Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Communications Server > Administering Communications Outbound Manager >

Configuring Communications Outbound Manager

For Communications Outbound Manager, you can configure a parameter that specifies how Siebel bookmarks are generated, configure a parameter that specifies whether logging should use shared or separate files, and configure logging levels.

For more information about configuring logging for server components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Configuring Siebel Bookmarks

In order to support the Attach Bookmark setting for advanced communications templates, the Siebel administrator must specify a value for the WebServer server component parameter for the Communications Outbound Manager.

This parameter specifies a string identifying the Web server and Application Object Manager to include in the URL, in the following form:


In order to access the bookmarked record, the recipient users must have access to the specified Web server and Application Object Manager.

For more information about using the Attach Bookmark setting for advanced templates, see Fields for Templates.

Configuring Shared or Separate Logging

An administrator can review log files for Communications Outbound Manager to monitor its performance and to monitor user activities that invoke this component.

Depending on how you have configured the Communications Outbound Manager server component, a single log file may be generated for all requests, or a separate log file may be generated for each request (the default). The parameter that modifies this setting is called LogUseSharedFile.

Log files are written to the log subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

Set LogUseSharedFile according to how the server component is generally used:

  • For miscellaneous uses, including supporting the Send commands, sending auto-acknowledgement messages and replies for Siebel Email Response, or sending several outbound requests to a small number of recipients each, it may be best to set LogUseSharedFile to TRUE, to reduce clutter in your log directory.
  • For high-volume outbound communication requests, however, it may be best to leave this parameter set to FALSE, to generate a single log file for each request that you can analyze. LogUseSharedFile is FALSE by default.

The log file names vary according to how you set LogUseSharedFile:

  • When a single log file is generated for all requests, the file name is in the form CommOutboundMgr_xxx.log, where xxx is the ID number for the main Communications Outbound Manager task.
  • When a separate log file is generated for each request, the file names are in the form CommOutboundMgr_xxx.log, where xxx is the ID number for the Communications Outbound Manager task applicable to the specific communication request.

The business service Outbound Communications Manager, run on the Siebel Server, also generates log files in the same location, using the same naming convention.

Configuring Log Levels for Communications Outbound Manager

An administrator can set logging levels for Communications Outbound Manager, to specify the degree of detail captured in the logs. Logging levels are:

  • CommSrvrError (level 1). The lowest level of logging. The most severe errors are logged. Level 1 is the default.
  • CommSrvrWarning (2). Moderate level of logging. Logs more detail than level 1. Generally recommended for production use.
  • CommSrvrTrace (3). Moderately high level of logging. Logs more detail than level 2.
  • CommSrvrDebug (4). The highest level of logging. All errors and warnings and other events are logged. Use level 4 for testing purposes.

The procedures below are for the Siebel Server Manager—both the Siebel client version (GUI) and the command-line version.

To configure log levels for Communications Outbound Manager (GUI)

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers.
  2. Specify the Siebel Server on which Communications Outbound Manager is running.
  3. In the Components list, select the record for the Communications Outbound Manager component.
  4. Click the Events tab.
  5. Select the record for the event type CommServer.
  6. Specify one of the values described above, from 1 to 4.

To configure log levels for Communications Outbound Manager (command line)

  1. Start the command-line version of the Siebel Server Manager.
  2. Type the following at the command line:

    change evtloglvl CommSrvr=n for comp CommOutboundMgr

    where n is the log level you want to specify, from 1 to 4.

Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.