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Verifying Signature Capture in Siebel Pharma Handheld Applications

Signature capture verification compares information captured at the time of signature (the signature event string) with the current call information (the current call string) to assess if the call information has been modified. Reasons that the call information might be modified include:

  • Recreation of a sample receipt
  • Sample adjustments
  • Fraud

Signature capture verification is launched from the Verify button on the Signature Audit Administration view. For an example of signature audit administration, see Performing a Signature Audit in Siebel Pharma Handheld Applications.

Signature Key

When the signature is first created, a signature key is calculated from the signature and stored. When the signature is verified, this key is recalculated from the current signature and compared to the stored key. If the two keys do not match, the signature key checksum fails. A failed checksum indicates that the current signature has been altered since the time of capture. If the checksum fails, the signature is not displayed in the Signature Audit Administration view.

Outcomes of Checksums

The signature capture verification status (which can be Passed, Adjusted, or Failed) is determined by the outcome of checksums. Checksums is a user property which compares text saved at the time of the signature capture with fields in the current call record and the signature key checksum. See Table 17 for examples of checksum combinations.

NOTE:  You might need to expose the Verification Status field using Siebel Tools. This is a configuration change that might need to be performed before implementing Siebel Pharma Handheld. For more information about exposing the Verification Status field, see the release notes for Siebel Pharma Handheld.

Each user property checksum returns results for a different group of fields involved in the signature capture. The checksum examples and verification status settings are shown in Table 17.

Table 17. Checksum Examples
Then the verification status is set to...

All checksums pass


Any of the checksums fail


One or two checksums return Adjusted and the others pass


User Properties for Signature Capture Verification

In the default installation of Siebel Pharma Handheld, there are three user properties that set fields for the checksums (Checksum Field: 1, Checksum Field: 2, and Checksum Field: 3). These user properties and their default configurations are described in the following topics.

Using Siebel Tools, you can create additional checksums. For more information about checksums, see Creating New Checksum Field User Properties.

Checksum Field: 1—Signature Header Text

This checksum compares the signature header text recorded at time of signature with the similar string in the current call record.

The three possible outcomes (Passed, Adjusted, and Failed) for this checksum depend upon the signature header text strings and the (signature) Status field, as shown in Table 18.

Table 18. Checksum Status for Signature Header Text
The Checksum Status Is...
If the Signature Event String...


Equals the current call string.


Is different from the current call string and the (signature) Status is Inactive.


Is different from the current call string and the (signature) Status is Active.

Checksum Field: 2—Signature Body Text

This checksum compares the signature body text recorded at the time of signature with the similar string in the current call information.

The outcome (Passed and Adjusted) for this checksum depends on whether the signature body text strings match, as shown in Table 19.

Table 19. Checksum Status for Signature Body Text
The Checksum Status Is...
If the Signature Event String...


Equals the current call string.


Is different from the current call string.

Checksum Field: 3—Sales Representative's Row Number

This checksum compares the identity of the call creator at time of signature with the identity of the current creator of the call. The employee's row number is used to identify the call creator.

An employee's row number can be obtained by selecting the employee in the Employees view and then selecting Help > About Record. The Employee's Row # appears in the About Record dialog box.

The outcome (Passed and Failed) for this checksum depends on whether the sales representative name text strings match, as shown in Table 20.

Table 20. Checksum Status for Sales Representative's Row
The Checksum Status Is...
If the Signature Event String...


Equals the current call string.


Is different from the current call string.

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