involves reconciling the following lookup fields of IBM RACF:

  • Group

  • TSO Procedure

  • TSO Account Number

User Reconciliation

User reconciliation involves reconciling the following user attributes from IBM RACF.

Name Description Data Type
User General Data

userid User ID on the RACF system String
owner Owner of the user String
name Display name of the user String
default group Default group associated with the user String
operations Operations privilege Number
auditor Auditor privilege Number
special Special privilege Number
grp access Group access privilege Number
department Department name String
User Group Data

Groups Child table Multivalued attribute
group name Group name String
revoke date Revoke date associated with group String
authorization Authorization privilege String

TSO Child table Multivalued attribute
account number TSO account number String
procedure TSO procedure name String

Files and Directories That Comprise the Connector

The files and directories that comprise this connector are compressed in the following ZIP file on the installation media:

Security Applications\IBM RACF\IBM RACF Rev

These files and directories are listed in the following table.

File in the Installation Media Directory Description
This XML file contains records the following Oracle Identity Manager components:
  • IT resource type

  • IT resource

  • Resource object form

  • Process definition

  • Process tasks

  • Connector tasks

This JAR file contains the class files that are required for provisioning.
This JAR file contains the class files that are required for reconciliation.
This file contains the login sequence that the connector function uses to connect to the IBM RACF server. The login sequence provides both the sequence of screens that are displayed while logging in to RACF using IBM Personal Communications and the values to be provided on each screen to proceed further. This should facilitate the connector to reach the READY prompt on the mainframe target server. As TSO is panel driven, after logging in, we do require the cursor to reach a particular prompt.
This file contains the logout sequence that the connector function uses to disconnect from the IBM RACF server. The logout sequence provides both the sequence of screens that are displayed while logging off from RACF using IBM Personal Communications and the values to be provided on each screen. This should facilitate the connector to log off from the mainframe target server. As TSO is panel driven, after logging in, we do require the cursor to reach a particular prompt.
This file contains the connection parameters and the values of these parameters that are required to connect to the IBM RACF server. This file is used with the troubleshooting utility.
This file is used for making a secured connection to Mainframe using SSL. It is used to store a copy of SSL certificated installed on the Mainframe Server.
This file contains the connection parameters and the values of these parameters that are required to connect to the IBM Mainframe server. This file is used with the troubleshooting utility.
This file creates a temporary file and merges the data from SYSTMDAT and JCLSRC, which are part of the code to be deployed on the IBM RACF server, into it to submit a background job. This background job prepares a decrypted copy of the IBM RACF database and then calls the individual REXX code scripts to format the data. DATAUNLD is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server. A procedure library is a Partitioned dataset containing member files.
This file is a template JCL, which is used to submit the background job for use in reconciliation. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server. A procedure library is a Partitioned dataset containing member files.
This file uses the decrypted copy of the IBM RACF database to extract user-related records required for reconciliation into temporary files. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file uses the temporary file containing the user's department data and adds this information to the user's basic data. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file uses the temporary file containing the user's TSO data and adds this information to the user's basic data. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file uses the temporary file containing the user's group privilege and adds this information to the user's basic data. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file uses the temporary file containing the user's connect privilege data and adds this information to the user's basic data. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file uses the temporary file containing the user's data and sends this information to a Java adapter. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file determines the status of a background job used for reconciliation. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file provides differences between old database image and new database image.It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file provides lookup fields data. It is a member of a procedure library on the IBM RACF server.
This file is used to provide job configuration parameters to the mainframe system.
troubleshooting\troubleshooting script.txt
This file provides the description of the troubleshooting tool provided with the package.
These are PDF and HTML versions of this guide, which provides instructions to deploy the connector.

The "Step 4: Copying External Code" section provides instructions to copy these files into the required directories.