Siebel Collaboration Guide > Configuring Siebel Collaboration >

Hiding and Showing the Navigation Bars on Team Space Pages

ASPX pages in the Siebel site definition are modified so that when a page is viewed from within the Siebel application, those menu items that normally appear in the SharePoint top navigation bar appear in the left navigation bar. (See Figure 3 and Figure 4.) This is to make better use of the window height within the Siebel application.

NOTE:  The Siebel left navigation bar does not appear in the team space home page.

Figure 3. Sample Page Displayed Within the Siebel Application
Click for full size image
Figure 4. Sample Page Displayed from SharePoint Application
Click for full size image

These navigation bar modifications were only made to the ASPX pages within the Siebel site definition. If you want to apply navigation bar modifications for pages in the LAYOUTS directory, to hide the SharePoint top navigation bar within the Siebel application, see the following procedure.

CAUTION:  Pages in the LAYOUTS directory are not part of the Siebel site definition. Any changes to these pages may be lost when updates, Service Packs, or version upgrades are applied to the SharePoint installation. Before you edit these pages, refer to the SharePoint documentation for general information about making changes to pages in the LAYOUTS directory.

For information about making navigation bar modifications to ASPX pages in the LISTS directory of the Siebel site definition, see Configuring Siebel Collaboration for Another Language.

This task is a step in Process of Configuring Siebel Collaboration.

To hide the SharePoint top navigation bar for pages displayed in the Siebel application

  1. Open the ASPX file (contained in a subdirectory of the SharePoint Services Web Service Extension Directory\Template\LAYOUTS directory).
  2. Wrap this pair of tags around the Web Part for the SharePoint top navigation bar:

    <SIEBEL:HideDataInSiebelApp runat=server> . . . </SIEBEL:HideDataInSiebelApp>

    The SharePoint top navigation bar Web Part is coded differently in different SharePoint templates. The following table describes patterns the template may contain. If the templates contain these patterns, you must wrap the corresponding <SIEBEL ... tag around this set of tags in the file as described in the following table.


    Template contains the pattern


    Wrap the corresponding <SIEBEL ... tag around this set of tags in the file

    <SPSWC:TopPageSection . . . </SPSWC:TopPageSection>

    For example:

    <SIEBEL:HideDataInSiebelApp runat=server><SPSWC:TopPageSection runat="server">
    <SPSWC:PageHeader id="PageHeader" runat="server" TitleLocId="AudienceAdminMain_PageTitle_Text" HelpID="ManageAudiences" /> <div class="ms-phnav1wrapper ms-navframe"> <SPSWC:CategoryNavigationWebPart runat="server" id="HorizontalNavBar" DisplayStyle="HorizontalOneLayer" />
    </SPSWC:TopPageSection> </SIEBEL:HideDataInSiebelApp>

    Contains the Web Part called


    <SPSWC:TopPageSection . . . </SPSWC:TopPageSection>

    For example:

    <SIEBEL:HideDataInSiebelApp runat=server><SPSWC:TopPageSection runat="server">
    <SPSWC:PageHeader id="PageHeader" runat="server"

    </SPSWC:TopPageSection> </SIEBEL:HideDataInSiebelApp>

    Contains the pattern


    <tr> ... </tr> found after the text "AlternateHeader"

    For example:

    if (alternateHeader == null || alternateHeader == "")
    <SIEBEL:HideDataInSiebelApp runat=server>
    <TD COLSPAN=3 WIDTH=100%> <!--Top bar--> <table class="ms-bannerframe" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td nowrap valign="middle"><img ID=onetidHeadbnnr0 alt="Logo" src="/_layouts/images/logo.gif"> </td>
    <td class=ms-banner width=99% nowrap ID="HBN100" valign="middle"> <!--webbot Bot="Navigation" startspan--> <SharePoint:Navigation LinkBarId="1002" runat="server"/> </td>
    <td class=ms-banner>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td nowrap class=ms-banner style="padding-right: 7px"> <SharePoint:PortalConnection runat="server" /> </td>



    <SPSWC:CategoryNavigationWebPart . . .



    <SPSWC:PersonalSpaceNavigation HelpID="MySite" runat="server"/>

    TIP:   You can use these <SIEBEL... tags to configure other HTML to only appear when the page is viewed directly in the SharePoint application.

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