Siebel Communications Guide Addendum > Web Service Reference >

SWI Update Order Line Item

Use this Web Service to update the status of order line items for simple products, complex products, and nested service bundles in the Siebel CRM application when the status of the order line item changes in the billing application. The billing application makes this inbound Web Service call to the Siebel CRM application to update the status of the order line item. A business service is exposed in the Siebel CRM application to update the status field.

If the order line item contains a complex product or nested service bundle, this Web Service updates the statuses of the component products within that complex product or nested service bundle for the order line item ID that is passed to this Web Service. If the order line item ID is the same as the root line item ID, then this Web Service updates the statuses of the entire product hierarchy for the order.

The response message returns only an acknowledgement message and not data.

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