Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidArgumentException

Uses of InvalidArgumentException in oracle.ias.scheduler

Methods in oracle.ias.scheduler that throw InvalidArgumentException
 void IntervalSchedule.setInterval(long millis)
          Sets the interval to the millisecond interval specified.
 void Notification.setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the notification name.
 void Schedule.setExpiration(long millis)
          Sets the expiration to the value specified.
 void Schedule.setExpiration(java.util.Calendar date)
          Sets the expiration to the date specified.
 JobHandle Scheduler.add(java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String className, Schedule schedule, java.util.Properties properties)
          Submits a job to the scheduler.
 JobHandle Scheduler.add(java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String className, Trigger trigger, java.util.Properties properties)
          Used to submit a job to the scheduler.
 JobHandle Scheduler.add(java.lang.String desc, java.lang.String className, Schedule schedule, Trigger trigger, java.util.Properties properties, java.util.logging.Level logLevel, long retryPeriod, long executionThreshold)
          Used to submit a job to the scheduler.
 void Scheduler.setLogLevel(JobHandle job, java.util.logging.Level level)
          Set the log level for the job specified to the level indicated as defined in java.util.logging.Level.
 java.util.Collection Scheduler.getJobs(int state)
          This methods return a collection view of the jobs submitted to the scheduler with the state specified.
 java.util.Collection Scheduler.getJobs(java.lang.String desc, int state)
          This methods return a collection view of the jobs submitted to the scheduler with the description and state specified.
 void Scheduler.addBlackoutWindow(java.lang.String windowName, Schedule schedule, long duration)
          Add's a temporal window in which all job executions are supressed.
 void Scheduler.updateBlackoutWindowSchedule(java.lang.String windowName, Schedule schedule)
          Updates schedule of blackout window as specified by window name
 void Scheduler.updateBlackoutWindowDuration(java.lang.String windowName, long windowDuration)
          Updates duration of blackout window as specified by window name
 void Scheduler.addListener(JobHandle job, java.lang.Class listener)
          Add event listener for job specified
 void Trigger.setCondition(java.lang.String condition)
          Sets the condition expression for this trigger.

Constructors in oracle.ias.scheduler that throw InvalidArgumentException
Notification(java.lang.String name)
          Constructs a notification with the name specified.
RecurSchedule(java.lang.String expr)
          Construct a new schedule with the RFC-2445 recur expression specified.
Trigger(java.lang.String condition)
          Constructs a trigger with the condition expression specified.

Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


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