Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide > Asset-Based Ordering Methods Reference > Order Entry Toolkit Business Service Methods >

ViewCart Method

This is one of the Order Entry Toolkit Business Service Methods.

It navigates to the CME Shopping Cart if licensed; otherwise, to the standard Shopping Cart.


No input or output arguments.


The following user properties may be specified for the Shopping Service:

  • Module Name

    Licensed Module Name. Default = CME eSales.

  • Default Shopping Cart View

    Name of the view to display if a module is not specified or if the module is specified but not licensed. Default = Current Quote View (eSales).

  • Licensed Shopping Cart View

    Name of the view to display if the module identified by module name is licensed. Default = CUT Current Quote View (eSales).

See Also

Method ValidatePayment Method and the following workflows in Siebel Order Management Guide: CUT eSales - Modify Products and Services Process, CUT eSales - Disconnect Products and Service Process.

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