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Oracle® Content Database Administrator's Guide for Oracle WebCenter Suite
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Part Number B32191-01
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C Managing the Oracle Text Index

Oracle Content DB uses Oracle Text to facilitate full-text search and other advanced capabilities. The speed with which results are returned depends on several factors, including the quality of the Oracle Text index used with Oracle Content DB (IFS_TEXT). The performance of the search can also depend on how much time you let elapse before a search times out.

Oracle Content DB uses an additional index, the IFS_LYKE index, to speed up substring searches on known items. For example, the IFS_LYKE index facilitates searches such as "*planning*" or "*.doc." The IFS_LYKE index is automatically created and maintained and does not normally require any administration. If you are having problems related to the IFS_LYKE index, contact Oracle Support Services for troubleshooting information.

This appendix provides information about how to maintain the Oracle Text index to ensure optimal Oracle Content DB performance, and includes these topics:

Previous names for Oracle Text include Oracle Context and Oracle interMedia Text. Many of the underlying indexes, views, tables, and various PL/SQL packages referred to in much of the administrator and application developer documentation still use Context or interMedia-related terminology.

For detailed information about Oracle Text, visit the Oracle Technology Network at

Oracle Text Tablespaces and Disk Utilization

Disk space for Oracle Text is divided among three distinct tablespaces:

Use this information to estimate and plan disk storage needs for your Oracle Content DB instance.

Creating and Maintaining the Oracle Text Index

The configuration process for Oracle Content DB uses the SQL scripts shown in Table C-1 to create and populate the IFS_TEXT index.

These scripts are located in the following directory:


Table C-1 SQL Scripts for Creating Oracle Text Index

Script Usage Log In As Arguments

CreateContext FunnelProcedure.sql

Creates the procedure used by USER_DATASTORE.



GrantContext ToIFS.sql

Grants the Oracle Content DB user (schema) privileges on the Oracle Text-specific commands required to maintain the index.



CreateContext Preferences.sql

Tablespace and other text preferences are created by the Oracle Content DB user.





CONTENT (the Oracle Content DB schema name)

CreateContext Index.sql

Creates the IFS_TEXT index based on the text preferences.



Maintaining the IFS_TEXT Index by Using the Oracle Text PL/SQL Packages

Two PL/SQL procedures are provided with Oracle Text for maintaining the index. Unlike a regular database index, the Oracle Text index is not dynamically updated with each insert or update of information. Rather, the index must be refreshed (or synchronized) periodically, using the Oracle Text stored procedure ctx_ddl.sync_index.

The ctx_ddl.sync_index procedure does not rebuild the entire index; it adds and deletes records that have changed since the last synchronization. Because the changes are incremental, the more frequently this procedure is run, the faster it runs. Over the course of time, however, the index can become fragmented, so a companion procedure (ctx_ddl.optimize_index) is provided to optimize the index.

During Oracle Content DB configuration, the procedures to synchronize and optimize the IFS_TEXT index are automatically set up to run periodically in the background, using the DBMS_JOBS package of Oracle Database. DBMS_JOBS procedures, which are similar to cron jobs on UNIX systems, are portable across all platforms on which Oracle Database runs.

When the Oracle Content DB schema is created during configuration, two DBMS_JOBS are set up: Sync Job and Optimize Job. The name of the Oracle Content DB schema is CONTENT.

Sync Job

Sync Job will periodically call the ctx_ddl.sync_index() method. This method indexes the documents that were created or updated since the last run. By default, this job runs every 30 minutes.

Optimize Job

Optimize Job will periodically call the ctx_ddl.optimize_index() method. The goal of this job is to optimize the IFS_TEXT index by defragmenting it. By default, this job is run in FULL mode, with a maximum of 1 hour allocated for the optimization task. The job runs every 24 hours, starting at midnight.

Monitoring DBMS_JOBS

DBMS_JOB logs can be found under the Oracle home that hosts Oracle Database, in the directory that holds the background process logs. This directory is pointed to by the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST configuration parameter of the database server. You can recognize the log trace files by their name pattern, DBNAME_j###_process-id.trc.

Another database configuration parameter, JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES, determines how many processes are available to run all background tasks. You may need to increase the value of this parameter if not enough processes are available to run Sync Job and Optimize Job. The default value is 10.

You can also look at the USER_JOBS view to see a list of all the jobs set up by the current schema user. The USER_JOBS view shows details such as the PL/SQL being run by each job, the last time each job was run, and when the jobs are scheduled to be run next. To see the USER_JOBS view, log on to the Oracle Content DB schema (CONTENT) using SQL*Plus.

Changing or Removing the Default DBMS_JOBS

Two SQL files are used to set up and clear the DBMS_JOBS in Oracle Content DB: SetupContextJobs.sql and ClearContextJobs.sql. These files are located in the following directory:


SetupContextJobs.sql is used by the system during configuration to set up Sync Job and Optimize Job. ClearContextJobs.sql is provided to remove Sync Job and Optimize Job, in case you want to set up your own DBMS_JOBS.

See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about setting up your own DBMS_JOBS. You can also look at Sync Job and Optimize Job as examples.

Manually Synchronizing and Optimizing IFS_TEXT

To synchronize an existing IFS_TEXT index, use SQL*Plus to connect as the Oracle Content DB schema user (CONTENT), and enter:

exec ctx_ddl.sync_index('ifs_text');

You can also run the SyncContextIndex.sql script from the ORACLE_HOME/content/admin/sql directory. In addition to synchronizing the IFS_TEXT index, this script will display extra log information on the console.

To optimize an existing IFS_TEXT index, use SQL*Plus to connect as the Oracle Content DB schema user (typically CONTENT), and enter:

exec ctx_ddl.optimize_index('ifs_text', 'FAST');


exec ctx_ddl.optimize_index('ifs_text', 'FULL', maxtime);

Monitoring Oracle Text Indexing of Oracle Content DB Documents

Oracle Content DB provides some utility-type SQL scripts to facilitate interaction with Oracle Text. Read each .sql file for additional usage details. All scripts are available in:


Table C-2 lists the SQL scripts provided by Oracle Content DB to monitor Oracle Text.

Table C-2 SQL Scripts for Monitoring Oracle Text Indexing

Script Usage


Script that decodes the operating system-specific errors that were generated during Oracle Text indexing.


Script that synchronizes the Oracle Text index and enables you to monitor the Oracle Text synchronization process. Uncomment the first two lines in the script, which includes a call to ctx_output.add_event(), to monitor on a row ID by row ID basis.


Script that enables you to view additional information about a document that is indexed by Oracle Text. Use the docid from the Oracle Text log with this script.

Indexing Non-Standard Content Types

Oracle Content DB does not, by default, index every file that is moved into the system, but you can configure it to index any type of content you choose. To do this, designate the MIME type as Indexed on the New Format page (or Edit Format page, if the format already exists) in the Application Server Control. The MIME type of a document is determined by its extension.

For example, you may want to index all your C# (.cs) source code files. To do so:

  1. Use the Application Server Control to add the .cs MIME type, and designate it as Indexed on the New Format page.

  2. Upload the files into the repository.

  3. Synchronize the index using the procedure discussed in "Manually Synchronizing and Optimizing IFS_TEXT".

See "Default Formats" for a list of formats that are indexed by default in Oracle Content DB.

Modifying the Search Timeout Parameter

The IFS.SERVICE.SESSION.DefaultSearchTimeoutPeriod service configuration parameter specifies the timeout period for a running search that has not yet returned results. The default setting for this parameter (in the default service configurations) is 60 seconds. If you increase this value, users will wait longer than a minute before a search times out; decrease the value to shorten the time in which a running search will time out.

See "Modifying Service Configurations" for information about how to modify service configuration parameters.

Troubleshooting Oracle Text Problems

Table C-3 provides Oracle Text troubleshooting information.

Table C-3 Troubleshooting Oracle Text Problems

Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

Cannot search on contents of any documents.

Documents have not been indexed.

Start the database instance and ensure that the Oracle Text indexing jobs are running. See "Creating and Maintaining the Oracle Text Index" for more information.

Server is slow only on content-based search activity (case #1).

Oracle Text tablespaces are on the same disk as other database files.

Move the Oracle Text tablespaces to other disks. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for more information about moving tablespaces.

Server is slow only on content-based search activity (case #2).

Oracle Text indexes have become fragmented.

Regularly optimize the Oracle Text index GLOBALINDEXEDBLOB_I. See "Manually Synchronizing and Optimizing IFS_TEXT" for more information.

Searching on the contents of new documents stops working.

A recent document has caused Oracle Text server to fail.

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus as content_db_schema/schema_password, and enter the following command:

    select count(*) from ctx_user_pending;

    The name of the Oracle Content DB schema is CONTENT.

  2. If there are any rows in that view and the rows are not changing, then a recent document has caused Oracle Text to stop indexing. To determine which Oracle Content DB documents these rows refer to, see the problem "Oracle Content DB rows show up in the Oracle Text view ctx_user_index_errors."

  3. Check again to see if there are any rows in ctx_user_pending and, if so, that the rows are changing.

  4. If this does not resolve the issue, contact your Oracle Support Services representative for further assistance.

Oracle Content DB rows show up in the Oracle Text view ctx_user_index_errors.

Oracle Content DB documents are corrupt or do not have the correct extension.

  1. Determine which Oracle Content DB document is being referred to, based on the err_texkey from ctx_user_index_errors.

    sqlplus content_db_schema/schema_password
    select du.uniquename,, co.contentsize,,
    from odmv_document vd, odm_contentobject co,
    odmm_contentstore cs, odm_document od,
    odm_directoryuser du
    where =
    and od.contentobject =
    and co.content =
    and = vd.owner
    and in
    select distinct
    from ctx_user_index_errors cp, odmm_
    contentstore od
    where od.rowid = err_textkey
    order by;
  2. Log in to Oracle Content DB as a user with the Content Administrator role and switch to Administration Mode.

  3. Search on the document name, where is the returned from the SELECT statement provided in Step 1.

  4. Check document attributes, such as document size, to ensure that it is the correct document.

  5. Examine this document, and consider these questions:

    Is the file damaged in any way?

    Is the file name extension correct for this document?

    Is the character set of the document correct?

  6. If no obvious problems are found, send the document to your Oracle Support Services representative for further diagnosis.

Oracle Content DB rows never get processed and never leave the Oracle Text view ctx_user_pending.

Oracle Content DB documents are corrupt or do not have the correct extension.

  1. Follow the steps in "Oracle Content DB rows show up in the Oracle Text view ctx_user_index_errors." to determine which Oracle Content DB documents are being referred to, substituting ctx_user_pending for ctx_user_index_errors and pnd_rowid for err_textkey.

  2. Examine this document, and consider these questions:

    Is the file damaged in any way?

    Is the file name extension correct for this document?

    Is the character set of the document correct?

  3. If no obvious problems are found, send the document to your Oracle Support Services representative for further diagnosis.

  4. Delete the document from Oracle Content DB.