Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Setting Up Accessibility Features >

Creating Summary and Label Text for Applets and Views

Oracle provides the capability to create summary and label text for new or customized applets and views in Siebel Business Applications.

NOTE:  You must have Perl 5.8.8 or higher installed. When Perl is installed, use Perl Package Manager (PPM) to install the database interface (DBI) (DBD::ODBC) and XML::Generator modules.

To create summary and label text for new or customized applets or views

  1. Navigate to Administration - Application, Accessibility screen, and then to the following views:
    • Accessibility Applet Attributes
    • Accessibility View Attributes
  2. Select the new or customized applet or view, and modify the summary and label text as required.

    The summary and label text displays the applet or view name by default.

  3. In Siebel Tools, navigate to the folder \Reppatch\Accessibility\script where the following scripts are located:
  4. For all databases, excluding Oracle databases, edit and Perl scripts, and change Oracle in DBI->Connect(" ") to ODBC. For example:

    .$dbh = DBI ->connect("dbi:ODBC:$ODBCConnection", $userid, $passwd)

    NOTE:  If you are connecting to an SQL server database, add the following line to
    $dbh ->(odbc_SQL_ROWSET_SIZE) = 2

  5. At the command prompt, execute the following script:


  6. Copy the generated .XML file to the following location:



    LANG_FOLDER represents the three-letter language code for the language you want, for example, ENU denotes English (USA).

    NOTE:  The .XML filename must be the same as the value in the AccessibilityXMLFileName user property for the Siebel application in which you are generating the new or customized applet. For more information about the user property, AccessibilityXMLFileName, see Updating Unique Labels on Applet Mini-Buttons.

Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.