Siebel Business Rules Administration Guide > Creating and Deploying Rules > Using Siebel Object Importer >

Synchronizing the HaleyAuthority Knowledge Base with the Siebel Repository

The HaleyAuthority semantic role model (representation of Siebel objects as HaleyAuthority concepts and relations) must be kept consistent with the Siebel object model. Changes to the Siebel object model, such as the following, require that you synchronize the HaleyAuthority knowledge base with the Siebel Repository:

  • In general, any Siebel object that is used in any rule, whose definition is changed in the Siebel Repository, must be synchronized.
  • An imported field's Type changes in the Siebel Repository, such as from DTYPE_TEXT to DTYPE_BOOL.
  • An imported field is inactivated in the Siebel Repository. A new field is created to access the same underlying table column.
  • Imported objects are affected by a schema change in the Siebel database, such as may occur after an upgrade.

You can synchronize the HaleyAuthority knowledge base with the Siebel Repository implicitly or explicitly.

After synchronizing, rule statements that were previously understood by HaleyAuthority may become draft statements, or not understood. Draft statements display with a question mark in the HaleyAuthority explorer. You must edit these statements to make them understood before re-deploying the rule modules that contain them.

Synchronizing the HaleyAuthority Knowledge Base Implicitly

You can synchronize HaleyAuthority concepts with individual Siebel objects by re-importing the Siebel objects into HaleyAuthority.

For example, suppose the Type of the Marketing Sub Plans business component's Actual Expenses field was changed from DTYPE_NUMBER to DTYPE_CURRENCY in the Siebel Repository, and you previously imported this business component and field into your HaleyAuthority knowledge base. Use Object Importer to re-import the Actual Expenses field.

For detailed information about importing Siebel objects into HaleyAuthority, see Using Siebel Object Importer.

The following changes are made in the HaleyAuthority knowledge base and are visible in HaleyAuthority:

  • The concept actual expenses is deleted in the HaleyAuthority concepts tree under quantity: number: decimal number: real number and under value: number: decimal number: real number.
  • A new concept actual expenses is created in the HaleyAuthority concepts tree under entity: currency value.
  • The relation marketingsubplans_actualexpenses is deleted.
  • A new relation marketingsubplans_actualexpenses is created.

To see added relations, choose View > Tabs > Full View and look in the Relations and Procedures hierarchy.

Synchronizing the HaleyAuthority Knowledge Base Explicitly

You can synchronize the HaleyAuthority knowledge base with the Siebel Repository:

  • For all imported Siebel objects
  • For selected imported Siebel objects

Deletion or modification in the Siebel Master Repository of an imported Siebel object results in the object being deleted in the HaleyAuthority knowledge base and, if applicable, a new object is created.

To explicitly synchronize the HaleyAuthority knowledge base with the Siebel Repository

  1. In HaleyAuthority, choose File > Import > Siebel Object.

    Siebel Object Importer Wizard launches.

  2. From the Siebel Object Importer Wizard Welcome screen, click Next.
  3. In the Login screen, enter database connection parameters, then click Next. For each of the Master Repository database and the runtime datasource:
    • Specify (or browse to) the Siebel application cfg file (for example, uagent.cfg or siebel.cfg) which points to the applicable database. It is typically located in the \BIN\LANG directory in your Siebel server root directory (or Siebel client root directory for a local database), where LANG is the language code (for example, ENU).
    • Enter the login credentials to the applicable database.
    • Choose the datasource - Server, Sample, or Local.
    • For the runtime data connection, also choose Server or Local mode.
  4. In the Pick Task screen, do either of the following, then click Next.
    • Click the Synchronize selected Siebel objects radio button to synchronize a subset of your imported Siebel objects.
    • Click the Synchronize entire model radio button to synchronize all of your imported Siebel objects.
  5. If you chose to synchronize selected objects in Step 4, select one or more business objects from the picklist on the Pick Business Objects screen, then click Next.
  6. On the Finish screen, click Finish.
  7. To perform another import or synchronization task on the same database, click Yes, else click No.

    The Output screen displays a log of the concepts and relations that are updated.

Siebel Business Rules Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.