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6 OracleAS Guard asgctl Command-line Reference

This chapter contains reference information describing the asgctl commands. Table 6-1 summarizes all the asgctl commands. Table 6-2 summarizes all the asgctl commands that were deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Subsequent sections provide detailed reference information common to many commands and about each command.

Table 6-1 Summary of asgctl Commands

Command Description

add instance

Adds to the local topology file, the specified instance name and name of the host system on which this instance is installed, and if specified, propagates this updated topology file to all instances in the Disaster Recovery production environment.


Invokes the OracleAS Guard client command-line utility asgctl. On UNIX systems, is located in <ORACLE_HOME>/dsa/bin and on Windows systems, asgctl.bat is located in <ORACLE_HOME>\dsa\bin.

clone instance

Clones a single production instance to a standby system.

clone topology

Clones two or more production middle tier instances to standby middle tier systems.

connect asg

Connects the OracleAS Guard client to the OracleAS Guard server.

create standby database

Creates the standby database on the remote host system.


Disconnects the OracleAS Guard client from the OracleAS Guard server.

discover topology

Discovers by querying Oracle Internet Directory all instances within the topology that share the same Oracle Internet Directory for a production site and generates a topology XML file that describes the topology.

discover topology within farm

Discovers the topology within the farm for a site when Oracle Internet Directory is not available; in this case, OracleAS Guard server uses OPMN to discover the topology within the farm.

dump policies

Directs OracleAS Guard server to write detailed, default policy information to respective XML formatted files for a set of asgctl commands. Each policy file can then be edited and later specified to define the topology's disaster recovery policy to be used with the respective administrative command.

dump topology

Directs the OracleAS Guard server to write detailed information about the topology to the screen or if specified, to a file.


Disconnects the OracleAS Guard client from any existing connections and exits the OracleAS Guard client. This has the same effect as the quit command.


During an unscheduled outage of the production site, the standby site becomes the production site.


Displays help information at the command line.

instantiate topology

Creates a topology at the standby site (after verifying that the primary and standby sites are valid for OracleAS Disaster Recovery); also synchronizes the standby site with the primary site so that the primary and standby sites are consistent.


Disconnects the OracleAS Guard client from any existing connections and exits the OracleAS Guard client. This has the same effect as the exit command.

remove instance

Removes from the local topology file, the specified instance name, and if specified, propagates this updated topology file to all instances in the Disaster Recovery production environment.


Remotely executes a script or program that resides in any home where OracleAS Guard is installed.

set asg credentials

Sets the credentials used to authenticate the OracleAS Guard client connections to OracleAS Guard servers and connections between OracleAS Guard servers to a specific host.

set echo

Sets command-echoing on or off in an asgctl script.

set new primary database

Identifies the OracleAS Infrastructure database on the standby topology as the new primary OracleAS Infrastructure database.

set noprompt

Sets the noprompt state in an asgctl script in which all interactive prompts are thereafter ignored.

set primary database

Identifies the OracleAS Infrastructure database on the primary topology.

set trace

Enables or disables tracing for the specified trace flag. When tracing for a flag is set to on, the output of the trace is written to the OracleAS Guard log files.

show env

Shows the current environment of the OracleAS Guard server to which the OracleAS Guard clients is connected.

show operation

Shows the current operation.


Shuts down the OracleAS Guard server at the operating system command-line prompt on a system on which OPMN is not running. This command is only used with cloning an instance or cloning a topology.

shutdown topology

Shuts down a running topology.


Starts up the OracleAS Guard server at the operating system command-line prompt on a system on which OPMN is not running. This command is only used with cloning an instance or cloning a topology.

startup topology

Starts up a shutdown topology.

stop operation

Stops the specified operation.

switchover topology

During a scheduled outage of the production site, switches the roles of the production site with the standby site so that the standby site now becomes the production site.

sync topology

Synchronizes the standby site with the primary site so that the primary and standby sites are consistent.

verify topology

Verifies that the topology is running and the configuration is valid. If a standby topology is specified, this command compares the primary and standby topologies to verify that they conform to the requirements for OracleAS Disaster Recovery.

Table 6-2 Summary of Deprecated asgctl Commands

Command Description

dump farm (Deprecated)

Directs the OracleAS Guard server to write detailed information about the farm to the screen or if specified, to a file.

instantiate farm (Deprecated)

Creates a farm at the standby site (after verifying that the primary and standby sites are valid for OracleAS Disaster Recovery; also synchronizes the standby site with the primary site so that the primary and standby sites are consistent.

shutdown farm (Deprecated)

Shuts down a running farm.

startup farm (Deprecated)

Starts up a shutdown farm.

switchover farm (Deprecated)

During a scheduled outage of the production site, switches the roles of the production site with the standby site so that the standby site now becomes the production site.

sync farm (Deprecated)

Synchronizes the standby site with the primary site so that the primary and standby sites are consistent.

verify farm (Deprecated)

Verifies that the farm is running and the configuration is valid. If a standby farm is specified, this command compares the primary and standby farms to verify that they conform to the requirements for OracleAS Disaster Recovery.

6.1 Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands

This section describes information that is common to OracleAS Guard asgctl commands.

General Information

All asgctl commands should be run using the physical host names of systems where there is a parameter in which a system host name can be specified.

The OracleAS Guard client must be connected to an OracleAS Guard server when you issue any asgctl command with the exception of startup and shutdown commands.

The OracleAS Guard server will act as the coordinating server for all operations performed on the systems being configured. By default, this is the local system where the connect asg command is being executed. This system must be a member of the production site topology.

OracleAS Guard Server Information

The OracleAS Guard server must be started on the standby host system (<standby_topology_host>. The OracleAS Guard server can be stopped and started using the opmnctl command-line Utility as follows:

On UNIX systems:
<ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl  startproc  ias-component=ASG

On Windows systems:
<ORACLE_HOME>\opmn\bin\opmnctl  stopproc  ias-component=ASG

6.2 Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands

This section describes information that is specific to a small set of OracleAS Guard operations, such as instantiate, sync, failover, switchover, dump topology, discover topology, clone topology, verify topology, setting the primary database, and setting asg credentials.

If a production or standby site has multiple OracleAS Metadata Repository instances installed and you are performing an instantiate, sync, switchover, or failover operation, you must identify all of the OracleAS Metadata Repository instances by performing a set primary database command for each and every OracleAS Metadata Repository instance prior to performing either an instantiate, sync, switchover, or failover operation.

Before performing any OracleAS Guard operations, you must shut down the emagents. This operation is required for OracleAS Guard commands that recycle OracleAS services, such as failover and switchover operations. You can issue the asgctl run command in a script to perform this operation from within OracleAS Guard. Otherwise, for example you may get an "ORA-01093: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connected" error message. Shutting down emagents is only described for performing a switchover operation. However, it applies to all OracleAS Guard operations as previously described.

OracleAS Guard requires that you set the credentials for any OracleAS Guard server system in the topology that has different credentials from the OracleAS Guard server to which you are connected before performing any important OracleAS Guard operations, such as instantiate, sync, switchover, and failover. See set asg credentials for an example.

You must perform a discover topology command when you first set up your OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment in order to initially create the topology XML file; there after, you should perform a discover topology operation whenever you procure another Oracle home in a production site or change roles from a production to a standby site through a switchover or failover operation.

OracleAS Guard Administrators must give a delay of about a minute before performing the next asgctl sync topology, switchover topology, or instantiate topology operation. This is especially important when performing incremental sync topology operations. This is a known limitation intended to keep sequences of underlying events as orderly as possible.

The following information and scenarios will help to clarify the usage of topology files.

An important point to emphasize in these last two scenarios is that if the topology.xml file does not exist in the OracleAS home of the instance you are adding to the topology, OracleAS Guard creates a new topology.xml file, which essentially defines a new topology.

If you want to use a policy file, edit the contents of the XML policy file to define by instance the domain of execution operations that are permitted for any one of these asgctl commands (clone topology, dump topology, failover, instantiate topology, switchover topology, sync topology, and verify topology). Each instance list entry in this XML policy file (clone_policy.xml, dump_policy.xml, failover_policy.xml, instantiate_policy.xml, switchover_policy.xml, sync_policy.xml, and verify_policy.xml) logically tags a production-standby peer combination with a particular attribute that defines the success requirement for the commands successful operation. See Section 5.7, "Dumping Policy Files and Using Policy Files With Some asgctl Commands" for more information and an example of an XML policy file.

6.2.1 Special Considerations for OracleAS Disaster Recovery Configurations in CFC Environments

In an OracleAS Disaster Recovery configuration that uses CFC on the primary topology or standby topology, or both, the following information must be considered before performing an asgctl clone, instantiate topology, switchover topology, or failover command. Before taking a cold backup or restoring the metadata repository database, the OracleAS Recovery Manager shuts down the database first.

For example, in the Windows CFC environment, Oracle Fail Safe performs database polling and restarts the database if it is down. Hence, every time before the administrator performs a clone, instantiate, switchover, or failover operation, the administrator must disable database polling in Oracle Fail Safe and re-enable it after the backup/restore operation (after the clone, instantiate, switchover, or failover operation completes). The steps to perform this sequence of operations are described in a note in Section, "Special Considerations for Running Instantiate and Failover Operations in CFC Environments" and Section, "Special Considerations for Running a Switchover Operations in CFC Environments". Special Considerations for Running Instantiate and Failover Operations in CFC Environments

In an OracleAS Disaster Recovery configuration that uses CFC on the primary topology or standby topology, or both, the following information must be considered before performing an asgctl clone, instantiate, switchover, or failover operation.

Before taking a cold backup or restoring the metadata repository database, the OracleAS Recovery Manager shuts down the database first.

For example, in the Windows CFC environment, Oracle Fail Safe performs database polling and restarts the database if it is down. Hence, every time before the administrator performs an instantiate, switchover, or failover operation, the administrator must disable database polling in Oracle Fail Safe and re-enable it after the backup/restore operation (after the clone, instantiate, switchover, or failover operation completes).

The steps to perform this sequence of operations are as follows:

  1. Using Microsoft Cluster Administrator, open the cluster group that contains the Application Server resources. Take the following resources offline in this order: Oracle Process Manager, then Oracle Database, then Oracle Listener.

  2. Using Windows Service Control Manager, start the following services in this order: Fail Safe Listener, then the Oracle Database service.

  3. From a Windows command prompt, use the sqlplus command-line Utility to startup the database.

  4. Using Windows Service Control Manager, start the Oracle Process Manager.

  5. Perform the asgctl commands, including the clone, instantiate, switchover, or failover operation.

  6. Using Microsoft Cluster Administrator, open up the cluster group that contains the Application Server resources and bring up the following resources online in this order: Oracle Listener, then Oracle Database, then Oracle Process Manager. A Special Consideration and Workaround for Performing an Instantiate Operation in CFC Environments

When performing an instantiate operation, OracleAS Guard puts an entry for the remote database in the tnsnames.ora file on both the production and standby site. The service name of this entry is constructed by concatenating _REMOTE1 to the database service name (for example, ORCL_REMOTE1). The entry contains the IP address of the target host where the database is running. On the production site, the IP will refer to the standby system and on the standby site, the IP refers to the production system.

In a CFC environment, the database is accessed using a virtual IP rather than a physical IP. When OracleAS Guard creates the tnsnames.ora entry it should use the virtual IP, but it uses the physical IP instead. This problem will be fixed in a future release of OracleAS Guard. As a workaround, when performing an instantiate operation in this environment, edit the tnsnames.ora file after an instantiation operation and replace the physical IP in the entry with the virtual IP used to access the database. Special Considerations for Running a Switchover Operations in CFC Environments

In an OracleAS Disaster Recovery configuration that uses CFC on the primary topology or standby topology or both, the following information must be considered before performing an asgctl instantiate topology, switchover topology, or failover command.

Before taking a cold backup or restoring the metadata repository database, the OracleAS Recovery Manager shuts down the database first.

For example, in the Windows CFC environment, Oracle Fail Safe performs database polling and restarts the database if it is down. Hence, every time before the administrator performs an instantiate, switchover, or failover operation, the administrator must disable database polling in Oracle Fail Safe and re-enable it after the backup/restore operation (after the instantiate, switchover, or failover operation completes).

The steps to perform this sequence of operations are as follows:

  1. Using Microsoft Cluster Administrator, open the cluster group that contains the Application Server resources. Take the following resources offline in this order: Oracle Process Manager, then Oracle Database, then Oracle Listener.

  2. Using Windows Service Control Manager, start the following services in this order: Fail Safe Listener, then the Oracle Database service.

  3. From a Windows command prompt, use sqlplus to start up the database.

  4. Perform the asgctl commands, including the instantiate topology, switchover topology, or failover command.

  5. Using Microsoft Cluster Administrator, open up the cluster group that contains the Application Server resources and bring up the following resources online in this order: Oracle Listener, then Oracle Database, then Oracle Process Manager.

6.2.2 Other Special Considerations for OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environments

See Section 5.18, "Special Considerations for Some OracleAS Metadata Repository Configurations" and Section 5.19, "Special Considerations for OracleAS Disaster Recovery Environments" for information describing some additional special considerations for OracleAS Disaster Recovery environments.

add instance

Adds to the local topology file, the specified instance name and name of the host system name on which this instance is installed, and if specified, propagates the updated topology file to all instances in the Disaster Recovery production environment.


add instance <instance_name> on <instance_host> [to topology]



The name of the instance to be added to the topology file.


The name of the host on which this instance is installed. In the DR environment, if this host has an alias name or has a virtual hostname, then the virtual hostname must be used because it is this value that is placed in the topology file.

to topology

A keyword, that if present in the command line, directs OracleAS Guard to propagate the updated topology file to all instances in the Disaster Recovery production environment. Any OracleAS Guard operation that affects the standby site, such as verify, instantiate, sync, and switchover will automatically propagate the production topology file across the standby environment.

Usage Notes

This command is useful for managing an instance on an OracleAS Guard server to which the OracleAS Guard client is connected. For example, you may have used the remove instance command to remove from the local topology file or from all topology files within the topology, an instance on this local host system because of a problem with it. Now you want to add to the local topology file or to all topology files in the topology, the good instance. In this case, you may not have wanted to manage the bad instance through the policy file where you could have set the success requirement attribute to Ignore for this instance when invoking asgctl commands to run across the entire topology.

This command is particularly useful for managing Disaster Recovery farms in which OID is not available, in other words, an OracleAS Release 10.1.3 only topology. You must use the discover topology within farm command to initially create the topology file for each instance within this farm. Then you can manage instances by adding or removing individual instances from the local topology file using the add instance and remove instance commands. If you specify the to topology or from topology keywords, the updated local topology file changes are propagated to all instances in the Disaster Recovery environment. See Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information about topology files.

This command is useful for adding an OracleAS 10.1.3 J2EE instance to an OID based topology to support a mixed version Disaster Recovery environment. For example, you can use the add instance command to add an OracleAS 10.1.3 J2EE instance to your OID based topology. See Section 5.9, "Adding or Removing Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 Instances to Redundant Single Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 Home J2EE Topology Integrated with an Existing Oracle Identity Management Topology" for a use case. See Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information about topology files.

This command is also useful for supporting mixed topologies for any OracleAS release from Release 9.0.4 upwards through Release 10.1.3. The only requirement is that the Release 10.1.3 OracleAS Guard standalone kit must be installed on all systems in your Release 9.0.4 Disaster Recovery environment. See Chapter 8, "OracleAS Disaster Recovery Site Upgrade Procedure" for more information.


The following command in the example adds to the local topology file only, an instance named oc4j1 that is installed on the local host system named prodinfra.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> discover topology within farm
ASGCTL> add instance oc4j1 on prodinfra


Invokes the OracleAS Guard client from the operating system command-line prompt or runs a script, if the path name to the script is provided.




filename = <file-path>

The path to a file that contains asgctl commands that you want to run as a script.

Usage Notes

On UNIX systems, is located in <ORACLE_HOME>/dsa/bin and on Windows systems, asgctl.bat is located in <ORACLE_HOME>\dsa\bin.


Application Server Guard: Release Copyright 2004, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved

clone instance

Clones a single production instance to a standby system.


clone instance <instance> to <standby_topology_host> [no standby]



The name of the instance.


The name of the standby topology host to which the instance is to be cloned.

no standby

A keyword, that if present in the command-line, directs OracleAS Guard to clone the instance without setting up the instances in Disaster Recovery (no Data Guard). In a MR home only, an instantiate operation would normally be done, but in this case it is not performed.

Usage Notes

This command is useful for cloning a production instance on a middle tier to a standby middle tier host system. The clone instance operation eliminates the task of having to install the Oracle instance on the standby middle tier system and perform an instantiate operation.

The production instance to be cloned cannot exist on the standby system.

The following are prerequisites for performing the clone instance operation to the standby site system

When the no standby keyword is specified in the command-line, the topology entry (<topology> </topology>) containing the entries <nodes list = "nodes"/>, <discover list = "nodes"/>, and <gateway list = "nodes"/> is removed from the opmn.xml file so as not to conflict with the primary configuration. Normally, a switchover or failover operation rewrites this topology entry back into the opmn.xml file; but because neither operation occurred, the opmn.xml file on the standby site will be missing this information.

See Section 5.10, "OracleAS Guard Operations -- Standby Site Cloning of One or More Production Instances to a Standby System" for more information.

The basic procedure consists of the following pre-clone (UNIX systems only) and clone steps.


For OracleAS Disaster Recovery release on Windows systems, see the pre-clone and post-clone steps in this same section in the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide in the OracleAS Release documentation set.

Pre-Clone Steps (For UNIX Systems Only)

For each instance on the production and standby sites, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as su - root.

  2. CD to the instance home.

  3. Shut down any OracleAS Guard servers.

    > <ORACLE HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=ASG
  4. Make sure in <ORACLE_HOME>/dsa/bin is executable by everyone. If it is not, record the permission, then change the executable permission by issuing the following command:

    chmod +x
    chmod u+x asgexec
  5. Invoke asgctl and issue the startup command.

    > startup
  6. Log out as root on UNIX systems.

Clone Steps

From any instance on the production site, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as user (non root user on UNIX systems).

  2. CD to the production instance home.

  3. Invoke asgctl and run the clone instance command to clone the instance to the standby topology host system.


    In the command output, you will see a number of connect messages. This is normal as the OracleAS Guard server is recycled during these operations.
  4. Log out of the system.


If OracleAS Guard does not run as root on UNIX systems, the user will be prompted by the OracleAS Guard client to run the underlying operations at each of the instance homes as root (manually) in order to continue with the operation.

This last step completes the cloning instance operation and brings the systems back to where they were before you started the clone instance operation. At this point you could invoke asgctl, connect to a production system, discover the topology, and then perform a verify operation to determine whether the production and standby topologies were valid and consistent with one another as you would expect them to be.


The following command in the example clones an instance named portal_2 to the standby topology host system named asmid2.

1. Check the prerequisites as described in the Usage Notes.
2. Perform the Pre-Clone steps as described in the Usage Notes.
3. Perform the Clone steps as described in the Usage Notes.
   a. Log in as user to any production system.
   b. CD to any production instance home.
   c. Invoke asgctl and perform the clone instance command.
Application Server Guard: Release Copyright 2004, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
ASGCTL> connect asg prodoc4j oc4jadmin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodoc4j:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> clone instance prodoc4j2 to asmid2
Generating default policy for this operation
ASGCTL> disconnect
ASGCTL> exit
   d. Log off the system

clone topology

Clones two or more production middle tier instances to standby middle tier systems.


clone topology to <standby_topology_host> [using policy <file>] [no standby]



The name of the standby topology host system.

using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.

no standby

A keyword, that if present in the command-line, directs OracleAS Guard to clone the instance without setting up the instances in Disaster Recovery (no Data Guard). In a MR home only, an instantiate operation would normally be done, but in this case it is not performed.

Usage Notes

This command is useful for cloning two or more production instances on middle tier systems to a standby middle tier host system. The clone topology operation eliminates the task of having to install these Oracle instances on the standby middle tier systems and perform an instantiate operation.

As part of the clone topology operation, the instances are cloned and the OracleAS Metadata Repository is instantiated; however for a OracleAS Metadata Repository configuration created using OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, no instantiate operation is performed.

The production instances to be cloned cannot exist on the standby systems.

The following are prerequisites for performing the clone topology operation to standby site systems.

When the no standby keyword is specified in the command-line, the topology entry (<topology> </topology>) containing the entries <nodes list = "nodes"/>, <discover list = "nodes"/>, and <gateway list = "nodes"/> is removed from the opmn.xml file so as not to conflict with the primary configuration. Normally, a switchover or failover operation rewrites this topology entry back into the opmn.xml file; but because neither operation occurred, the opmn.xml file on the standby site will be missing this information.

See Section 5.10, "OracleAS Guard Operations -- Standby Site Cloning of One or More Production Instances to a Standby System" for more information.

The basic procedure consists of the following pre-clone (UNIX systems only) and clone steps.


For OracleAS Disaster Recovery release on Windows systems, see the pre-clone and post-clone steps in this same section in the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide in the OracleAS Release documentation set.

Pre-Clone Steps (For UNIX Systems Only)

For each instance on the production and standby sites, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as su - root.

  2. CD to the instance home.

  3. Shut down any OracleAS Guard servers.

    > <ORACLE HOME>/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=ASG
  4. On UNIX systems only: make sure in <ORACLE_HOME>/dsa/bin is executable by everyone. If it is not, record the permission, then change the executable permission by issuing the following command:

    chmod +x
    chmod u+x asgexec
  5. Invoke asgctl and issue the startup command.

    > startup
  6. Log out as root on UNIX systems.

Clone Steps

From any instance on the production site, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in as user (non root user on UNIX systems).

  2. CD to any production instance home.

  3. Invoke asgctl and run the clone topology command to clone the topology to the standby topology host system.


    In the command output, you will see a number of connect messages. This is normal as the OracleAS Guard server is recycled during these operations.
  4. Log out of the system.


If OracleAS Guard does not run as root on UNIX systems, the user will be prompted by the OracleAS Guard client to run the underlying operations at each of the instance homes as root (manually) in order to continue with the operation.

This last step completes the cloning topology operation and brings the systems back to where they were before you started the clone topology operation. At this point you could invoke asgctl, connect to a production system, discover the topology, and then perform a verify operation to determine whether the production and standby topologies were valid and consistent with one another as you would expect them to be.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The command in the following example results in the OracleAS Guard client cloning the topology to the standby topology host system standbyinfra.

1. Check the prerequisites as described in the Usage Notes.
2. Perform the Pre-Clone steps as described in the Usage Notes.
3. Perform the Clone steps as described in the Usage Notes.
   a. Log in as user to any production system.
   b. CD to any production instance Oracle home.
   c. Invoke asgctl and perform the clone instance command.
Application Server Guard: Release Copyright 2004, 2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved
ASGCTL> connect asg prodoc4j oc4jadmin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodoc4j:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> clone topology to standbyinfra
Generating default policy for this operation

# Command to use if you are using a policy file
# clone topology to standbyinfra using policy <file>
ASGCTL> disconnect
ASGCTL> exit
   d. Log off the system

connect asg

Connects the OracleAS Guard client to the OracleAS Guard server on a system on which Oracle Application Server services are running.


connect asg [<host-name>[:<port>]] <ias_administrative_account>/<password>


host-name = <host-name>

Name of the host system for the OracleAS Guard server to which you want the OracleAS Guard client to connect. This OracleAS Guard server will be the coordinating server for all operations performed on the systems being configured. The host name is optional if the OracleAS Guard client and OracleAS Guard server are on the same node.


The port number of the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.


If this is an OracleAS 10.1.3 installation, the user name must be oc4jadmin and the password for the oc4jadmin account created during the Oracle Application Server installation. If this is an OracleAS or lower installation, the user name must be the ias_admin account name and the password for the ias_admin account created during the Oracle Application Server installation.


If this is an OracleAS 10.1.3 installation, the user name must be oc4jadmin and the password for the oc4jadmin account created during the Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 installation.

Usage Notes


The command in the following example results in the OracleAS Guard client connecting to the OracleAS Guard server running on a host named prodinfra using the user name and password ias_admin and adminpwd, respectively.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890

create standby database

Creates the standby database on the remote host system.


create standby database <database_name> on <remote_host>



Primary database unique name used to create the standby database on the remote host system.


Name of the host system on which the standby database is to be created.

Usage Notes


The command in this example takes the primary database unique name named orcl and creates the standby database on the remote host system named asmid1.

ASGCTL> create standby database orcl on asmid1 


Disconnects the OracleAS Guard client from the OracleAS Guard server to which it is currently connected.



Usage Notes

The OracleAS Guard client must be connected to a OracleAS Guard server when you issue this command.


The command in the following example disconnects the OracleAS Guard client from the OracleAS Guard server to which it is currently connected.

ASGCTL> disconnect

discover topology

Directs asgctl to query Oracle Internet Directory and determine all instances within the topology that share the same Oracle Internet Directory for a production site and generates a topology XML file that describes the topology.


discover topology [oidhost=<host>] [oidsslport=<sslport>] [oiduser=<user>] oidpassword=<pass>



Name of the host system where Oracle Internet Directory is installed.


The port number of the host system where Oracle Internet Directory and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is installed.


The Oracle Internet Directory user name.


The password for the specified Oracle Internet Directory user name.

Usage Notes

You should perform a discover topology operation whenever you procure another Oracle home in a production site or change roles from a production to a standby site through a switchover or failover operation.

Discover topology creates the topology (stored in topology.xml) on which to perform all OracleAS Guard operations. This command utilizes the information in Oracle Internet Directory to define the instances included in the topology. Additionally, it gathers local information about each instance. For this reason, it requires all production site instances to have OPMN running. For instances not managed using a DCM farm, the OracleAS Guard service on the Oracle home has to be started. If the services are not started locally, a warning will be produced and the topology.xml file will contain only the instances discovered.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The command in the following example discovers all the instances within the topology that share the same Oracle Internet Directory for a production site, and generates a topology XML file that describes the topology.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> discover topology oidpassword=oidpwd
Discovering topology on host "infra" with IP address "" prodinfra:7890
    Connecting to the OID server on host "" using SSL port "636" and username "orcladmin"
    Getting the list of databases from OID
    Gathering database information for SID "asdb" from host ""
    Getting the list of instances from OID
    Gathering instance information for "" from host ""
    Gathering instance information for "" from host ""
    Gathering instance information for "" from host ""
The topology has been discovered. A topology.xml file has been written to each home in the topology.

discover topology within farm

Directs asgctl to discover the topology within a farm at a production site for those special cases where a farm does not have Oracle Internet Directory available. For 10.1.3.x environments, Oracle recommends using the discover topology within farm command.


discover topology within farm



Usage Notes

The OracleAS Guard client must be connected to a OracleAS Guard server when you issue this command.

See Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information about topology files.


The command in the following example for a special case in which Oracle Internet Directory is not available, uses OPMN to discover the application server topology within a farm of the OracleAS Guard server to which the OracleAS Guard client is currently connected.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> discover topology within farm
Warning: If OID is part of your environment, you should use it for discovery
Discovering topology on host "infra" with IP address ""
    Discovering instances within the topology using OPMN
    Gathering instance information for "" from host ""
The topology has been discovered. A topology.xml file has been written to each home in the topology.

dump policies

Directs OracleAS Guard Server to write detailed, default policy information in XML formatted output for the different asgctl commands to a set of policy files located on the local host at the <ORACLE_HOME>/dsa/conf directory on UNIX systems or <ORACLE_HOME>\dsa\conf directory on Windows systems.


dump policies



Usage Notes

A set of XML formatted policy files are written for each of the following asgctl commands: clone topology, dump topology, failover, instantiate topology, sync topology, switchover topology, and verify topology. You can edit the respective command's policy file, then specify it in the using policy <file> clause for the appropriate command. This parameter lets you define the topology's disaster recovery policy for each of these OracleAS Guard operations.

For the dump policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all instances (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository).

For the failover policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all instances (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository) and mandatory for the Oracle Internet Directory home.

For the instantiate policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to mandatory for all instances.

For the switchover policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all instances (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository) and mandatory for the Oracle Internet Directory home.

For the sync policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to mandatory for all instances.

For the verify policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all instances (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository) and mandatory for the Oracle Internet Directory home.


The following example writes detailed, default policy information in XML formatted output for the different asgctl commands to a set of respective policy files located on the local host.

ASGCTL> dump policies
Generating default policy for this operation
Creating policy files on local host in directory "/private1/OraHome2/asr1012/dsa/conf/"

dump topology

Directs asgctl to write detailed information about the topology to the specified file.


dump topology [to <file>] [using policy <file>]


to <file>

Name of file on the OracleAS Guard client node where the detailed output is to be written.

using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.

Usage Notes

For the dump policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all OracleAS homes (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository).


The following example writes detailed information about the topology to a local file.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> dump topology to c:\dump_mid_1.txt

Contents of file c:\dump_mid_1.txt are:

Generating default policy for this operation
    Type: Infrastructure
    Oracle Home Name: asr1012
    Oracle Home Path: /private1/OraHome
    OidPort: 389
    Host: prodinfra
    Operation System Arch: sparc
    Operation System Version: 5.8
    Operation System Name: SunOS

    Type: Core
    Oracle Home Name: asmid2
    Oracle Home Path: /private1/OraHome2
    OidPort: 389
    Host: asmid2
    Operation System Arch: sparc
    Operation System Version: 5.8
    Operation System Name: SunOS
    Type: Core
    Oracle Home Name: asmid1
    Oracle Home Path: /private1/OraHome
    OidPort: 389
    Host: asmid1
    Operation System Arch: sparc
    Operation System Version: 5.8
    Operation System Name: SunOS

The following example writes detailed information about the topology to a local file. Any instances that you want left out of the output can be specified in the policy file.

# Command to use if you are using a policy file
ASGCTL> dump topology to c:\dump_mid_1.txt using policy <file>


Disconnects from any existing connections to OracleAS Guard servers and exits from the OracleAS Guard client.





Usage Notes



ASGCTL> exit


During an unscheduled outage of the production site, performs the failover operation on the standby site to make it the primary site.


failover [using policy <file>]


using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.

Usage Notes

Make sure OracleAS Infrastructure database is running on the standby topology before performing a failover operation. Also, the OracleAS Infrastructure database information must be set by using the set new primary database asgctl command.

The global DNS names are used to direct the failover. This will be different than the HA naming utilized in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. The discovery mechanism automatically maps the topology to the corresponding peer, based off local name resolution.

For the failover policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all OracleAS homes (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository) and mandatory for the Oracle Internet Directory home.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The following example performs a failover operation to a standby site.

ASGCTL> connect asg standbyinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to standbyinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set new primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
ASGCTL> failover
Generating default policy for this operation
    Failover each instance in the topology from standby to primary topology
standbyinfra:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asr1012)
    Shutting down each instance in the topology
    Executing opmnctl startall command
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance

# Command to use if you are using a policy file
# failover using policy <file>


Displays help information.


help [<command>]



Name of the command for which you want help.

Usage Notes



The following example displays help about all commands.

ASGCTL> help
    connect asg [<host>] [<ias_administrator_account>/<password>]
    add instance <instance_name> on <instance_host> [to topology]
    clone topology to <standby_topology_host> [using policy <file>] [no standby]
    clone instance <instance> to <standby_topology_host> [no standby]
    discover topology [oidhost=<host>] [oidsslport=<sslport>] [oiduser=<user>] oidpassword=<pass>
    discover topology within farm
    dump farm [to <file>]  (Deprecated)
    dump topology  [to <file>] [using policy <file>]
    dump policies
    failover [using policy <file>]
    help [<command>]
    instantiate farm to <standby_farm_host> (Deprecated)
    instantiate topology to <standby_topology_host> [using policy <file>]
    remove instance <instance_name> [from topology]
    set asg credentials <host> <ias_administrator_account>/<password> [for topology]
    set asg credentials <host> ias_admin/<password> [for farm] (Deprecated)
    set primary database <username>/<password>@<servicename> [pfile <filename> | spfile <filename>]
    set new primary database <username>/<password>@<servicename> [pfile <filename> | spfile <filename>]
    set noprompt
    set trace on|off <traceflags>
    sync farm to <standby_farm_host> [full | incr[emental]] (Deprecated)
    sync topology to <standby_topology_host> [full | incr[emental]] [using policy <file>]
    startup [asg]
    startup farm (Deprecated)
    startup topology
    shutdown [local]
    shutdown farm (Deprecated)
    shutdown topology
    show op[eration] [full] [[his]tory]
    show env
    stop op[eration] <op#>
    switchover farm to <standby_farm_host> (Deprecated)
    switchover topology to <standby_topology_host> [using policy <file>]
    verify farm [with <host>](Deprecated)
    verify topology [with <host>] [using policy <file>] 

instantiate topology

Instantiates a topology to a standby site by establishing the relationship between standby and production instances, mirroring the configuration, creating the standby Infrastructure, and then synchronizing the standby site with the primary site.


instantiate topology to <standby_topology_host>[:<port>] [with cloning] [using policy <file>]



Name of the standby host system. This parameter is required because it directs the coordinating OracleAS Guard server instance to discover the instances that make up the standby site. This host system must be a member of the standby topology.


The port number of the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

with cloning

A directive to perform an instantiation operation using cloning.

using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.

Usage Notes

Make sure OracleAS Infrastructure database is running on the primary topology before performing an instantiate topology operation. Also, the OracleAS Infrastructure database information must be set by using the set primary database asgctl command.

The global DNS names are used to direct the instantiation. This will be different than the HA naming utilized in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. The discovery mechanism automatically maps the topology to the corresponding peer, based off local name resolution.

The instantiate operation performs an implicit verify operation.

For the instantiate policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to mandatory for all instances.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The following example instantiates a standby topology by attaching the coordinating OracleAS Guard server and discovering the topology of the production and standby sites, performing site verification, and establishing a OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment with the topology containing the standby topology host known by DNS as standbyinfra. Note that part way through the operation you will be prompted to answer a question regarding whether you want to shut down the database. Reply by entering y or yes.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> instantiate topology to standbyinfra
Generating default policy for this operation
    Instantiating each instance in the topology to standby topology
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
    Verifying that the topology is symmetrical in both primary and standby configuration
This operation requires the database to be shutdown. Do you want to continue? Yes or No
asmid2:7890 (home /private1/oracle/asr1012)
    Starting backup/synchronization of database ""
    Starting restore/synchronization of database ""
    Synchronizing topology completed successfully
    Synchronizing topology completed successfully


# Command to use if you are using a policy file
# instantiate topology to standbyinfra using policy <file>


Instructs the OracleAS Guard client to disconnect from any existing connections and exit from asgctl.





Usage Notes



The following example exits from asgctl.

ASGCTL> quit

remove instance

Removes from the local topology file, the specified instance name, and if specified, propagates this updated topology file to all instances in the Disaster Recovery production environment.


remove instance <instance_name> [from topology]



The name of the instance to be removed from the topology file.

from topology

A keyword, that if present in the command line, directs OracleAS Guard to propagate the updated topology file to all instances in the Disaster Recovery production environment. Any OracleAS Guard operation that affects the standby site, such as verify, instantiate, sync, and switchover will automatically propagate the production topology file across the standby environment.

Usage Notes

This command is useful for managing an instance on an OracleAS Guard server to which the OracleAS Guard client is connected. For example, you may have used the remove instance command to remove from the local topology file or from all topology files within the topology, an instance on this local host system because of a problem with it. Now you want to add to the local topology file or to all topology files in the topology, the good instance. In this case, you may not have wanted to manage the bad instance through the policy file where you could have set the success requirement attribute to Ignore for this instance when invoking asgctl commands to run across the entire topology.

This command is particularly useful for managing Disaster Recovery farms in which OID is not available, in other words, an OracleAS Release 10.1.3 only topology. You must use the discover topology within farm command to initially create the topology file for each instance within this farm. Then you can manage instances by adding or removing individual instances from the local topology file using the add instance and remove instance commands. If you specify the to topology or from topology keywords, the updated local topology file changes are propagated to all instances in the Disaster Recovery environment. See Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information about topology files.

This command is useful for adding an OracleAS 10.1.3 J2EE instance to an OID based topology to support a mixed version Disaster Recovery environment. For example, you can use the add instance command to add an OracleAS 10.1.3 J2EE instance to your OID based topology. See Section 5.9, "Adding or Removing Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 Instances to Redundant Single Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 Home J2EE Topology Integrated with an Existing Oracle Identity Management Topology" for a use case. See Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information about topology files.

This command is also useful for supporting mixed topologies for any OracleAS release from Release 9.0.4 upwards through Release 10.1.3. The only requirement is that the Release 10.1.3 OracleAS Guard standalone kit must be installed on all systems in your Release 9.0.4 Disaster Recovery environment. See Chapter 8, "OracleAS Disaster Recovery Site Upgrade Procedure" for more information.


The following command in the example removes from the local topology file an instance named oc4j1.

ASGCTL> remove instance oc4j1


Remotely executes a script or program that resides in any home where OracleAS Guard is installed. The run command can be executed within a topology or at the specified instance.


run [at topology [using policy <file>]] <command>

run [at instance <instance_name>] <command>


at topology

A keyword, that if present in the command line, directs OracleAS Guard to perform the run operation across the topology.

using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.


The name as a command string of the script or binary program to be executed.

at instance

A keyword, that if present in the command line, directs OracleAS Guard to perform the run operation at the specified instance.


The name of the instance where the run command is to be executed.

Usage Notes

This command is useful for remotely executing a script or program that resides in any Oracle home where OracleAS Guard is installed. The script or program must be physically located in each Oracle home across the topology or at that specified instance where it is expected to be executed. The asgctl user must first connect to the OracleAS Guard server specifying the Application Server JAZN credentials (ias_admin or oc4jadmin) before invoking this asgctl run command. It is assumed that if the user knows the JAZN credentials, then the user should be allowed to execute a script or program in the home. Upon receiving a run command invocation, OracleAS Guard will verify that the file specified in the command string exists in the Oracle home where the OracleAS Guard server is running before executing the script or program. The output of the script is echoed back to the asgctl console.


For Oracle RAC Disaster Recovery deployments, shutdown all instances prior to the switchover operation. To do this, create a script and then execute the script using the run command. See Section, "Scheduled Outages", step 5 for details. The following command in this example assumes a script is written and then remotely runs the script for the instance named asdb. This script utilizes the ASG distributed ASG scripting capabilities and allows a system administrator to perform the switchover operation from within the asgctl utility.

ASGCTL> run at instance asdb

set asg credentials

Sets the credentials used to authenticate the OracleAS Guard connections to OracleAS Guard servers.


set asg credentials <host>[:<port>] <ias_administrative_account>/<password> [for farm] [for topology]



Name of the host system to which the credentials apply. When OracleAS Guard connects to that host, it will use these credentials.


The port number of the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.


If this is an OracleAS 10.1.3 installation, the user name must be oc4jadmin and the password for the oc4jadmin account created during the Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 installation. If this is an OracleAS or lower installation, the user name must be the ias_admin account name and the password for the ias_admin account created during the Oracle Application Server installation. This account name must be the same as the account name on at least one of the Oracle Application Server homes.

for farm (deprecated)

A keyword, that if present in the command line, directs OracleAS Guard to set the credentials for all of the host systems that belong to the same farm as the local host system.

for topology

A keyword, that if present in the command line, directs OracleAS Guard to set the credentials for all of the host systems that belong to the same topology as the local host system.

Usage Notes

By default, the credentials used in the asgctl connect command are used whenever a OracleAS Guard server needs to connect to another OracleAS Guard server. However, there may be cases where you want to use different credentials for a specific server. This command allows you to use the same credentials for all nodes in a topology. For example, you may want to use a common set of credentials in the standby topology that is different from the credentials used in the primary topology.

If you set the credentials for a topology, these credentials are inherited for the entire topology. If you set the credentials for an individual host on the topology, the credentials (for this host) override the default credentials set for the topology.

For topologies that have more than one Infrastructure, such as a collocated Oracle Internet Directory+OracleAS Metadata Repository and a separate Portal OracleAS Metadata Repository, OracleAS Guard requires that you set the credentials for each system on which an Infrastructure resides before performing any important OracleAS Guard operations, such as instantiate, sync, switchover, and failover. This is actually a two step process in which you must first identify all OracleAS Infrastructure databases on the topology using the set the primary database command for each Infrastructure, then you must set the credentials used to authenticate the OracleAS Guard connections to OracleAS Guard servers on which these Infrastructures reside. The following example illustrates this concept. Assume your production topology and standby topology consists of the following systems with installed Infrastructure and middle tier software applications.

Production topology:

host01 (Identity Management+OracleAS Metadata Repository), host04 (OracleAS Metadata Repository only), host06 (J2EE), host06 (Portal & Wireless)

Standby Topology:

host02 (Identity Management+OracleAS Metadata Repository), host05 (OracleAS Metadata Repository only), host07 (J2EE), host07 (Portal & Wireless)

The following OracleAS Guard set primary database and set asg credentials commands would be required to properly identify the Infrastructures and authenticate OracleAS Guard connections to OracleAS Guard servers prior to performing an instantiate, sync, switchover, or failover operation. Assuming that the Oracle Identity Management+OracleAS Metadata Repository Infrastructure has a service name of orcl and the separate Portal OracleAS Metadata Repository has a service name of asdb.

ASGCTL> set primary database sys/<password>
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/<password>
ASGCTL> set asg credentials ias_admin/<password>
ASGCTL> set asg credentials ias_admin/<password>

Note that for a failover operation, these steps would be carried out on the standby topology and are as follows with a change in the host system names:

ASGCTL> set primary database sys/<password>
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/<password>
ASGCTL> set asg credentials ias_admin/<password>
ASGCTL> set asg credentials ias_admin/<password>

The OracleAS Guard client must be connected to a OracleAS Guard server before using this command.

An IP address can be used in place of a host name.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The following example sets the OracleAS Guard credentials of host system standbyinfra to all host systems that belong to this topology.

ASGCTL> set asg credentials standbyinfra ias_admin/<password> for topology

set echo

Sets command-echoing on or off in a asgctl script.


set echo on | off


on | off

Specifying "on" turns on command-echoing in a asgctl script. Specifying "off" turns off command-echoing in a asgctl script.

Usage Notes

This command is useful when running large asgctl scripts. For example, if the asgctl script has error test cases with comments entered before each test case or before each asgctl command, setting echo on displays the comment before each test case or before each asgctl command that is run to give you an explanation of what the test case is or what asgctl command is about to be run.

This command also works with nested scripts.


The following example is a asgctl script that turns on command-echoing, runs a test case, connects to a OracleAS Guard server, displays detailed information about the topology, then turns echo off, disconnects from the OracleAS Guard server, and exits from the OracleAS Guard client.

> ASGCTL @myasgctltestscript.txt

# myasgctltestscript.txt
# turn on echo
set echo on

# make sure you are not connected

# not connected, should get an error message
dump topology

# connect to an ASG server
connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd

#display detailed info about the topology
dump topology


# turn off echo
echo off

set new primary database

Identifies the OracleAS Infrastructure database on the standby topology as the new primary database preceding a failover operation. This command is only used as part of a failover operation.


set new primary database <username>/<password>@<servicename> [pfile <filename> | spfile <filename>]



User name and password for the database account with sysdba privileges.


The TNS service name of the OracleAS Infrastructure database. The name must be defined on the OracleAS Infrastructure host system; it does not need to be defined on the OracleAS Guard client host system.

pfile filename

The filename of the primary (OracleAS Infrastructure) database initialization file that will be used when the primary database is started.

spfile filename

The filename of the server (OracleAS Infrastructure) initialization file that will be used when the database is started.

Usage Notes

Before performing a failover operation, you are required to connect to the Infrastructure node of the standby topology and define the new primary database. Once the Oracle Infrastructure database on the standby site is identified as the new primary database, then you can proceed to begin the failover operation.


The following example sets the OracleAS Infrastructure database information for the standby topology as the new primary/production topology preceding a failover operation.

ASGCTL> connect asg standbyinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to standbyinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set new primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
ASGCTL> failover

set noprompt

Sets the noprompt state for user interaction for use in executing commands in an asgctl script.


set noprompt



Usage Notes

The default value, if supplied, is taken for all interactive prompts. A prompt for a user name and password returns an error message in the noprompt state.


The following example is an asgctl script containing an asgctl set noprompt command part way through the script that thereafter ignores all subsequent interactive prompting.

> ASGCTL @myasgctltestscript.txt

# myasgctltestscript.txt

# connect to an ASG server
connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd

# set the primary database
set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb

# discover the production topology
discover topology oidpassword=oidpwd

# set the noprompt state
set noprompt

#display detailed info about the topology
dump topology



set primary database

Identifies the OracleAS Infrastructure database on the primary topology.


set primary database <username>/<password>@<servicename> [pfile <filename> | spfile <filename>]



User name and password for the database account with sysdba privileges.


The TNS service name of the OracleAS Infrastructure database. The name must be defined on the OracleAS Infrastructure host system; it does not need to be defined on the OracleAS Guard client host system.

pfile filename

The filename of the primary (OracleAS Infrastructure) database initialization file that will be used when the primary database is started.

spfile filename

The filename of the server (OracleAS Infrastructure) initialization file that will be used when the database is started.

Usage Notes

You must always set the primary database before performing an instantiate, sync, or switchover operation.

When you set the primary database, OracleAS Guard server logs into and validates the connection to the database.

If a production or standby site has multiple OracleAS Metadata Repository instances installed and you are performing an instantiate, sync, switchover, or failover operation, you must identify all of the OracleAS Metadata Repository instances by performing a set primary database command for each and every OracleAS Metadata Repository instance prior to performing either an instantiate, sync, switchover, or failover operation. In addition, for topologies that have more than one Infrastructure, such as a collocated Oracle Internet Directory+OracleAS Metadata Repository and a separate Portal OracleAS Metadata Repository, OracleAS Guard requires that you set the credentials for each system on which an Infrastructure resides before performing any important OracleAS Guard operations, such as instantiate, sync, switchover, and failover. See set asg credentials for an example.

OracleAS Guard requires the database to have password file authentication. If the database does not have a password file, you must use the orapwd utility to create a password file. Also, set the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter to EXCLUSIVE.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The following example sets the OracleAS Infrastructure database information for the primary or production topology.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb

The following example sets OracleAS Infrastructure database information for each OracleAS Metadata Repository installed for the primary/production topology prior to a switchover operation.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@portal_1
Checking connection to database portal_1
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@portal_2
Checking connection to database portal_2
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> discover topology oidpassword=oidpwd
ASGCTL> switchover topology to standbyinfra

set trace

Sets a trace flag on or off to log output to the OracleAS Guard log files.


set trace on | off <traceflags>


on | off

Specifying "on" enables tracing. Specifying "off" disables tracing.


The traceflags to be enabled. Two or more specified traceflags entries must be separated by a comma (,). The traceflags are as follows:

  • DB -- trace information regarding processing in the Oracle Database environment

  • HOME -- trace information with regard to Oracle homes

  • IAS -- trace information regarding processing in Oracle Application Server

  • OPMN -- trace information regarding access to OracleAS OPMN calls

  • IP -- trace information regarding network access and address translation

  • CLIPBOARD -- trace information regarding clipboard processing

  • COPY -- trace information regarding file copy processing

  • FLOW -- trace information regarding work flow processing

  • NET -- trace information regarding network processing

  • RUNCMD -- trace information regarding the running of external commands

  • SESSION -- trace information regarding session management

  • TOPOLOGY -- trace information regarding processing of topology information

Usage Notes

This command applies to all hosts that might be involved in a asgctl command during the lifetime of the connection.

The OracleAS Guard client must be connected to a OracleAS Guard server before using this command.


The following example turns on trace for database operations.

ASGCTL> set trace on db

show env

Shows the current environment for the OracleAS Guard server to which the OracleAS Guard client is connected.


show env



Usage Notes



The following examples show the environment of the OracleAS Guard server to which the OracleAS Guard client is connected. In the first example, the primary database and new primary database are not yet set on host prodinfra and in the second example, the primary database has already been set on host standbyinfra.

Example 1.

ASGCTL> show env

     ASG Server Connection:
        Host: prodinfra
        Port: 7890

     Primary database: <not set>
     New primary database:  <not set>

Example 2.

ASGCTL> ASGCTL> show env

     ASG Server Connection:
        Host: standbyinfra
        Port: 7890

Gathering information from the database orcl

     Primary database: :
        User: sys
        Service: orcl
        Role: The database role is 
               PHYSICAL STANDBY

     New primary database:  <not set>

show operation

Shows all operations on all nodes of the topology to which the OracleAS Guard client is connected for the current session.


show op[eration] [full] [[his]tory]



For all operations, shows the operation number, the job name, the job owner's user name, the job ID, the time the operation began, the time the operation ended, the elapsed time for the operation, and all tasks belonging to this job.


For only operations that are not running, shows the operation number and the job name.

Usage Notes



The following examples show the status of the current operation.

ASGCTL> show operation
  Status: running
  Elapsed Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 28 secs
  TASK: syncFarm
    TASK: backupFarm
      TASK: fileCopyRemote
      TASK: fileCopyRemote
    TASK: restoreFarm
      TASK: fileCopyLocal

The following example shows the history of all operations.

ASGCTL> show op his
  Status: success
  Elapsed Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 secs
  TASK: getTopology
    TASK: getInstance
  Status: success  Elapsed Time: 0
 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 secs  TASK: getTopology
    TASK: getInstance
  Status: success
  Elapsed Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, 55 secs
  TASK: syncFarm
    TASK: backupFarm
      TASK: fileCopyRemote
      TASK: fileCopyRemote
    TASK: restoreFarm
      TASK: fileCopyLocall


Shuts down a running OracleAS Guard server to which the OracleAS Guard client is connected. Use this command only on a host system where OPMN is not running and you are following the procedure to clone an instance or clone a topology.


shutdown [local]



When specified shuts down the OracleAS Guard server of the local Oracle home of asgctl.

Usage Notes

The OracleAS Guard server must have been started using the asgctl startup command and not the OPMN opmnctl command startproc.


The following example shuts down the OracleAS Guard server on a host system in which OPMN is not running.

> shutdown

shutdown topology

Shuts down the OracleAS component services across the topology, while OracleAS Guard server and OPMN will continue to run.


shutdown topology



Usage Notes

This is a convenient command for shutting down the entire topology. Use the startup topology command to start it up again.

This command will shutdown OracleAS services such as OID, OC4J, WebCache, and so forth.


The following example shuts down the prodinfra production topology.

ASGCTL> shutdown topology
Generating default policy for this operation

    Shutting down each instance in the topology

asmid2:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asmid2)
    Shutting down component HTTP_Server
    Shutting down component OC4J
    Shutting down component dcm-daemon
    Shutting down component LogLoader

asmid1:7890 (home /private1/OraHome/asmid1)
    Shutting down component HTTP_Server
    Shutting down component OC4J
    Shutting down component dcm-daemon
    Shutting down component LogLoader

prodinfra:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asr1012)
    Shutting down component OID
    Shutting down component HTTP_Server
    Shutting down component OC4J
    Shutting down component dcm-daemon
    Shutting down component LogLoader


Starts up an OracleAS Guard server from the asgctl prompt. Use this command only on a host system where OPMN is not running and you are following the procedure to clone an instance or clone a topology.


startup [asg]



Optional keyword acronym for application server guard. This parameter has no other meaning other than to show a format similar to the connect asg and set asg credentials commands.

Usage Notes



The following example shuts down the OracleAS Guard server on a host system in which OPMN is not running.

> startup

startup topology

Starts up a shutdown topology by starting up the OracleAS component services across the topology.


startup topology



Usage Notes

This is a convenient command for starting up the entire topology after it was shut down using the shutdown topology command.

This command will start up OracleAS services such as OID, OC4J, WebCache, and so forth. The startup topology command will perform the equivalent of an opmnctl startup command across each instance of the topology.


The following example starts up the production topology.

ASGCTL> startup topology
Generating default policy for this operation

    Starting each instance in the topology

prodinfra:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asr1012)
    Executing opmnctl startall command

asmid1:7890 (home /private1/OraHome/asmid1)
    Executing opmnctl startall command

asmid2:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asmid2)
    Executing opmnctl startall command

stop operation

Stops a specific operation that is running on the server.


stop op[eration] <op #>


op #

The number of the operation.

Usage Notes

The number of the operation that is running on the server can be determined from a show operation command.


The following example first shows the running operation (15) on the server and then the stop operation command stops this operation.

ASGCTL> show operation
  Status: running
  Elapsed Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, 35 secs
  TASK: instantiateFarm
    TASK: verifyFarm

ASGCTL> stop operation 15

switchover topology

During a scheduled outage of the production site, performs the switchover operation from the production site to the standby site.


switchover topology to <standby_topology_host>[:<port>] [using policy <file>]



Name of the standby host system. This parameter is required because it directs the coordinating OracleAS Guard server instance to discover the instances that make up the standby site. This host system must be a member of the standby topology.


The port number of the standby host system for the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.

Usage Notes

On the primary infrastructure system, make sure the emagent process is stopped. Otherwise, you may run into the following error when doing a switchover operation because the emagent process has a connection to the database:

prodinfra: -->ASG_DGA-13051: Error performing a physical standby switchover.
prodinfra: -->ASG_DGA-13052: The primary database is not in the proper state to perform a switchover.  State is "SESSIONS ACTIVE"

On UNIX systems, to stop the emagent process, stop the Application Server Control, which is called iasconsole, as follows:

> <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

On UNIX systems, to check to see if there is an emagent process running, do the following:

> ps -ef | grep emagent

On UNIX systems, if after performing the stop iasconsole operation, the emagent process is still running, get its process ID (PID) as determined from the previous ps command and stop it as follows:

> kill -9 <emagent-pid>

On Windows systems, open the Services control panel. Locate the OracleAS10gASControl service and stop this service.

Make sure OracleAS Infrastructure database is running on the primary topology before performing a switchover operation. Also, the OracleAS Infrastructure database information must be set by using the set primary database asgctl command.

The global DNS names are used to direct the switchover. This will be different than the HA naming utilized in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. The discovery mechanism automatically maps the topology to the corresponding peer, based off local name resolution.

As part of the OracleAS Guard switchover operation, an implicit sync topology operation is performed to make sure the topologies are identical. In addition OPMN automatically starts the OracleAS Guard server on the "new" standby Infrastructure node and this server will run indefinitely, and in turn, starts the OracleAS Guard server on the other nodes in the "new" standby topology and each of these is a transient server.

For the switchover policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all instances (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository) and mandatory for the Oracle Internet Directory home.

During a switchover operation, the opmn.xml file is copied from the primary site to the standby site. For this reason, the value of the TMP variable must be defined the same in the opmn.xml file on both the primary and standby sites, otherwise this switchover operation will fail with a message that it could not find a directory. Therefore, make sure the TMP variable is defined identically and resolves to the same directory structure on both sites before attempting a switchover operation.

When performing a switchover operation from a primary site with two Oracle Identity Management instances running ( and to a standby site representing an asymmetric topology with only one Oracle Identity Management instance running (, meaning that the other node ( is to be ignored on the switchover site, the system administrator must not only edit the switchover_policy.xml policy file to indicate that this other node is to be set to Ignore, but the system administrator must also shut down all processes running on that node ( in order for the switchover operation to be successful.

When performing a switchover operation from a primary site with two middle tiers, for example core1 and core2 instances registered in the Oracle Internet Directory, to a standby site representing an asymmetric topology with only one middle tier core1, the standby site actually has both core1 and core2 middle tiers registered in the Oracle Internet Directory. The switchover_policy.xml policy file is edited to ignore the core2 middle tier that does not exist on the standby site during the switchover operation. However, it should be noted that the Oracle Internet Directory, which is stored in an Oracle database, is identical for both the production site topology and the standby site topology and therefore a core2 middle tier is also shown to be registered in the Oracle Internet Directory on the standby site topology. For this reason, you cannot install to that standby site topology the same core2 middle tier with the hope of making this into a symmetric topology again. This is a strict limitation for switchover operations using asymmetric standby topologies.

When the discover topology command is issued following a switchover operation and the asymmetric standby site topology originally had one or more fewer middle tiers (for example, instA and instB) than there were in the original production site topology (instA, instB, and instC), a warning error message displays for each missing instance of a middle tier (instC, in this case). This warning error message is expected and can be ignored. When a discover topology to command is issued following a switchover operation, OracleAS Server Guard reads the Oracle Internet Directory information, which is an exact copy of the original primary site Oracle Internet Directory information on this new primary site (former standby site). Because this Oracle Internet Directory information is identical to the original primary site Oracle Internet Directory information, when OracleAS Server Guard visits the host/home of each instance of these middle tiers to verify their existence, it finds that some do not exist, and issues the warning.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The following example performs a switchover operation to a standby site known by DNS as standbyinfra.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
ASGCTL> switchover topology to standbyinfra
Generating default policy for this operation
    Switchover each instance in the topology to standby topology
prodinfra:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asr1012)
    Connecting to the primary database
    Gathering information from the primary database
    Shutting down each instance in the topology
prodinfra:7890     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
    Verifying that the topology is symmetrical in both primary and standby configuration

# Command to use if you are using a policy file
# switchover topology to standbyinfra using policy <file>

sync topology

Synchronizes the standby site with the primary site to ensure that the two sites are consistent. The sync topology operation applies database redo logs for OracleAS Infrastructures to the standby site in conjunction with synchronizing external configuration files across the topology.


sync topology to <standby_topology_host>[:<port>] [full | incr[emental]] [using policy <file>]



Name of the standby site host system. This parameter is required because it directs the coordinating OracleAS Guard server instance to discover the instances that make up the standby site. This host system must be a member of the standby topology.


The port number of the standby host system for the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

full | incremental

The synchronization of the standby site with the primary site to make the standby site consistent can be either "full" or "incremental". The default is "incremental". By default, if a full backup has not been performed, an incremental backup operation will not be performed. Instead, a full backup operation will be performed.

using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.

Usage Notes

By default an incremental synchronization is performed to make the standby site consistent with the primary site, which offers the best performance. However, there may be three circumstances when specifying a full synchronization should be used.

The sync operation performs an implicit verify operation.

For the sync policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to mandatory for all instances.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The following example synchronizes the specified standby site with the coordinating OracleAS Guard server (the primary site). By default the sync mode is incremental.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> sync topology to standbyinfra
Generating default policy for this operation
    Synchronizing each instance in the topology to standby topology
prodinfra:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asr1012)
    Starting backup of topology ""
       Backing up and copying data to the standby topology
    Backing up each instance in the topology
    Starting backup of instance ""
    Configuring the backup script
asmid1:7890 (home /private1/OraHome/asmid1)
    Starting backup of instance ""
asmid2:7891 (home /private1/OraHome/asmid2)
    Starting backup of instance ""
asmid2:7890 (home /private1/OraHome2/asr1012)
    Starting backup/synchronization of database ""
    Starting restore/synchronization of database ""
    Synchronizing topology completed successfully

# Command to use if you are using a policy file
# sync topology to standbyinfra using policy <file>

verify topology

Validates that the primary topology is running and the configuration is valid. If a standby topology is specified, compares the primary topology to which the local host system is a member with the standby topology to validate that they are consistent with one another and conform to the requirements for OracleAS Disaster Recovery.


verify topology [with <host>[:<port>]] [using policy <file>]



Name of the standby host system. This host system must be a member of the standby topology.


The port number of the host system for the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

using policy <file>

Full path and file specification for the XML policy file.

Usage Notes

If the host system name is not specified, the topology in which the local host system participates will be verified for local OracleAS Disaster Recovery rules.

If the standby host system name is specified, the topology at the standby site will be verified along with the production topology for both local rules and distributed OracleAS Disaster Recovery rules, and the symmetry between the primary and standby sites is also checked.

For the verify policy file, by default the success requirement attribute is set to optional for all OracleAS homes (middle tier and OracleAS Metadata Repository) and mandatory for the Oracle Internet Directory home.

See Section 6.1, "Information Common to OracleAS Guard asgctl Commands" and Section 6.2, "Information Specific to a Small Set of OracleAS Guard Commands" for more information.


The following example validates that the primary topology is running and the configuration is valid.

ASGCTL> connect asg ias_admin/iastest2
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> verify topology
Generating default policy for this operation
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance

The following example validates that the topology to which the local host system is a member is consistent with the standby topology to which the host system standbyinfra is a member.

ASGCTL> connect asg prodinfra ias_admin/adminpwd
Successfully connected to prodinfra:7890
ASGCTL> set primary database sys/testpwd@asdb
Checking connection to database asdb
ASGCTL> verify topology with standbyinfra
Generating default policy for this operation
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
     HA directory exists for instance
    Verifying that the topology is symmetrical in both primary and standby configuration

# Command to use if you are using a policy file
# verify topology using policy <file>

dump farm (Deprecated)

Directs asgctl to write detailed information about the farm to the specified file.


The dump farm command is deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Use the dump topology command, which supports the OracleAS Disaster Recovery topology concept in current and future OracleAS releases.


dump farm [to <file>]


to <file>

Name of file on the OracleAS Guard client node where the detailed output is to be written.

Usage Notes



See the dump topology command for an example.

instantiate farm (Deprecated)

Instantiates a farm to a standby site by discovering the current farm definition at the production and standby sites, verifying that each complies with the OracleAS Disaster Recovery rules and restrictions of the current OracleAS software deployed on these systems prior to creation. Also synchronizes the standby site with the primary site so that the primary and standby sites are consistent.


The instantiate farm to command is deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Use the instantiate topology command, which supports the OracleAS Disaster Recovery topology concept in current and future OracleAS releases.


instantiate farm to <standby_farm_host>[:<port>]



Name of the standby host system. This parameter is required because it directs the coordinating OracleAS Guard server instance to discover the instances that make up the standby site. This host system must be a member of the standby farm.


The port number of the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

Usage Notes

The production local system must be part of an Oracle Notification Server (ONS) farm for the site.

The standby host must be part of an ONS farm for the standby site and must be symmetrical to the farm of the production farm.

Make sure OracleAS Infrastructure database is running on the primary farm before performing an instantiating farm operation. Also, the OracleAS Infrastructure database information must be set by using the set primary database asgctl command.

The global DNS names are used to direct the instantiation. This will be different than the HA naming utilized in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. The discovery mechanism automatically maps the farm to the corresponding peer, based off local name resolution.


See the instantiate topology command for an example.

shutdown farm (Deprecated)

Shuts down a running farm.


The shutdown farm command is deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Use the shutdown topology command, which supports the OracleAS Disaster Recovery topology concept in current and future OracleAS releases.


shutdown farm



Usage Notes

This is a convenient command for shutting down the entire farm. Use the startup farm command to start it up again.


See the shutdown topology command for an example.

startup farm (Deprecated)

Starts up a shutdown farm.


The startup farm command is deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Use the startup topology command, which supports the OracleAS Disaster Recovery topology concept in current and future OracleAS releases.


startup farm



Usage Notes

This is a convenient command for starting up the entire farm after it was shut down using the shutdown farm command.


See the startup topology command for an example.

switchover farm (Deprecated)

During a scheduled outage of the production site, performs the switchover operation from the production site to the standby site.


The switchover farm to command is deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Use the switchover topology command, which supports the OracleAS Disaster Recovery topology concept in current and future OracleAS releases.


switchover farm to <standby_farm_host>[:<port>]



Name of the farm host system. This parameter is required because it directs the coordinating OracleAS Guard server instance to discover the instances that make up the standby site. This host system must be a member of the standby farm.


The port number of the standby host system for the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

Usage Notes

On the primary Infrastructure system, make sure the emagent process is stopped. Otherwise, you may run into the following error when doing a switchover operation because the emagent process has a connection to the database:

prodinfra: -->ASG_DGA-13051: Error performing a physical standby switchover.
prodinfra: -->ASG_DGA-13052: The primary database is not in the proper state to perform a switchover.  State is "SESSIONS ACTIVE"

On UNIX systems, to stop the emagent process, stop the Application Server Control, which is called iasconsole, as follows:

> <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl stop iasconsole

On UNIX systems, to check to see if there is an emagent process running, do the following:

> ps -ef | grep emagent

On UNIX systems, if after performing the stop iasconsole operation, the emagent process is still running, get its process ID (PID) as determined from the previous ps command and stop it as follows:

> kill -9 <emagent-pid>

On Windows systems, open the Services control panel. Locate the OracleAS10gASControl service and stop this service.

The production local system must be part of an Oracle Notification Server (ONS) farm for the site.

The standby host must be part of an ONS farm for the standby site and must be symmetrical to the farm of the production farm.

Make sure OracleAS Infrastructure database is running on the primary farm before performing a switchover operation. Also, the OracleAS Infrastructure database information must be set by using the set primary database asgctl command.

The global DNS names are used to direct the switchover. This will be different than the HA naming utilized in the OracleAS Disaster Recovery environment. The discovery mechanism automatically maps the farm to the corresponding peer, based off local name resolution.

As part of the OracleAS Guard switchover operation, an implicit sync farm operation is performed to make sure the farms are identical. In addition, OPMN automatically starts the OracleAS Guard server on the "new" standby Infrastructure node and this server will run indefinitely. In turn, it starts the OracleAS Guard server on the other nodes in the "new" standby farm and each of these is a transient server.


See the switchover topology command for an example.

sync farm (Deprecated)

Synchronizes the standby site with the primary site to ensure that the two sites are consistent. The sync topology operation applies database redo logs for OracleAS Infrastructures to the standby site in conjunction with synchronizing external configuration files across the topology.


The sync farm to command is deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Use the sync topology command, which supports the OracleAS Disaster Recovery topology concept in current and future OracleAS releases.


sync farm to <standby_farm_host>[:<port>] [full | incr[emental]]



Name of the standby site host system. This parameter is required because it directs the coordinating OracleAS Guard server instance to discover the instances that make up the standby site. This host system must be a member of the standby farm.


The port number of the standby host system for the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

full | incremental

The synchronization of the standby site with the primary site to make the standby site consistent can be either "full" or "incremental". The default is "incremental". By default, if a full backup has not been performed, an incremental backup operation will not be performed. Instead, a full backup operation will be performed.

Usage Notes

By default sync_mode is incremental and offers the best performance. However, there may be three circumstances when specifying a sync_mode of full should be used.


See the sync topology command for an example.

verify farm (Deprecated)

Validates that the primary farm is running and the configuration is valid. If a standby farm is specified, compares the primary farm to which the local host system is a member with the standby farm to validate that they are consistent with one another and conform to the requirements for OracleAS Disaster Recovery.


The verify farm command is deprecated beginning with OracleAS release Use the verify topology command, which supports the OracleAS Disaster Recovery topology concept in current and future OracleAS releases.


verify farm [with <host>[:<port>]]



Name of the standby host system. This host system must be a member of the standby farm.


The port number of the OracleAS Guard server in its Oracle home.

Usage Notes

If the host system name is not specified, the farm in which the local host system participates will be verified for local OracleAS Disaster Recovery rules.

If the standby host system name is specified, the farm at the standby site will be verified along with the production farm for both local rules and distributed OracleAS Disaster Recovery rules, and the symmetry between the primary and standby sites is also checked.


See the verify topology command for an example.