Siebel Marketing User Guide > Managing Lists > Promotion of Prospects to Contacts >

Promotion Map Modifications

List Management provides a default path for information to move from the prospect record to the contact record during promotion. Prebuilt maps specify where in the contact record prospect fields are copied when a prospect is promoted. List Management provides three prebuilt maps for moving prospect information during promotion. Table 32 contains prospect information.

Table 32. Prospect Information
Map Name
Information Promoted
Source Business Component
Destination Business Component

LM Contact Map

Contact related information such as First Name, Email Address, and Job Title

List Mgmt Prospective Contact


LM Account Map

Account related information such as Annual Revenue and Line of Business

List Mgmt Prospective Contact

Account:List Mgmt Prospective Contact

LM Business Address Map

Business Address information such as City, Country, and Postal Code

List Mgmt Prospective Contact

Business Address

Using Siebel Tools, you can redirect any of these prospect fields to a field associated with another business component. For example, you may decide that you do not want to use the Alias field for the prospect and would like it to hold some other information such as a Back Office Account ID. You may also want to promote that ID to populate a specific field on the contact record, possibly an extension column added to your implementation. To view or change the promotion map, in Siebel Tools, navigate to Business Components >List Mgmt Prospective Contact > Business Component User Properties.

You can display the destination business component by looking under Business Component User Properties for the List Mgmt Prospective Contact and searching for the Map Name in the Name column. The path for the map is displayed as Destination Business Component: Source Business Component. For example, Contact: List Mgmt Prospective Contact.

In this case, all three default maps use the List Mgmt Prospective Contact business component as the source.

To modify the promotion map, you can change a user property in the map to promote the information to a different field in the Destination Business Component for the map.

Alternatively, if you wish to promote user properties to a destination business component other than the three default maps, you could create a new map for those user properties.

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