Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Sales Volume Planning > About Configuring Siebel Consumer Goods for SVP >

(Optional) Configuring SVP Category Aggregation and Mass Change

To deliver a comprehensive and performance oriented solution that provides the ability to view the SVP data in units, Gross Revenue, and Net Invoice Revenue, SVP category Aggregation is available in the Consumer Goods product. SVP Category Aggregation enables the user to specify those fields that are linked back to SVP from the promoted products in the plans through Business Component User Properties. For more information about promoted products, see Trade Promotions. Before you can use Category Aggregation, you must first enable it through Siebel Tools.

The Mass Change button allows you to perform an update on the Baseline Planning Currency and the Baseline Planning Qty fields for Category Baseline records. It is possible to make other fields visible in the Field drop-down list on the Mass Change dialog box and enable Mass Change functionality on custom fields. Before you can change these fields, however, you must first make repository changes.

Enabling Category Aggregation and Mass Change of Multiple Fields

To enable SVP Category Aggregation and Mass Change of multiple fields, you must make repository changes. These changes are described in the following procedure.

To enable category aggregation and mass change of multiple fields

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Object Explorer, select the Applet object, and in the Object List Editor, query for the following Applet: CG SVP Category Baseline List Applet, and do the following:
    1. In the Object Explorer, select the Controls child object, and in the Object Explorer List create a new record with the values shown in the following table.



      Method Invoked


      Caption - String Reference



      This field is auto-populated.

    2. In the Object Explorer, select the Applet Web Template child object, and in the Object Explorer List, select the Edit List item, right click and then select Edit Web Layout.
    3. Drag and drop the CatAggregate control that you just created beside the Mass Change button.
    4. Click File, and then Save.
    5. Close the Edit Web Layout window.
  3. In the Object Explorer, select the Business Component Object, and in the Object List Editor, query for the following business component: CG SVP Product Baseline-Aux, and perform the following actions:
    1. In the Object Explorer, select the Multi Value Field child object, and in the Object List Editor, select the Promotion Incremental Qty item.
    2. Modify the Name field so that it reads MVF Incremental Qty

      NOTE:  This field might already be changed.

    3. In the Object Explorer, select the Field child object, and create a new field with the values shown in the following table.


      Promotion Incremental Qty



      Calculated Value

      IfNull(Sum([MVF Incremental Qty]),0)



    4. In the Object Explorer, select the Business Component User Property child object, and create the following new user properties with the values shown in the following table.

      Category Aggregation Field 1

      "Promotion Incremental Qty", "Incremental Cases"

      Cat Aggregation Include Skipped


      Build Tree Include Cat Aggregation Info


  4. In the Object Explorer, select the Pick List object, and in the Object List Editor, query for the following picklist: CG SVP Baseline Change Record PickList, and modify the values shown in the following table.



    Search Specification

    Blank (You must remove the search specification value.)

  5. Save all your changes, and back up the current SRF.
  6. Recompile the SRF.
  7. Stop the Siebel Server and replace the old SRF with the newly compiled version.
  8. Restart the Server.

Using Category Aggregation

When it has been enabled, you can use category aggregation to link fields back to SVP from the promoted products in the Plans.

To link fields back to SVP from the promoted products

  1. Navigate to the Sales Volume Planning screen.
  2. In the Accounts list, query for and select an account for which you want to link SVP fields back to the promoted products.

    NOTE:  You must have already created entire promotions with categories, products, and their attributes defined. For more information, see Trade Promotions..

  3. In the Category list, select the required category, and scroll down to the Category Baseline list.
  4. Click Calculate.

    NOTE:  A Sales Volume Planning (SVP) shipment record can be associated with many promoted products. However when an SVP shipment record is associated with a promoted product, no adjustment in shipment quantity is made for other promoted products with which the shipment record has already been associated. Therefore, each promoted product has the full shipment quantity associated with it.

Making Extra Fields Available for Mass Change

After the repository changes have been made, it is possible to update extra fields using the Mass Change button by adding new entries to the SVP Source LOV.

To make extra fields available for mass change

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen > List of Values list view.
  2. In the List of Values list, create a new record.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Enter SVP Source to this field.

    Display Value

    The display value of the field that you want to display.

    Language-Independent Code

    The LIC of the field that you want to display.


    The order in which the field appears in the drop-down list.

    Repeat Step 2 for all extra fields that you want to add.

When you have added these extra fields, you can perform a mass change on these fields as described in Locking and Modifying SVP Data (End User).

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