Siebel Healthcare Guide > Business Services for Siebel Financial Services > Using Data Transfer Utilities (DTU) >

About Data Maps

Data maps are the logic defining the flow of data from one location to another. The DTU business service uses data maps to transfer data from one location in the Siebel application to another.

This section contains the following topics:

Data Map Objects

Data map objects indicate the data that is being transferred from the source business object to the destination business object. You can use the Administration - Application > Data Map Administration screen to define data map objects. Only Siebel administrators should have access to this screen. Data map objects are described in Table 23.

Table 23. Data Map Objects


Data map object name. Enter a unique name.

Source Business Object

Source business object name. You must define this name in the Siebel Repository file.

Destination Business Object

Destination business object name. You can specify the same business object as both source and destination business object.


Check this box to make the data map object inactive.

TIP:   Data map objects are cached in memory. Whenever you make changes to an existing data map object, click the Clear Cache button to refresh the cache so that your changes appear.

You can import or export data map objects as XML files through the Data Map Object applet menu items: XML Import, XML Export.

Data Map Components

Data map components define the mapping at the child business component level. Each data map object can contain multiple data map components. You can arrange data map components in a parent-child hierarchy, but you must specify a parent for all except one data map component. The parentless data map component is called the root data map component. Data map components are described in Table 24.

Table 24. Data Map Components


Data map component name. Enter a unique name for each data map component in a data map object.

Source/Destination Business Component

Source or destination business component name.

If you specify a parent for this data map component, you must define this business component in the Siebel repository file as a child of the source or destination business object to which the parent data map component is mapped.


Parent data map component name.

If you:

  • Specify a parent, the parent is mapped to particular source and destination business components. Generally, you map the child data map component to a child of those source and destination business components.
  • Do not want to specify a parent, leave it empty to indicate that this is the root data map component. Each data map object can have only one root data map component.


Check this box to make the data map component inactive.

Data Map Component Advanced Options

Fine-tune data transfer at the component level by using Advanced Options multi-value fields. Data map components advanced options are described in Table 25.

Table 25. Data Map Components Advanced Options

Source Search Specification/Source Sort Specification

Defines the source Buscomp search spec and sort spec. The value can be a literal search spec/sort spec string. It can also contain a named parameter. See Using Named Parameters in DTU. For example:

[Id] = [&ContactId]

where ContactId is a named parameter. At run time, only named parameters are replaced by their string values.

Source Record Row Number

One can selectively transfer only a subset of source Buscomp records. This can be defined in three formats:

  • Start-End
  • Start-
  • Number

For example, 0-5, 4-, 0.

NOTE:  The row number starts at 0.

Operation Override

This option allows one to override the operation at the component level. For example, if the current operation is Insert, you can use this option to set some component to operate Update instead.

No Association

Y/N. Applicable to buscomps that have association list. By default, it is Y. Data Transfer Utilities first try to locate the desired destination record in the associate list. If successful, the located record is associated. Otherwise, a new record is created.

If N, association of existing records is not attempted. A new record is created instead.

Cached Updates

The valid values include:

  • Source BusComp
  • Destination BusComp
  • Source/Destination BusComps

This is a performance enhancement option that defers sending SQL statements to the database until they can be sent together. Since none of the SQL statements is sent until the end, subsequent steps in the block cannot be dependant on a previous step having been committed to the database.

When you turn on this option, make sure to confirm all SQL statements are generated correctly and there is no inter-dependency.

Field Validation

Y/N. By default it is Y.

By default, setting field values in a Siebel BusComp triggers field value validation. If you have a bounded picklist, the new value is validated against the picklist and the fields in the pick maps are set. Disabling field validation also turns off picklists. It is a performance enhancement option.

All advanced option values can contain named parameters. At run time, the named parameter is substituted by its run-time value.

If the source Buscomp has been well positioned, the source search spec, the source sort spec, and source record row number must be evaluated to be empty at run time, otherwise a wrong advanced option error is encountered. See Well-Positioned Buscomps for more information.

Advanced Options does not apply to mvg subcomponents.

Data Map Fields

Data map fields define the field-to-field mapping. Data map fields are described in Table 26.

Table 26. Data Map Fields

Source Type/Destination Type

Type of the source/destination field. Can be: Field, Expression, or Parameter:


The contents of these fields depends on the source and destination type.

If the type is:

  • Field, it should be a Buscomp field name.
  • Expression, it should be a Siebel calculation expression.
  • Parameter, it should be a named parameter.

If the destination field is a calculated expression, then the record is not used to update the destination Buscomp. Instead, the result of the expression, evaluated at run time, is written back into the source field at the end of the data transfer operation of the component.

If the Source is:

  • A Buscomp field, then source Buscomp is updated.
  • A Parameter, the corresponding named parameter value is updated.
  • An Expression, nothing happens.


Matches the destination records with source records.

For example, the Update operation updates the record in the destination business component whose key destination fields all match those of the corresponding source fields.

Each data map component in general should contain at least one key field.

When there is no key defined, if the operation is:

  • Insert, DTU would proceed without checking if a duplicate record with the same key fields already exists.
  • Update, it would update the current destination record.

If the destination business component is populated with an associated list business component, at least one key field is required.

Source/Destination Multi-Value Link

This link indicates that the source and destination fields are multi-value fields.

Data is transferred from one multi-value field to another by dividing data map fields into several subcomponents. All entries with the same source and destination multi-value link constitute a subcomponent. Specify a key for each subcomponent.

NOTE:  Data transfer from a multi-value field to a single-value field is not allowed.

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