Siebel CRM Web Services Reference > Primary Web Services for Siebel CRM 8.0 >


Use this Web service to expose the catalog functions, including get catalog, get catalog category, get category product, get search options, get search parameters, execute search, get product promotions, and so on.

CatalogWebService Operations

For a list of operations associated with this Web service, see Table 26.

Table 26. CatalogWebService operations

Get Catalog

Retrieves a list of catalogs.

Get Catalog Categories

Retrieves a list of categories from a given catalog.

Get Category Products

Retrieves a list of products from a given catalog, category and other contextual parameters.

Publish Catalog

Retrieves the full structure from a given catalog including categories and products.

Get Product Details

Retrieves basic product information along with the attributes.

Get Product Children

Retrieves the details of the product specific child entities, such as product piterature, features, and so on.

Get Product Attribute Domain

Retrieves all the possible values for a given product attribute.

Get Related Promotions

Retrieves all the related promotions for a given product.

Get Search Options

Retrieves the search options for a specific product family or class. For example, enter printer speed, color, and so on for the Printer Class.

Get Search Parameters

Retrieves a list of fields or attributes that are available for a search option. For example, enter 100dpm, 200dpm for the Printer Speed option.

Execute Search

Returns the search results based on the search options and parameter values.

Request Message Description: GetCatalogs

For a description of this request message, see Table 27.

Table 27. Request Message Description: GetCatalogs

PDS Catalog Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Interface.

Response Message Description: GetCatalogs

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Catalog Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 28.

Table 28. Response Message Description: GetCatalogs

PDS Catalog Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Interface.

Request Message Description: GetCatalogCategory

For a description of this request message, see Table 29.

Table 29. Request Message Description: GetCatalogCategory

PDS Catalog Category Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Category Interface.

Response Message Description: GetCatalogCategory

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Catalog Category Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 30.

Table 30. Response Message Description: GetCatalogCategory

PDS Catalog Category Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Category Interface.

Request Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

For a description of this request message, see Table 31.

Table 31. Request Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

PDS Category Product Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Category Product Interface.


Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value is Y.


0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode values denote the following: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run but only return eligible products). Optional. The default value is 1.


SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional. You must provide ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.


An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Context. Must contain either SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Response Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Category Product Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 32.

Table 32. Response Message Description: GetCategoryProducts

PDS Category Product Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Category Interface. After running eligibility and pricing, the List Price, Net Price, Eligibility status and Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

Request Message Description: PublishCatalog

For a description of this request message, see Table 33.

Table 33. Request Message Description: PublishCatalog

PDS Publish Catalog Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Category Product Interface.


Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value is Y.


0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode values denote the following: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run but only return eligible products). Optional. The default value is 1.


SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional. You must provide ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.


An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Context. Must contain either SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.


Y or N (includes price waterfall or does not).

Response Message Description: PublishCatalog

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Publish Catalog Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 34.

Table 34. Response Message Description: PublishCatalog

PDS Publish Catalog Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Publish Catalog Interface. After running Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price, Net Price, Eligibility status and Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

Request Message Description: GetProductDetails

For a description of this request message, see Table 35.

Table 35. Request Message Description: GetProductDetails

PDS Product Details Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Product Details Interface.


Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value is Y.


0, 1 ,2 (eligibility display mode values denote the following: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run but only return eligible products). Optional. The default value 1.


SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional. You must provide ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.


An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Context. Must contain either SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Response Message Description: GetProductDetails

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Details Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 36.

Table 36. Response Message Description: GetProductDetails

PDS Product Details Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Product Details Interface. After running Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price, Net Price, Eligibility status and Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

Request Message Description: GetProductChildren

For a description of this request message, see Table 37.

Table 37. Request Message Description: GetProductChildren

PDS Product Children Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Product Children Interface.


Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value is Y.


0, 1, 2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run but only return eligible products). Optional. The default value 1.


SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional. You must provide ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.


An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Context. Must contain either SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.

Response Message Description: GetProductChildren

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Children Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 38.

Table 38. Response Message Description: GetProductChildren

PDS Product Children Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Product Children Interface.

Request Message Description: GetSearchOptions

For a description of this request message, see Table 39.

Table 39. Request Message Description: GetSearchOptions

PDS Searchable Product Class Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Searchable Product Class Interface.

Response Message Description: GetSearchOptions

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Searchable Product Class Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 40.

Table 40. Response Message Description: GetSearchOptions

PDS Searchable Product Class Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Searchable Product Class Interface.

Request Message Description: GetSearchParameters

Retrieves a List of Fields or Attributes Available for a Search Option along with Attribute Domain Values If LOV Type. For a description of this request message, see Table 41.

Table 41. Request Message Description: GetSearchParameters

PDS Searchable Product Class Interface

Required. An instance of integration object PDS Searchable Product Class Interface.


Property name for the class Id field. Optional. The default value is Class Id.

CAUTION:  Do not change this field.


Y or N (looks up search parameters from cache). Optional. The default value is N. Do not use this parameter.


The maximum number of attributes returned for each product class. Optional. The default value is 15.

Response Message Description: GetSearchParameters

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Class Attributes Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 42.

Table 42. Response Message Description: GetSearchParameters

PDS Product Class Attributes Interface

An instance of integration object PDS Product Class Attributes Interface.

Request Message Description: GetProductAttributeDomain

Retrieves all the Possible Values for a Given Product Attribute. For a description of this request message, see Table 43.

Table 43. Request Message Description: GetProductAttributeDomain

Attribute Id

Product attribute Id. This is a required input.

Product Configuration Model Id

Product Configuration Model Id. This is a required input. This field value can be looked up from the product integration object.

Response Message Description: GetProductAttributeDomain

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Attribute Domain Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 44.

Table 44. Response Message Description: GetProductAttributeDomain

PDS Product Attribute Domain Interface

An instance of the integration object PDS Product Attribute Domain Interface.

Request Message Description: ExecuteSearch

Performs an Attribute Search, Returns the Search Results Based on the Search Options and Parameter Values. For a description of this request message, see Table 45.

Table 45. Request Message Description: ExecuteSearch


Required. SearchByProduct or SearchByClass.

PDS Product Interface

An instance of the integration object PDS Product Interface. This is a required input for the SearchByProduct search option.


Y or N (calculates price or not). Optional. The default value is Y.


0, 1, 2 (eligibility display mode: 0 do not run; 1 run; 2 run but only return eligible products). Optional. The default value 1.


SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional. You must provide ContextMode to run pricing and eligibility.


An instance of integration object PDS Catalog Context. Must contain either SiebelContext or ExternalContext. Optional only if ContextMode is not provided. If ContextMode is provided it is required.


Optional. Price field search expression. For example, greater than > 100 and less than < 1000.


Optional. Search specification for the product business component, for example, [Name] like IBM*.


Optional. Number of products returned. The default value is 100.

PDS Product Class Attributes Interface

An instance of the integration object PDS Product Class Attributes Interface. This is a required input for the SearchByClass search option.

Response Message Description: ExecuteSearch

Integration Object Message Format: PDS Product Interface. For a description of this response message, see Table 46.

Table 46. Response Message Description: ExecuteSearch

PDS Product Interface

An instance of the integration object PDS Product Interface. After running Eligibility and Pricing, the List Price, Net Price, Eligibility status, and Eligibility Reason fields will be updated.

CatalogWebService Application Interface

This topic describes the application objects called by the this Web service. For more information on application implementation, refer to your application development documentation on Oracle Technology Network.

Service Object (Business Service or Workflow)

For a description of the service objects for this Web service, see Table 47.

Table 47. CatalogWebService Service Object
Boundary Object Type
Class (if BusService)

PDS Product Data Service

Business Service


Data Object (Integration Object)

For a description of data objects for this Web service, see Table 48.

Table 48. CatalogWebService Data Objects
Siebel Repository Name
External Name

PDS Catalog Interface

PDS Catalog Interface

PDS Catalog Category Interface

PDS Catalog Category Interface

PDS Category Product Interface

PDS Category Product Interface

PDS Publish Catalog Interface

PDS Publish Catalog Interface

PDS Product Interface

PDS Product Interface

PDS Product Class Attributes Interface

PDS Product Class Attributes Interface

PDS Product Attribute Domain Interface

PDS Product Attribute Domain Interface

PDS Searchable Product Class Interface

PDS Searchable Product Class Interface

PDS Product Details Interface

PDS Product Details Interface

PDS Product Children Interface

PDS Product Children Interface

CatalogWebService Example Package

To view an example of messages for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


See the following file to view the sample code:



See the following file to view the sample code:


Message Schema (WSDL) of CatalogWebService

To view the message schema for this Web service, navigate to the documentation library for Siebel applications on Oracle Technology Network, and click the Related Files link next to the link for Siebel CRM Web Services Reference to access a zip file. Extract the files in the zip file.


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