Siebel Field Service Guide > Assets > Assets Screen >

Assets View

The Assets view defines assets. Some fields in the Assets view are described in Table 126.

Table 126. Selected Fields in the Assets View


Selected if the product selected is a serialized product. Read-only in the Assets screen.


Indicates that the asset can be referenced to customers or to other vendors, depending on the organization's business process.

Operating Status

Whether the asset is operational and at what level.

Purchase Site

Location of the asset.

Product Line

Inherited from the product from which this asset is derived.


Inherited from the product from which this asset is derived.

Parent Asset #

Read-only. The next higher level asset under which the selected asset is currently installed (for example, the parent asset of a disk drive is a computer).


Account associated with the asset. If you select an account, the Contacts field is not limited to the contacts for the account.


Contacts associated with the asset. If you select a contact, the Account field is not populated with the account for the contacts.

A Customize button appears in the top of the Asset form. The button is available only if your company has a license for Configurator and the asset was instantiated from a configurable product. When an end user clicks this button, Siebel Field Service launches Configurator for the asset displayed in the form. For information about configurable products and Configurator, see Siebel Product Administration Guide.

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