Siebel Healthcare Guide > Business Services for Siebel Financial Services > Using the Calculation Manager >

Invoking Calculation Manager

Calculation Manager is invoked from within a Siebel workflow and can be triggered using a mini-button on an applet. Use a business service step to invoke Siebel Calculation Manger in a workflow.

Using the FINS Calculation Engine Business Service and the Calculate business service method, set the input arguments as described in Table 22. There are no output arguments for this business service.

Table 22. Input Arguments to Invoke Calculation Manager

Rule Expression Name


Calculation Rule name

Primary BC Name


Primary Business Component name

Primary BC Rowid

Process Property

Typically the Object Id of the Workflow

Save To BC


Y or N

Child BC Namen (Optional)


Child Business Component name

Child BC RowIdn (Optional)


Child Business Component row id

When invoked interactively, the calculation manager displays a pop-up dialog box with the input and output arguments. Perform the calculation by entering all input arguments and clicking the Calculate button. A second pop-up dialog box appears with the calculated values. Finish the calculation by clicking the Cancel button.

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