Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel Data Quality > Siebel Data Quality User Properties >

Deduplication User Properties

Deduplication detects possible matches to records in specified business components during record creation and update. The matching process begins with the Dedup token, which is an identifier calculated for each account, contact, or prospect in the database as well as the newly created or modified record. Using the value of the Dedup token, the Siebel application passes to the data quality matching engine a short list of prequalified possible matches for further refinement.

Deduplication, like data cleansing, is configured in two business component user properties, but also affects certain views and applets. The deduplication feature is disabled or enabled for the application through settings in the .cfg file. After being turned on at the application level, deduplication can be turned off for a specific business component by deactivating all of the child user properties (by setting the Inactive property to TRUE). Deduplication cannot be turned off for individual records. If you configure a business component for deduplication, it must also be configured for data cleansing and data cleansing must be turned on. (The reverse is not necessarily true; you can configure data cleansing for a business component without configuring deduplication.)

Data deduplication works only on applets that use the CSSFrameBase and CSSFrameListBase classes, and classes derived from these. Data cleansing works for applets that use any class.

NOTE:  Components from the vendor's Corporation must be installed for this functionality to work.

The following deduplication user properties are described in this topic:

DeDup Token Value

This user property allows you to specify the dedup token calculation expression for a business component.

DeDuplication CFG File

This user property stores the name of the vendor configuration file used for account deduplication.

Parent Object Type

Business Component


Vendor CFG file used for Account deduplication.

Functional Area

Data Cleansing

DeDuplication Field n

This user property sets up a correspondence between a vendor Connector data field and a Siebel CRM business component data field.

Parent Object Type

Business Component


Sets up a correspondence between a vendor Connector data field and a Siebel CRM business component data field. The value consists of a pair of quoted strings in double quotation marks, separated by a comma, with the first string identifying the vendor field name and the second string identifying the Siebel CRM name.

The set of fields mapped in DeDuplication Field user properties is the set of fields that is passed in records in the candidate set to the vendor Connector. The candidate set consists of records with a dedup token exactly or partially matching the calculated dedup token of the record being added or modified, and therefore representing possible duplicates.

Functional Area

Data Quality

Deduplication has a set of numbered user properties that set up correspondences between vendor fields and Fields in Business Components. These field mapping properties have names of the form DeDuplication Field n, where n is an integer value (for example, DeDuplication Field 7). The syntax for the Value property in a DeDuplication Field user property is the same as for a DataCleansing Field user property: the value consists of a pair of quoted strings in double quotation marks, separated by a comma, with the first string identifying the vendor field name and the second string identifying the Siebel CRM name. The set of fields mapped in DeDuplication Field user property is the set of fields that is passed in records in the candidate set to the vendor Connector. The candidate set consists of records with a dedup token exactly or partially matching the calculated dedup token of the record being added or modified, and therefore representing possible duplicates.

The Prospects business component requires additional user property configuration beyond that required for Contacts and Accounts. Prospects share name processing capabilities in the vendor Connector with Contacts, and Contact data (rather than Prospect data) is assumed by the system to be present. In order to specify that Prospect data is being processed, two additional user properties must be added, DeDuplication Results business component and DeDuplication Results applet.

For information about setting numbered instances of a user property, see Siebel Developer's Reference.

Deduplication Results BusComp

This user property stores the name of the business component that will hold returned deduplication data.

Parent Object Type

Business Component


This user property name is added to the Account, Contact, or Prospects business component upon which deduplication is being performed. The value in the user property name is the name of the business component that will hold the returned data, for example, DeDuplication Results (Prospect).

Functional Area

Data Quality

Deduplication Results List Applet

This user property stores the name of the pick applet that prompts the user to resolve duplicates.

Parent Object Type



The name of the pick applet used to prompt the user to resolve duplicates, for example:

  • DeDuplication Results (Account) List Applet
  • DeDuplication Results (Contact) List Applet

Add the DeDuplication Results List Applet user property to the applet from which you want to trigger real-time deduplication.

Functional Area

Data Quality

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