Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Developing Siebel Handheld Applications > Configuring Calendar Settings >

Configuring Calendar Color Codes and Descriptions

The auxconfig file contains a section for each organization and the rule expressions to define the color code and dynamic description for Daily and Weekly calendar views. Color code is rendered as the side bar color in a Daily view and is rendered as text background color of the time indicator in the Weekly view. The color code is a hexadecimal representation of the possible color to be used. The key values that can be defined are:

Default Color: Used if the Color expression does not evaluate to any color code.

Color: Used to show color codes based on the Expression defined.

Day Description: Used for the Daily view and defines which fields to display for Calendar Activity when it is shown in Daily view. The text word-wraps to multi-line display if timeslot spacing is for two or more lines.

Week Description: Used for Weekly view and defines which fields to display on Calendar Activity when it is shown in Weekly view. The number of fields displayed can be reduced due to limited display space.

Table 8 shows an example of a section from the auxconfig.txt file:

Table 8. Key Value Example
Key Value


Organization Id.

If the administrator defines these Key Value Set under both Organization Id and Organization Name, the Organization Id takes precedence. Avoid duplicate sections for one Organization.

Default Color = 0000FF

Specifies what color code should be used for any activity that does not evaluate to a color code for each Color expression which in this example is set to Blue (0000FF)

Color = IIf ([Category] ='Contact Call',
(IIf([Status]='Submitted','00FF00','FFFF00')))),(IIf([Category]='Account Call',

Color evaluates the Expression and if the activity is Contact Call or Account Call and has a status of Planned, the color displays in red (FF0000). If the activity has a status of Submitted, the color displays in green (00FF00). If the call has a status other than Planned and Submitted, for example, Synchronized, then the color displays in yellow (FFFF00). All other kinds of activities are displayed in blue (0000FF).

Day Description = IIf ([Category]='Contact Call', [Contact Last Name] + ' ' + [Category] + ' ' + [Status],[Description])

Day Description evaluates the expression and if the activity is Contact Call, Last Name, Category of Call, and Status is displayed. If the activity is not Contact Call, the Description field is displayed on the calendar.

Week Description = IIf([Category]='Contact Call', [Contact Last Name] + ' ' + [Status],[Description])

Week Description evaluates the expression and if the activity is Contact Call, Last Name, and Status is displayed. If the activity is not Contact Call, the Description field is displayed on the calendar.

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