Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Defining Upgrade Kits >

Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties

After you use the Upgrade Kit Wizard to define an upgrade kit, information about the kit becomes visible in your Siebel application. There are two general types of information available:

Properties of the Entire Upgrade Kit and Its Components

The following procedure describes how to view and interpret information that applies to the upgrade kit as a whole, and the components it will upgrade.

To view properties of an existing upgrade kit and its components

  1. From the application-level menu, select Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Siebel Anywhere.
  2. From the link bar, select Upgrade Kits.

    The Upgrade Kits list and the Upgrade Kit Components list appear.

  3. In the Upgrade Kits list, select the record for the upgrade kit for which you want to view properties.

    For information about the fields in the Upgrade Kits list, which displays each upgrade kit defined in the system, see Table 22.

    For information about how to interpret various values that are displayed in the Status field of this list, see Table 23.

    For information about the fields in the Upgrade Kit Components list, which displays the components associated with the selected upgrade kit, see Table 24.

Table 22. Fields in the Upgrade Kits List


Name of the upgrade kit (called Upgrade Kit Title in the Upgrade Kit Wizard). The default name includes the component name and version in the kit. You can specify a different name when defining the kit. However, it is recommended that you use descriptive names if you do not accept the default wording. Also see Table 5 for additional limitations for a name. The name cannot be modified once the kit has been defined.


For definition of Status and the associated values and descriptions, see Table 23.

Archive Kit Name

Name of the compressed file containing the upgrade kit.

File Size

Size of the physical file containing the upgrade kit.


This field is available for comments.


The date and time this record was last modified.

Compiled Information

Compiled string that includes all information about the upgrade kit.

The Status column indicates whether the Upgrade Kit is Request Submitted (awaiting for Server to pick up) or In Progress (in process of being created). The status column may have other values as well such as Pending, Active, Error, and so on. It is not limited to just Request Submitted and In Progress. Table 23 describes the values and description of the Status column.

Table 23. Status Column Values and Definitions, Upgrade Kit View


Kit is ready to be applied and distributed.


Indicator that there was an error while creating the kit.


Kit on hold and not ready for further processing. First step to activate the kit is to change status to Pending. Then you can activate it.

In Progress

Creation of new upgrade kit is underway on the server.


Kit successfully created and ready to be activated.

Request Submitted

Request has been submitted to the server to create the new upgrade kit.

Table 24 describes the fields in the Upgrade Kit Components list, which displays the components associated with the upgrade kit. The components are automatically created by the Upgrade Kit Wizard when you click Auto Create on the Upgrade Kits list.

When you select the new upgrade kit in the Upgrade Kit list, you will notice that two records appear in the Upgrade Kit Components list. The first record is the component to be upgraded. The second is the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. Including the Upgrade Wizard as a component reinforces using the correct version of the Upgrade Wizard for the upgrade.

CAUTION:  Do not delete the default records in the Upgrade Kit Components list. These records store key information about how components work, and provide models you may eventually need for setting up custom components.

Table 24. Fields in the Upgrade Kit Components List


Name of the component.

Min Old Version

Minimum component version that a subscriber must have to install this upgrade kit.

Max Old Version

Maximum component version that a subscriber may have to install this upgrade kit.

New Version

Version of this component the user will have after installing the kit.


This field is available for comments.

This list also controls the upgrade kit sequence (the order of upgrades), when several upgrade kits are used together. For example, if Kit 1 should be installed before Kit 2, you can add component Kit 1 upgrades as Upgrade Kit Components of Kit 2. For details, see Controlling the Order of Kit Installation.

Properties of Upgrade Kit Items and Upgrade Kit Item Parameters

Each upgrade kit item defines an action in an upgrade kit and requires certain parameters to operate. For example, a file copy action needs the file to copy and the destination for the copy. The following procedure describes how to view and interpret information that applies to items and item parameters within a selected upgrade kit.

NOTE:  It is recommended that you do not add, update, or delete any records in the Upgrade Kit Items list and Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list in the Upgrade Kit Items view. The records in these lists are created automatically, and changing them in any way can damage the selected upgrade kit.

To view properties of an existing upgrade kit's items and item parameters

  1. From the application-level menu, select Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Siebel Anywhere.
  2. From the link bar, select Upgrade Kit Items.

    The Upgrade Kits list, the Upgrade Kit Items list, and the Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list appear.

    For information about the fields in the Upgrade Kits list, see Table 22 and Table 23.

    For information about the fields in the Upgrade Kit Items list, which displays the individual items that define actions to be executed by a selected upgrade kit, see Table 25.

    For information about the fields in the Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list, which displays the parameters associated with a selected upgrade kit item, see Table 26.

Table 25. Fields in the Upgrade Kit Items List


This field is available for comments.

Estimated Disk Space

The disk space required to download and execute an item (optional). When the upgrade kit is created, the value for this field defaults to 0. You can enter a new value (in bytes) before activating the kit.

Before a subscriber installs the upgrade kit, the Upgrade Wizard validates that the specified amount of free disk space is available. If adequate disk space is not available, the Upgrade Wizard returns an error message.

Item Type

The type of item to execute.


The order in which the Upgrade Wizard executes the item.


The title of the item, which is displayed in the Upgrade Wizard.

Each upgrade kit item defines an action in an upgrade kit and requires certain parameters to operate. For example, a file copy action needs the file to copy and the destination for the copy. The Upgrade Kit Item Parameters list includes the parameters associated with each upgrade kit item. Table 26 describes the fields of this list.

Table 26. Fields in the Upgrade Kit Item Parameters List

Attachment Name

The name of the file associated with this item.


This field is available for comments.


Date and time when the file is attached.

File Ext

The extension of the file associated with this item.


Name of the parameter.


The size of the file associated with this item.


The value of the parameter.

Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.