Siebel Healthcare Guide > Managing Group Policies >

Importing Census Information

Insurance companies often receive group insurance census information from external sources. For example, an insurance broker collects this data and provides it to the insurance company as a comma separated text file.

End users can use the Group Policies Census view to import the census data into Siebel Healthcare.

NOTE:  Census data can also be imported from the Companies Census view.

Both detailed and segmented census data can be imported for each census. Usually, either only detailed or segmented census information is added for a company. However, both types of census information can be added.

Census data can also be imported by the originators, such as insurance brokers or employer groups, using Siebel Agent Portal or Siebel Group Portal. For more information about these two products, see Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide Addendum for Industry Applications.

Census data can also be entered manually. See Adding Census Information in the Group Policies Screen.

To import detailed census data

  1. Navigate to the Group Policies screen.
  2. In the Policies/Quotes list, drill down on a policy.
  3. Click the Census view tab.
  4. Click New to create a new census record and complete the fields.
  5. In the Census list, from the view link list, select Detailed Census.
  6. Scroll down to the Employee list and click Import.
  7. In the Import dialog box, locate the file from which to import data and set the remaining parameters.

    Some parameters are described in the following table.


    Input Format

    Select either comma separated text or tab delimited text file type.

    Input Source

    Select Auto Mapping.

    Conflict Resolution

    Choose how to handle data conflicts. Defaults to Overwrite Existing Record.

    The field mappings appear in a dialog box showing how each import field maps to the Siebel field. By default fields with matching labels are mapped to each other.

  8. To add or change a field mapping:
    1. Highlight the field in the Import Field list
    2. Highlight the field to map to in the Siebel Field list
    3. Click Update Mapping
  9. To remove an existing field mapping:
    1. Highlight the field in the Import Field list
    2. Highlight <ignore this field> to disregard the import field
    3. Click Update Mapping
  10. Click Next.

    The census data is imported into the Siebel application and appears in the Employee List list.

To import segmented census data

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