Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide for Handheld > Installation and Configuration of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging > Setting Up Load Balancing for Store-and-Forward Messaging >

Process of Setting Up the Siebel Load Balancer

The process for deploying the Siebel Load Balancer is as follows:

  1. Setting Up the Virtual Hosts File
  2. Pointing the Workflow Process Manger to the Virtual Hosts File
  3. Turning On Load Balancing

Setting Up the Virtual Hosts File

To work with Siebel Load Balancer, every machine that can serve as a caller connecting to a virtual host (that is, a machine hosting the Workflow Process Manager component) must have a VirtualHostsFile parameter pointing to a file location on that machine.

The Siebel Session Manager reads the content of a virtual hosts file and dispatches client requests to the servers defined in that file in a round-robin fashion. To deploy the Siebel Load Balancer, you first generate a virtual hosts file.

To set up a virtual hosts file

  1. Connect to the Siebel Server Manager and run the following command:

    generate lbconfig

    This creates the lbconfig.txt file in the SiebSrvr\ADMIN directory. For more information about the lbconfig file and the Siebel Server Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

  2. Open a command prompt, navigate to eappweb\bin, and open the file eapps.cfg file.

    NOTE:  If you are enabling load balancing for a Siebel Industry application, open the eapps_sia.cfg file.

  3. In the eapps.cfg file, make the following changes:
    1. In the [ConnMgmt] section, enter the following settings:

    EnableVirtualHosts = true

    VirtualHostsFile = <Siebel_Server>\\ADMIN\lbconfig.txt

    1. In the [/servicece_enu] section, enter the following settings:

      NOTE:  If you are enabling load balancing for a Siebel Industry application, go to the
      [/siaservicece_enu] section instead.

    ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None://VirtualServer/Siebel/SCCObjMgr_enu (instead of "Siebel Server:SCBroker Port" changed to "VirtualServer")

    WebPublicRootDir = < eappweb>\public\enu

    WebUpdatePassword = 0Mjqhm75+uQBEYBEDw==

  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Stop and restart the IIS server.

Pointing the Workflow Process Manger to the Virtual Hosts File

To use the Siebel Load Balancer for Handheld Sync Server components, you must enable load balancing in the Workflow Process Manger (WfProcMgr).

The virtual hosts file (lbconfig.cfg) has information about which Handheld Sync Servers together will serve as the same virtual host. To process SMQ messages, the Workflow Process Manger must send requests to a Handheld Sync Server. To use the Siebel Load Balancer, the Workflow Process Manger must have a VirtualHostsFile parameter that specifies the full pathname of the virtual hosts file. The Workflow Process Manger can then open the virtual hosts file and dispatch the request to the Handheld Sync Servers listed therein.

To point the server to the virtual hosts file

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers.
  2. Select the Siebel Server for which you want to enable load balancing.
  3. Click the Components tab below the Siebel Servers list.
  4. In the Components list, locate and select Workflow Process Manager.
  5. Click the Parameters tab below the Components list.
  6. In the Parameters list, enter values for the parameters that are listed in the following table.
    Value on Restart

    Enable internal load balancing

    (Alias: EnableVirtualHosts)


    Session manager load balancing configuration file

    (Alias: VirtualHostsFile)

    Path and filename of the virtual hosts file; for example, d:\sea80\admin\lbconfig.txt

    When you restart the server, the values you entered for these parameters in their Value on Restart fields will appear in their Value fields as well.

Turning On Load Balancing

You activate load balancing by creating a setting that specifies the Virtual Server as the Load Balancer. The setting is optional and is configurable for each application.

  • If you specify the setting, the Store-and-Forward message service provides the VirtualServer as the Load Balancer string when invoking the Sync Agent's Connect method.
  • If you do not specify the setting, Store-and-Forward Messaging connects to the Handheld Sync server component as set in the Mobile Device table. The Load Balancer is not used.

To activate load balancing, follow this procedure.

To turn on load balancing

  1. Navigate to Administration - Mobile > Application Administration > Settings.
  2. In the Settings list, create a new record. The following table displays an example.





    These values must match the values specified in the lbconfig.txt file. See Setting Up the Virtual Hosts File.

Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide for Handheld Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.