Siebel Healthcare Guide > Business Services for Siebel Financial Services > Using BRP Helper Business Services >

FINS CAP Buscomp Handler Business Service

FINS CAP Buscomp Handler Business Service provides the ability perform data operations such as query, update, and insert within the context of a business rules process.

NOTE:  The business component is established without the context of business object. Pay special care to identify the user keys for each record when inserting and setting values. Additionally, the normal Siebel error handling resulting from the business object context is not enforced.

FINS CAP Buscomp Handler Business Service provides the following five methods:

  • Query
  • NextRecord
  • GetFieldValue
  • SetFieldValue
  • InsertRecord

All of these methods need a BusComp variable to be defined under the business service step definition. See Business Service Step for details on defining a business service step.

About Query Method

Use this method to retrieve data from a Siebel business component into a BRP BusComp property. Table 15 describes the input and output parameters for this method.

Table 15. Query Method Parameters
Parameter Name



The name of the fields that should be included in the query. List each field individually in a sequence.

Any field that you need to use with the GetFieldValue and SetFieldValue methods, must be activated prior to using these.

There are no limits to the number of fields that can be activated, however, care must be taken since this affects performance of the query.



The Name of the business component from which the data is to be retrieved.



The search spec applied to the business component when retrieving data. This is a regular Siebel Query Language expression.

Since the business service operates without a context of business object, the search spec should include the appropriate user keys when the query is used for an update.




Search Spec Field Name/Value pair is an alternative way to set search spec on a field.

For example, SearchSpecFieldName1=Application Flag, SearchSpecFieldValue1=Y, then this is the equivalent of setting SearchSpec to be:

[Application Flag] = Y





The sort specification applied to the business component when querying data.



The status of the query operation. Status can have one of two values:

  • Succeeded. Indicates that the query returned at-least one business component record.
  • Failed. Indicates that either the query returned no business component records or the query failed due to a system error.

Following any data operation, use the Status field to check for error conditions and take appropriate actions. See Handling Business Rules Processor Errors for information on error handling.

Figure 4 shows the use of Query method to retrieve data from the FINS Health Provider business component.

Figure 4. Using Query Method to Retrieve Data

About GetFieldValue Method

Use this method to get a value of a Business Component field into a local or global property. Table 16 describes the input and output parameters for this method.

Table 16. GetFieldValue Method Parameters
Parameter Name



The Name of the business component from which the data is to be retrieved.



Name of the fields to be retrieved.

This field needs to be activated prior to retrieval. See Table 15.



The output property into where the field value will be written. This is always of type property.

FieldName and FieldValue need to be defined in pairs. That is, for each FieldName defined, a FieldValue should be defined as well.



The status of the GetFieldValue operation. The status can have one of two values:

  • Succeeded. Indicates that the query returned at-least one business component record.
  • Failed. Indicates that either the query returned no business component records or the query failed due to a system error.

Following any data operation, use the Status field to check for error conditions and take appropriate actions. See Handling Business Rules Processor Errors for information on error handling.

About SetFieldValue Method

Use this method to set a value of a business component field. Table 17 describes the input and output parameters for this method.

Table 17. SetFieldValue Method Parameters
Parameter Name



The name of a business component where the field to be updated is located.



The name of the fields to be updated.

This field needs to be activated prior to fetching. See About Query Method.



The new value for the field.

FieldName and FieldValue need to be defined in pairs. That is, for each FieldName defined, a FieldValue must be defined as well.



The status of the SetFieldValue operation.

Status can have one of 2 values:

  • Succeeded. Indicates that the operation succeeded.
  • Failed. Indicates that the operation failed.

Use the status field to check for error conditions and throw appropriate errors. See Handling Business Rules Processor Errors for information on error handling.

About InsertRecord Method

Use this method to insert a record into a Business Component. Table 18 describes the input and output parameters for this method.

Table 18. InsertRecord Method Parameters
Parameter Name



The name of a business component to which a record is to be inserted.



The name of the fields to be included in the insert.



The value for the field.

FieldName and FieldValue need to be defined in pairs. That is, for each FieldName defined, a FieldValue must be defined as well.



The status of the InsertRecord operation.

Status can have one of 2 values:

  • Succeeded. Indicates that the operation succeeded.
  • Failed. Indicates that the operation failed.

Following any data operation, use the Status field to check for error conditions and take appropriate actions. See Handling Business Rules Processor Errors for information on error handling.

About NextRecord Method

Use the NextRecord method to advance to the next record in a list of business component records. Table 19 describes the input and output parameters for this method.

Table 19. NextRecord Method Parameters
Parameter Name



The name of a business component.



The status of the NextRecord operation.

Status can have one of 2 values:

  • Succeeded. Indicates that the operation succeeded.
  • Failed. Indicates that either the end record has reached or the operation failed with a system error.

Following any data operation, use the Status field to check for error conditions and take appropriate actions. See Handling Business Rules Processor Errors for information on error handling.

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