Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Setting Up Accessibility Features >

Translating Accessibility Content

Oracle provides the capability to translate accessibility content to another language in Siebel application. ENU (English [USA]) is the current default language, but you can translate accessibility related text to the language of your choice.

Your administrator runs a Perl script to generate the user interface (UI) and XML files. For more information about generating the UI and XML files, see Creating Summary and Label Text for Applets and Views.

The XML files contain the following details for all views and applets used in Siebel Business Applications:

  • Applet label details
  • Applet summary details
  • View summary details

You can modify the summary and label text in the language of your choice.

The language dependent XML file is located in a language specific folder:



LANG_FOLDER represents the three-letter language code for the language you want, for example, ENU denotes English (USA).

Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.