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Planning and Recording Calls in Siebel Pharma Handheld Applications

Planning calls in Siebel Pharma Handheld consists of configuring personal lists and creating account and contact calls. Recording calls involves entering information on products detailed, samples and promotional items dropped, and decision issues that occurred during the call.

Personal Lists

Personal lists allow for faster call reporting by limiting the number of products that appear in drop-down lists in the Call Products Detailed, Samples Dropped, and Promotional Items Dropped views.

Contact and Account Calls

Contact and account calls are types of activity records, although contact and account calls cannot be created from the Activities view.

You can create contact calls as follows:

    • Tap the New Call or Auto Call button from the My Contacts view
    • Tap the New Call button from the Contact form applet
    • Tap the New call button from the Calendar > Daily view
    • Create a new record from the Contacts screen's Calls view
    • Create a new record from the Contact Calls screen

You can create account calls as follows:

    • Tap the New Call or Auto Call button from the Accounts screen
    • Tap the New Call button from the Account form applet
    • Create a new record from the Accounts screen's Calls view
    • Create a new record from the Account Call screen
  • Contact call. Used to track a planned or past call activity with a contact. You can record details about contact calls such as the products detailed, the samples and promotional items dropped, and decision issues discussed. Before you can record details about a contact call, you must set up personal lists.
  • Account call. Used to track a planned or past call activity at an account. You can record products detailed, attendees, promotional items dropped, and decision issues discussed.

Auto Call, Smart Call, and Auto Update

Siebel Pharma Handheld provides several features to manage contact and account call records:

  • Smart Call. Specifying a Smart Call template for the call record associates a prepopulated call template with this call.

    A Smart Call is a template that you can apply to contact calls and account calls to simplify and speed up the call-reporting process. A Smart Call defines a set of information about the products detailed, the samples distributed, and the issues discussed on a call. Smart Call templates are created in the Siebel Pharma application, not in the Siebel Pharma Handheld application.

    Smart Calls can be also used for calls related to a particular campaign or promotional effort, or for everyday call reporting. They are intended for situations where sales representatives report details about a number of calls that are identical in content (the same products are detailed in the same order, the same samples are dropped, and so on). After you apply a Smart Call template to a call, you can make additional edits in any fields in the Contact Call screen's Details view.

  • Auto Call. Selecting the Auto Call button creates a new call and populates the record with items from the personal lists.

    Auto Call is designed to help minimize the time in front of a physician by pre-populating the call with products from your personal list. Apply Auto Call as a part of the call planning process. Once the call has been created, you can access auto-created calls to record call information directly on your handheld device in front of a physician.

    Auto Call speeds up call reporting because you do not have to individually select the products and samples while recording the call. After selecting Auto Call, the Status field in the Contacts view displays Auto-Created.

  • Auto Update. Selecting Auto Update deletes from the database unused auto-created call records.
  • New Call. A user can create a Call record directly from within this Contacts List applet. The New Call button on the Contacts form applet creates a Contact Call record with the Contact Ids populated. The created Call records are displayed in the Contacts Call Detail view under Activities.

For more information about planning and recording calls in Siebel Pharma Handheld, see Scenarios for Calls and Lists in Siebel Pharma Applications.

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