Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide > Advanced Siebel Assignment Manager Configuration >

Creating New Skills

Skills are assignment criteria values attributed to specific assignment rules, objects, employees, positions, and organizations. Siebel Assignment Manager uses skills to match assignment rules, objects, employees, positions, and organizations.

The Siebel Business Applications provide several predefined skills, however, you can create new skills using Siebel Tools. This topic explains how to view the predefined skills and create new skills.

For most deployments, the predefined skills are sufficient. However, you can create new skills using Siebel Tools. The following procedure explains how to create a new skill that can be used in any of the Siebel Business Applications.

To create a new skill

  1. Create an assignment attribute.
  2. Create an assignment criterion.

    You must check the Employee Skill field because you are configuring the criterion as a skill.

  3. Add the assignment attribute created in Step 1 as a child object to the assignment criterion created in Step 2.

For more information about creating assignment attributes, assignment criteria, and assignment criteria attributes, see Process of Creating Assignment Criteria for Use in Assignment Rules.

NOTE:  To perform assignments based on skills, further configuration is required using Siebel Tools. For more information about configuring criteria as skills, see Process of Defining Criteria Values as Skills with Expertise Codes and Weighting Factors.

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