Siebel Events Management Guide > Defining an Event > End-User Setup Procedures for Defining an Event >

Defining Event Plans, Events, and Sessions

Siebel Events Management allows you to define event plans, events, and sessions. For the purposes of defining and organizing information for an event, you should note that Siebel Events Management uses a three-level hierarchy of events:

  • Event Plans. Event plans are used to define the high-level information about an event, including overall date span, approvals, and summarized financial metrics. Information from child events, such as expenses and attendees roll up to the event plan.
  • Events. The propagated events, or children of the parent event, which comprise the individual days within the parent event timeline. An event is usually one day long.
  • Sessions. The components of an event. Usually, many sessions make up an event. Sessions are typically measured in hours.

Event plans include defining the purpose, nature, and scope of the event, and making at least tentative decisions about when and where the event will be held. In Siebel Events Management, you can record these decisions in an event.

Later in the definition process, you can update the event plan, events, and sessions with detailed information. Also, prospective event attendees will be able to view information from the listing on your Siebel Events Web site.

NOTE:  In this release, information that is entered for a specific session is stored separately from information that is entered for the event that includes the session. For example, to view all information about event vendors, you would need to review the vendor information under the Participants view tab and the Sessions screen.

Siebel Events Management Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.