Siebel Mobile Connector Guide >

Siebel Mobile Connector Troubleshooting Guide

This appendix lists potential problems associated with setup and implementation of the Siebel Mobile Connector. To resolve the problem, look for it in the list of Symptoms/Error Messages in Table 4.

Table 4. Resolving Siebel Mobile Connector Setup and Implementation Problems
Symptom/Error Message
Diagnostic Steps/Cause

Login error when trying to log in to the Reference Configuration Sample.

For information on Reference Configuration Sample, see Using the Reference Configuration Sample.

Are the parameters in the metadata.cfg file set to the correct values?

The following parameters in the metadata.cfg file must be set with the correct values:

GatewayServer=Gateway Server Name
Port=Port Number
SiebelServer=Siebel Server Name

How to check. Go to drive:\install_dir\siebsrvr\BIN\ENU


drive = the drive where Siebel Server is installed.

install_dir = the directory where you installed Siebel Server.

Then open the metadata.cfg file and verify that the parameters are set correctly.

Script time out error when trying to run the Reference Configuration Sample

For information on Reference Configuration Sample, see Using the Reference Configuration Sample.

Have you changed the ASP Script time-out and session time out values?"

In Microsoft Internet Information Server running on the machine where the Reference Configuration Sample is installed, the ASP Script time-out value must be set to a big number (for example, 2147483646 seconds) and the session time out value must be set to a big number (for example, to 200 minutes).

How to check. In Microsoft Internet Information Server:

  1. Right-click on the virtual directory created for the Reference Configuration Sample and select Properties.
  2. Click the Configuration button and click the App Options tab.

Permission denied error when trying to run the Reference Configuration Sample

For information on Reference Configuration Sample, see Using the Reference Configuration Sample.

Did you change the values of the Execute Permissions and Application Protection options?

In Microsoft Internet Information Server running on the machine where the Reference Configuration Sample is installed, the Execute Permissions must be set to Scripts Only and Application Protection must be set to Low (IIS Process).

How to check. Make sure Execute Permissions is Scripts Only and Application Protection is Low (IIS Process).

An error message is returned in XML output when sending XML commands using a Web browser

Did you receive an error message in XML output when sending XML commands using a Web browser?

The XML Interface to SWE will return an error tag in XML output.

<ERROR> we are unable to process your request.

This is most likely because you used the browser BACK or REFRESH button to get to this point.

</ERROR> if the application does not have a specified home page.

You can ignore the error message or, if you prefer, set a home page for the application.

Cannot upload a file to the Siebel application

Are you uploading the files programmatically or in a browser window?

Uploading file attachments cannot be done by sending HTTP requests in a Web browser. Instead, uploading files must be done programmatically, so the application that uploads the files can modify the Content-Type of the HTTP request and send the file in the appropriate format for file uploads.

Style sheets are being applied, but more data than expected is returned

Are you trying to use the GetSMCUpdate method to retrieve an update for a particular field of a record?

Are you using the correct spelling and valid values for all commands, methods and arguments to SWE?

The GetSMCUpdate method notes changes that occur at the record level versus for a specific field. If you request an update for a particular field on a record, you will be notified of a change when any field of that record has changed. If your application requires notification about changes to specific fields, then you can use the Alert Business Service for this purpose.

For more information on using the Alert Business Service, see Working with the Alert Business Service.

SWE expects the correct spelling and valid values for all commands, methods, and arguments. Invalid SWE commands, methods, and arguments are ignored. No error message is returned by SWE for such errors and the calling application may experience unexpected results.

Cannot query simultaneously for many-to-many relationships between parent and child applets

SWE does not currently support querying simultaneously for:

  • Parent rows in applets (such as all activities)
  • Child applets (such as all contacts)
  • Man-to-many relationships between all parent and all child applets.

In other words, it is not possible to perform a query using the XML Web Interface that will retrieve the links between all contacts and which activities they are related to, and vice versa. (such as all contacts related to each activity and vice versa).

There are at least three possible solutions to this task, although the efficacy of these solutions has not yet been firmly established.

  1. You can query the database directly for the Siebel table containing the links between activities and contacts, and then map all tables together on the Siebel Server. The disadvantage of this method is that it is database dependent.
  2. You can create a specialized business component using Oracle's Siebel Tools that could perform this task.
  3. You can get the list of children rows for each parent row as you enumerate through the parent rows.

Alerts not being sent or received

Are the alerts being received on the destination server?

Alert Business Service alerts must be configured to send alerts to a destination server, where the alerts will be handled by a third-party application.

How to check. You may want to create a program residing on the receiving server that outputs the Alert Business Service alerts to a file so that you can view the output. Such a program could work like the following SampleFileReceiver.asp.




   'Sample receive page that writes document to a file


   Option Explicit

   Response.Buffer = True

   Dim objFS, objStream

   Dim PostedDocument

   Dim ContentType

   Dim CharSet

   Dim EntityBody

   Dim Stream

   Dim StartPos

   Dim EndPos


   ContentType = Request.ServerVariables( "CONTENT_TYPE" )


   ' Determine request entity body character set (default to us-ascii)


   CharSet = "us-ascii"

   StartPos = InStr( 1, ContentType, "CharSet=""", 1)

   If (StartPos > 0 ) then

      StartPos = StartPos + Len("CharSet=""")

      EndPos = InStr( StartPos, ContentType, """",1 )

      CharSet = Mid (ContentType, StartPos, EndPos - StartPos )

   End if


   ' Check for multipart MIME message


   PostedDocument = ""

   if ( ContentType = "" or Request.TotalBytes = 0) then


      ' Content-Type is required as well as an entity body


      Response.Status = "406 Not Acceptable"

      Response.Write "Content-type or Entity body is missing" & VbCrlf

      Response.Write "Message headers follow below:" & VbCrlf

      Response.Write Request.ServerVariables("ALL_RAW") & VbCrlf



      if ( InStr( 1,ContentType,"multipart/" ) > 0 ) then


         ' MIME multipart message. Build MIME header


         PostedDocument = "MIME-Version: 1.0" & vbCrLf & "Content-Type: " & ContentType & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

         PostedDocument = PostedDocument & "This is a multi-part message in MIME format." & vbCrLf

      End if


      ' Get the post entity body

      EntityBody = Request.BinaryRead (Request.TotalBytes )


      ' Convert to UNICODE


      Set Stream = Server.CreateObject("AdoDB.Stream")

      Stream.Type = 1 'adTypeBinary


      Stream.Write EntityBody

      Stream.Position = 0

      Stream.Type = 2 'adTypeText

      Stream.Charset = CharSet

      PostedDocument = PostedDocument & Stream.ReadText


      Set Stream = Nothing


      ' Write received document to a local file


       Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

      Set objStream = objFS.OpenTextFile("d:\temp\httpoutputfile.txt", 8, True)

      objStream.WriteLine "----------------- Received at " & Now() & " -----------------"

      objStream.WriteLine PostedDocument

      objStream.WriteLine "----------------- End Received at " & Now() & " -----------------"


      Set objStream = Nothing

      Set objFS = Nothing


      ' indicate that the message has been received and processed


      Response.Status = "200 OK"

      Response.Write "Done"


   End If


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