Siebel Advisor API Reference > Pageset Functions for Siebel Advisor >



Use the LoadPageset function to send a user to another pageset from within a pageset without having to use the Contents List. LoadPageset can also be used to load a pageset with features that are not the default preselected features.

You can call LoadPageset from any frame within the application, and the function can execute anywhere a JavaScript function can be used.

Dynamic default strings are in the form "key1=value1,key2=value2". You can redefine the separator characters by editing the APP_STR_SEP_CHAR and APP_STR_EQUALS_CHAR variable definitions in the Application Configuration (\ui\app_config.js) file.





The name of the pageset, specified in the format "project|pageset" (for example, Cars|Sedans).


Optional. String that defines key-value pairs of input and value. The default format of dynDefStr is "key1=value1,key2=value2". Separator characters default to equal signs (=) and commas (,).


Optional. Reserved for future use.

Example 1

<A HREF="#" onClick="ISS.LoadPageset('PC_all',
'PROCESSOR=750');return false;">Go to Next Computer</A>

Instead of typing the key-value pairs in the function call, you can insert a reference to the column in the data model that lists the dynamic defaults by using a call to BuildTarget. Use this method if the dynamic defaults can vary depending on selections made on the page from which LoadPageset was called. The function call would look like this:

<A HREF="#" onClick="ISS.LoadPageset('PC_all',
ISS.BuildTarget('TEXT',window,'DYNDEFS'));return false;">Go to Next Computer</A>

Note that you can call BuildTarget only from a pageset display page.

Example 2

This example shows switching to project Accessories.

<A HREF="#" onClick="ISS.LoadPageset('AccessorieslStorageDevices');return false;">Go to Storage Devices</A>

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