Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns > Process of Setting Up Campaign Execution Options >

Setting Up Execution Options for Campaigns

You can select the default execution options for each campaign when you set up the campaign. After the campaign is loaded, you can modify the execution options for the associated campaign at any time.

To assign contact ownership, make sure that you select the appropriate Campaign Contact Ownership value, your default owners, the Contact editing flags, and an Assignment Manager rule group.

To set execution options for the campaign

  1. Navigate to the Campaigns screen.
  2. In the Campaigns list, click a campaign name.
  3. Click the Design view tab.
  4. In the Design link bar, click Execution Options or Execution Options - Advanced and complete the fields.

    NOTE:  Some fields exist only in the Execution Options - Advanced link.

    Execution options fields are described in the following tables:

Table 24 describes the actions executed by each Execution option field.

Table 24. Execution Options - Assignment Option Fields

Assignment Rule Group

Required if you select Yes - Assignment Manager in the Campaign Member Ownership field. Use if you want Assignment Manager to assign the organization owner and position owner to contacts and prospects in the campaign. Select a rule group to apply to contacts in the campaign.

Campaign Member Ownership

Controls assignment of position owner and organization owner during the load process. Values are:

  • No. You do not want to assign ownership. When you select this option, the Organization Owner and Position Owner fields are left empty on the campaign contacts and prospect records.
  • Yes - Manually. When you select this option, the load process populates the Default Position Owner and Default Organization Owner to the Campaign History table (S_CAMP_CON) for the contacts and prospects in the load. After the load process, you can manually assign organization and position owners on the campaign contacts and prospect records.
  • Yes - Assignment Manager. You want Assignment Manager to assign ownership based on Assignment Manager rule groups. The load process invokes the Assignment Manager engine at the end of the process to assign the campaign members based on the rules in the selected Assignment Rule Group.

Default Organization Owner

(Optional) Default value that is populated into the Default Organization Owner field during the load process when assignment is enabled (Yes - Assignment Manager or Yes - Manually).

The list of organizations is restricted to the organizations associated with the campaign. After the value is populated, it may be updated if the assignment engine reassigns names. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

Default Position Owner

(Optional) Default value that is populated into the Default Position Owner fields during the load process when assignment is enabled (Yes - Assignment Manager or Yes - Manually).

The list of positions is restricted to the Default Organization Owner organizations associated with the campaign. After the value is populated, it may be updated if the assignment engine reassigns names. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

Lock Campaign Team Assignment

Campaign managers sometimes create assignment rules that assign additional positions to the campaign team. This lock flag excludes this campaign from the rules, so that new team members would not be assigned.

Table 25 describes the collaboration options for each Execution option field.

Table 25. Execution Options - Collaboration Options

Enable Contact Editing

Default is on (True). Clear the check box to prevent anyone from changing the owner fields and adding and deleting contacts. This flag controls the ability to edit the following fields on the campaign contact or prospect record:

  • Contact Last Name
  • Done Flag
  • Organization Owner
  • Prospect Last Name
  • Position Owner

In addition, when this value is True, the New and Delete buttons are available.

NOTE:  A contact can only be deleted by the Position Owner to whom it is assigned. The Delete button is unavailable to other users.

Enable Partner Editing of Contacts

Default is on (True). Clear the check box to prevent partners from editing the fields and using the buttons controlled by the Enable Contact Editing check box.

Enable Followup Actions

This value controls which buttons (Create Oppty, Create Order, Create Response, Script) are active in the Campaign agent views (Campaign Members). The following list describes the values:

  • Create Opportunities. The Create Response and Create Oppty buttons are active.
  • Create Orders. The Create Response and Create Order buttons are active.
  • Create Responses. The Create Responses button is active.
  • All. All buttons are active.

Enforce Approvals

When this option is active, the campaign cannot be launched unless the Approval Status for the campaign and its associated offers is Approved. You receive an error if you try to launch a campaign and the conditions are not met.

Control Campaign

This flag denotes that this campaign is meant to be used as a control group for a test and control program. Control campaigns are hidden from the outbound call center agent views (Campaign Members - Outbound), because control groups do not receive offer messages. Control Campaigns do appear in the Inbound version the Campaign Members view, because you want to be able to capture unsolicited responses.

Table 26 describes the delivery options for each Execution option field.

Table 26. Execution Options - Delivery Options

Use Pregenerated Files

When this option is checked, the launch option uses the most recent list export file for the wave being launched. This option is useful if you have a short time to deliver all of your email, and you want to regenerate the list file before you launch the campaign.

To generate an email list file or a list export file for other channels, use the Campaign > Export > List Distribution view

Table 27 describes the load options for each Execution option field.

Table 27. Execution Options - Load Options

Load Behavior

Controls what happens to the previous wave or load when the user opts to load the campaign again. The following is a list of choices:

  • Overwrite Campaign History. Purges entire existing campaign history and creates a new load.
  • Create New Wave. Creates an additional load or wave for the latest load.
  • Add to Existing Wave. Finds the most recent good wave (not purged or suspended) and adds the campaign load members to the existing wave.

Allow Repeated Contacts with Load

Controls whether a specific contact or prospect ID can appear more than one time in the same load in the campaign for the same treatment.

The unique index in S_CAMP_CON (campaign members or contacts table) is based on Campaign ID, Load Number, Contact/Prospect ID, Token Number and Treatment ID. By default the application always populates a value of 1 in the column, so that uniqueness is driven by the contact and campaign. However, if you turn off this option, the token number becomes a running number so there is no uniqueness enforced at the table level. This scenario is typical in certain industries such as Life Sciences where there is a many-to-many relationship between contacts and accounts. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, doctors are affiliated with multiple hospitals and the pharmaceutical companies send offers to all of their active addresses in the same campaign.

Source Code Format

The source code format to be used to generate source codes for the campaign. If the format is also associated with the program level, the value is carried over when a campaign is created on the program flow.

Generate Source Codes during Load

Generates source codes for waves that have not been launched at the completion of the campaign load. If the option is disabled, you need to manually generate the source codes using the Generate Source Codes menu option in the campaign screen.

Capacity Limit per Load

If this value is set to a value greater than 0 (zero), the campaign load stops inserting campaign members as soon as the capacity is reached. For example, you could limit the campaign size to no more than 1000 people for each load.

Max Errors

This setting controls when the campaign load (EAI) process aborts. The load process tabulates the number of rejected records that were not inserted due to errors (bad data and so on). After the Max Errors value is passed, the campaign load process aborts. When this value is 0 (zero), all inserts and updates for the batch are backed out.

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