Siebel Field Service Guide > Agreements > Process of Setting Up Agreements >

Configuring Data Maps to Copy Specified Items

Field Service provides conditional data mapping capabilities which can be used to specify that only certain information be copied to the agreement. To accomplish this, you can add a source search specification to the data map. The ISS Copy business service then copies a source expression to a destination field.

To add a search specification to a data map

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen > Data Map Administration view.
  2. In the Data Map Object list, select the appropriate data map record.
  3. Scroll down to the Data Map Component list, and select the appropriate component record.
  4. In the Advanced Options field, add a source search specification as follows:
    1. Click New to create a new search specification.
    2. From the Name drop-down list, select Source Search Specification.
    3. In the Value field, add a source expression in the CSSQuery language used for calculated fields using the following format:

    IIf ([Flag] = 'Y', [Field], "")

    This expression copies the field if the flag is set—otherwise it copies the null string over.

Example: Copying Service Products from Orders to Agreements

The following example uses a search specification to specify that only service products should be copied from an order to an agreement.

To copy only service products from orders to agreements

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen > Data Map Administration view.
  2. In the Data Map Object list, select the AutoAgreeFromOrder data map record.
  3. Scroll down to the Data Map Component list, and select the Line Items record.
  4. In the Advanced Options field, add a source search specification using the following expression:

    IIF ([Sales Service Flag] = 'Y', ([Sales Service Flag], "").

    The data map should now only copy service products from the order.

    TIP:   You can make similar changes to the AutoAgreement data map (used for mapping data from the quote to the agreement) if you only want to quote service products.

Example: User Scenario

From the order, the user creates assets, using asset-based ordering to do so. When you have asset-based ordering turned on in Siebel Order Management, end users can use the Accounts screen > Installed Assets view to create orders based on a customer's existing assets. Installed assets can include both products and services. When these views are used with the automated asset-based order workflows, the amount of time to create quotes, orders, and agreements covering those asset records is reduced because many tasks are automated.

The user covers the assets with the service product on the order and clicks Auto Contract on the Service Order screen > List > Agreements view.

The agreement is created with only the service product for the agreement line item and the assets added as covered assets. Product line items that are not service items are not added to the service agreement.

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