Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Deploying an ADM Package >

Loading an ADM Package

Loading an Application Deployment Manager (ADM) package is a step in Process of Deploying an ADM Package. This task loads the ADM package data into the local Management Server database in preparation for deployment execution.

Loading the ADM package also validates the integrity of the ADM package; that is, it makes sure that the package has not been altered since packaging and that the target environment is ready for this package.

After loading an ADM package into the Management Server, the ADM command-line interface provides additional commands to review and administer this package. For information on these commands, see Reviewing the ADM Package on the Management Server.

To load an ADM package into the management server

  1. At the ADM command-line interface prompt, enter:

    deploy_enterprise_name load username password package_name package_location


    • enterprise_name is the name of the Siebel Enterprise Server.
    • username is the Siebel user name.
    • password is the Siebel password.
    • package_name is the name of the XML ADM package file.
    • package_location is the location of the ADM package. This parameter is mandatory. An error is displayed if the package location is not specified.

      The output displays a "Success" or "Failure" message to indicate whether the package has been loaded into the management server.

  2. If necessary, review and administer the ADM package loaded into they ADM management server database by using the commands described in Reviewing the ADM Package on the Management Server.
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