Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Help > Configuring Help >

Adding Help to a Screen

You can add help to a screen.

To add help to a screen

  1. In Siebel Tools, display the help Id object type.

    For more information, see Displaying Object Types You Use to Configure Siebel CRM.

  2. In the Object Explorer, click Screen.
  3. In the Screens list, locate the screen you must modify.

    If the Screen object does not exist, then create it now. For example, create the My New Screen screen. For more information, see Process of Creating a Screen.

  4. Define the Help Identifier property of the screen. For example, you can use the values from the following table.

    Help Identifier


  5. In the Object Explorer, click Help Id.
  6. In the Help Ids list, create a new record using values from the following table.


    Value of the Help Identifier property of the screen.



    Repository Help Id



    HTML Help URL

    Name of the file that will contain the help content.

    For example, help/mynewscreen.htm.

  7. Compile your changes.

    You must compile the Repository Help Id project and the screen. In this example, you must compile the Repository Help Id project and the screen named My New Screen.

  8. Create a new HTML file that contains help content for the screen.

    For the name of this file, use the name you defined in the HTML Help URL property in Step 6. For example, mynewscreen.htm.

  9. Test your changes.
  10. Distribute the Siebel repository file and the new HTML file to the appropriate Siebel Servers and Siebel clients.

    For example, for the Siebel Web Client, copy the mynewscreen.htm file to the appropriate directory on the Siebel Server. For more information, see Testing and Distributing Changes.

Adding Generic Help Topics to a Screen

Siebel CRM associates some screens with generic help topics. Siebel CRM uses one of the following files for the HTML Help URL property of the help Id object:

    • help/siebadmgeneric.htm for an administrative screen
    • help/siebendusegeneric.htm for a user screen

For more information, see Example of Identifying the HTML File That Contains Help Content.

To add generic help topics to a screen

  1. Use a standard HTML editor to open one of the following files:
    • help/siebadmgeneric.htm to add generic help to an administrative screen
    • help/siebendusegeneric.htm to add generic help to a user screen
  2. Save the file with a different name.
  3. In Siebel Tools, display the help Id object type.

    For more information, see Displaying Object Types You Use to Configure Siebel CRM.

  4. In the Object Explorer, click Help Id.
  5. In the Help Ids list, change the HTML Help URL property to the file name you saved in Step 2.
  6. Compile and test your changes.

    For more information, see Using Siebel Tools.

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