Siebel Marketing User Guide > Creating and Using Offers and Treatments > Process of Working with Email Treatments >

Creating Email Treatments

Siebel Marketing has multiple forms of email treatments available for use in campaigns. The following topics cover these treatments.

To create an email treatment

  1. Navigate to the Offers screen.
  2. Click Email Treatments.
  3. In the Email Treatments list, create a new record.
  4. Complete the fields, using the table in the topic Adding Treatments to Offers as a guide.

Email treatments have their own specific channel types available. Table 11 describes these email-specific channels. You must always create a treatment using the Email channel. Use the other channels when implementing a double-opt in or subscription confirmation process. When you create treatments using these other channels, they must be associated with the same campaign as the original Email channel treatment.

Table 11. Channel Types for Email Treatments
Email Channel


The Email channel is for standard email treatments that do not use a subscription list.

Email-Confirm In

The Email-Confirm In channel produces a confirmation opt-in treatment that is delivered to users. The confirm-in treatment is triggered by a user responding to the Confirm Subscribe to List Response Form. When this response form is clicked, this confirmation is delivered to the user with an additional link asking to confirm opt-in status to the email program.

For more information, see Creating Email Confirmation Treatments.

Email-Confirm Out

The Email-Confirm Out channel produces a confirmation opt-out treatment that is delivered to users. The confirm-out treatment is triggered by a user responding to the Confirm Unsubscribe List Response Form. When this response form is clicked, this confirmation is delivered to the user with an additional link asking to confirm opt-out status to the email program.

For more information, see Creating Email Confirmation Treatments.


The Email-Welcome channel produces a standard welcome message to the email program. This message is triggered by a user recording a subscription record in the database. This message is triggered by a user responding to the "Subscribe to List" response form.

This message does not ask for confirmation, thus it is not a replacement for the Email-Confirm In channel. Use the Welcome channel when you do not want to have a double opt-in method as is used by the Email-Confirm In channel.

For more information, see Creating Email Welcome Treatments.

Creating Email Confirmation Treatments

Email confirmation treatments are used to respond to customers who have clicked on a confirm subscribe to list response form or a confirm unsubscribe to list response form in a previous message. These treatments are sometimes called double opt in or double opt out treatments because from the recipients' point of view they must take two actions to opt in or out. The first act is to click on a response form in an initial email, the second is to respond to the confirmation email. If you do not require your customers to go through two steps to opt in, you can send an Email-Welcome treatment instead of an Email-Confirm In treatment. For more information, see Creating Email Welcome Treatments.

Siebel Marketing sends out an Email-Confirm In or an Email-Confirm Out message to only those contacts who have clicked those response forms. If your list includes contacts for whom there is no record of the confirm subscribe to list or confirm unsubscribe to list events, Siebel Marketing skips over them and does not send a confirmation treatment.

To create an email confirmation treatment

  1. Navigate to the Offers > Email Treatments screen.
  2. Create a new email treatment.
  3. Set the Channel field to either Email-Confirm In or Email-Confirm Out.
  4. Associate the Parent Offer to the treatment.
  5. Associate a subscription list to the treatment.
  6. In the edit email view, associate a treatment template to the treatment.
  7. In the edit email view, include a response form for Subscribe to List within the body of the message.
  8. Save the treatment.
  9. Navigate to the Campaigns view.
  10. Associate the treatment to the appropriate email confirmation campaign.

Creating Email Welcome Treatments

If you do not require your customers to use a double opt-in confirmation to accept the offer, then after the customer has clicked on the subscribe to list response form, you typically follow up with an Email-Welcome treatment. Siebel Marketing sends out an Email-Welcome message to only those contacts who have clicked the subscribe to list response form. If your list includes contacts for whom there is no record of the confirm subscribe to list event, Siebel Marketing skips over them and does not send the Email-Welcome treatment.

To create a welcome message

  1. Navigate to the Offers > Email Treatments screen.
  2. Create a new email treatment.
  3. Set the Channel field to Email-Welcome.
  4. Associate the Parent Offer to the treatment.
  5. (Optional) Associate a subscription list to the treatment.
  6. In the edit email view, associate a treatment template to the treatment.
  7. Save the treatment.
  8. Navigate to the Campaigns view.
  9. Associate the treatment to the appropriate email confirmation campaign.

Including Forward to a Friend in Your Email Treatments

Siebel Email Marketing can include a Forward to a Friend link in email treatments. This provides a means for your contacts and prospects to forward a version of the message to others and optionally to add a personalized note as well.

To include Forward to A Friend in a treatment

  1. Navigate to the Offers > Email Treatments screen.
  2. In the Treatments list, click an email treatment.
  3. In the edit email view, select a template to edit.
  4. In the HTML editor view, in the left field on the Personalization Items toolbar, select Response Forms.

    NOTE:  If you do not see the Personalization Items toolbar, right-click on a blank part of the toolbar area and select Personalization Items.

  5. In the right field on the Personalization Items toolbar, choose [Response: Forward to Friend].
  6. Click the location in the template where you want to insert the Forward to Friend link.
  7. On the Personalization Items toolbar, click Insert.

Creating a Text Email from an HTML Template

You can create a text version of your HTML treatments. By creating the text version, you can streamline your production efforts. This creates a text template from the HTML template. You may need to adjust the formatting prior to delivery.

To create a text email from an HTML template

  1. Navigate to the Offers > Email Treatments screen.
  2. In the Treatments list, click an email treatment.
  3. In the list between the Treatments list and the Editor, create an additional template for the treatment.
  4. In the Template Name field, choose a text treatment template and click OK.
  5. Return to the HTML template within the treatment.
  6. Click Save Text Template.
  7. To view the results, select the text template in the list above the Editor.

    The text content appears in the Editor.

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