Siebel Business Rules Administration Guide > Reference Topics for Siebel Business Rules >

Rule Tables in the Siebel Runtime Database

Table 19 describes the tables in a Siebel runtime database which are used to store rules metadata that is used during runtime.

Table 19. Tables in the Runtime Database


This table stores rule module name and configuration data - rule module name, business object name, data assertion mode, inconsistent flag, status, and comment. A record is created when a new rule module is deployed from the Deployment plug-in. The configuration data is updated through the Administration - Business Rules screen in the Siebel application.


This table stores information about the knowledge base - model dirty flag and ruleset name. This data is used internally only and is not visible to the user.


This table stores model files - model.bin, unauthoredRules.bin, unauthoredSiebelRules.bin, unauthoredDiagnostics.bin, and measures.xml. These columns contain the semantic model data (concepts, relations, some basic rules, and so on). The records are created in this table by the Deployment plug-in when you deploy rule modules and check the box Update model when deploying selected modules on the Siebel Deployment dialog. The data in this table is used internally and is not visible to the user.


This table stores compiled rule modules. The records are created in this table by the Deployment plug-in when you deploy a rule module. The data in this table is used internally and is not visible to the user.


This table stores business component (including multi-value group) relations configured for each rule module. The records are created or deleted when a user creates or deletes rows in the Rule Module Relations applet on the Rule Module List View. The data in this table is used to query runtime data for rule execution.


This table stores business component relations imported for each business object. The records are created by the object importer when a user imports a business component hierarchy for a business object. The records are visible to the user in the pick applet on the Business Component field of the Rule Module Relations applet in the Rule Module List View.


This table stores imported fields for each imported business component. The records are created by the object importer when a user imports fields for a business component. The records are not visible to the user and are used internally at runtime when querying the runtime data for execution.


This table stores the HaleyAuthority concept id for each imported business component, field, and multi-value group. The records are created by the object importer, and used by the runtime, and not visible to the user.


This table is intended to provide support for multiple knowledge bases in future releases. For Siebel and Haley releases that support only one knowledge base for each implementation, this table contains only one record for the single knowledge base. The record is not visible to the user.

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