Siebel Global Deployment Guide > Planning Global Deployments >

Scenarios for Installing and Deploying Siebel Languages

This topic summarizes deployment scenarios when you plan to deploy multiple Siebel Language Packs for your Siebel Business Applications software.

NOTE:  For detailed information about these scenarios, including prerequisites, installation and configuration instructions, and associated tasks performed using the Database Configuration Wizard, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

Consider the following scenarios for installing and deploying multiple Siebel Language Packs:

  • Install and deploy all languages you require once. For customers installing and deploying languages shipped with Siebel Business Applications version 8.0, and who do not plan to deploy other languages at a later date. This option is easiest but may not be suitable for phased language deployments.
  • Install all languages you will require, but deploy some languages later. For customers installing and deploying languages shipped with Siebel Business Applications version 8.0, but who plan to deploy some of the installed languages at a later date. This option may be suitable for phased language deployments.
  • Install and deploy additional languages in an existing deployment. For customers installing and deploying languages shipped with Siebel Business Applications version 8.0, and who plan to install and deploy additional languages at a later date. This option may be suitable for some phased language deployments.

    You can install languages at any time to meet changing business needs. However, deploying languages is easier if you include them when you first install and configure the Siebel software.

    NOTE:  This scenario also applies for any Language Packs that are not available with the initial Siebel product release, but that ship subsequently and require a minimum patch release to be installed (for applicable releases and languages only).

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