Siebel Communications Guide Addendum > Customer Order Management >

Transferring Service to Another Location (End User)

With asset-based ordering, employee users can use the procedure in this topic to disconnect services at one address (the move-out address) and install the same services at another address (the move-in address). If the correct service points exist at the new address for the transferred services, the services are automatically assigned to these service points.

In the procedure in this topic, you create a quote that shows the service deleted for one address and added for another address. The items displayed in the quote reflect the current configuration of the service adjusted for changes in open orders.

NOTE:  Users can transfer a service only if the service is provisioned at a service point. The Workflow does not recognize services that are not associated with a service point.

To transfer a service to another location

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen > Accounts List view.
  2. Click the name of the appropriate account.
  3. In the Account form, in the Address field, click the select button.

    The Account Addresses dialog box displays.

  4. In the Account Addresses dialog box:
    1. If necessary, click New and add the move-in address to the Available list.
    2. If necessary, move the move-in address from the Available list to the Selected list.
    3. In the Selected list, in the record for the move-in address, in the Start Date field, enter the date on which the new address is active for invoicing purposes.
    4. In the Selected list, in the record for the move-out address, in the End Date field, enter the date on which the old address is inactive for invoicing purposes.
    5. In the Selected list, select the record for the move-in address, and click Transfer Service.

      The Line Items view displays listing two copies of the service. The line items in one copy have an action code of Delete as well as a sub-action code of Move-Delete and are associated with the move-out address. The line items in the other copy have an action code of Add as well as a sub-action code of Move-Add and are associated with the move-in address.

  5. For each service item, verify that the Service Point field displays a service item.

    If the Service Point field displays a service item, a service point is available at the move-in address.

  6. If a service item does not display a service point, delete the item from the quote.
  7. Convert the quote to an order and submit the order.

    The action codes and sub-action codes in the quote lines also display in the order lines. For more information about converting a quote to an order and submitting an order, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

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