Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide > Asset-Based Ordering Methods Reference > Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods >

Explode Method

This is one of the Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods.

It creates multiple instances of a product. The number of instances is determined by the value of the field specified by the ExplodeOnField argument. For each new instance, the value of ExplodeOnField is set to 1. An existing instance is considered for explosion only if it meets the conditions specified by ConditionFieldNames and ConditionValues.

NOTE:  Explode works for a quantity set at any level of the product hierarchy.

To exclude fields from being copied from the existing instance to the new instance, add user properties to the SIS OM PMT Business Service. You can use the ExclusionFieldsUserPropertyTag input argument to identify the User Properties series used for this purpose.



[in] Root Item Id. Only the subcomponents of the root line item with a Row Id specified by the RootItemId are considered for Explode. (Optional)


[in] Value of the field specified by ExplodeOnField determines the number of instances created by Explode. For each new instance, the value of the ExplodeOnField is set to 1. (Required)


[in] Comma separated list of component field names. An existing instance is exploded only if the conditions specified by ConditionFieldNames and ConditionValues are met. (Optional)


[in] Comma separated list of condition values. Standard Siebel expressions (such as LookupValue) are supported. An existing instance is exploded only if the conditions specified by ConditionFieldNames and ConditionValues are met. (Optional)


[in] Name of the series of user properties that identify fields to exclude when the object instance is copied. The user property name is configurable and specified by ExclusionFieldsUserPropertyTag. (Optional)


[in] Product instance to be exploded. (Required)


[out] Product instance (integration object) representing the exploded business component. (Required)

Is Exploded

[out] Status flag (Y or N) which indicates whether the SiebelMessage has been exploded or not. (Optional)


Product set containing multiple copies of the original component.


Explode copies any product component whose quantity > 1. It creates multiple copies, each with quantity = 1. By default, products with the Convert to Asset flag set to N are ignored. This method inputs and outputs a property set containing product changes.

A user configurable list identifies fields that are excluded during the copy. For example, a user would not create multiple copies of a unique identifier such as a telephone number.

Excluded Fields

All fields, including prices, are copied as they are into each new instance of the service item, except the following columns that cannot be copied, by default:

  • Asset Integration Id
  • Conflict Id
  • Created
  • Sequence Number
  • Updated
  • Id
  • Integration Id
  • Quantity
  • Service Point Id
  • Extended Quantity

User Properties

This method uses the default user properties listed below to define a list of integration component fields that are not copied when the parent integration object is exploded.

  • Exclude From Explode.SIS OM Order.Line Item 11 to Exclude From Explode.SIS OM Order.Line Item 20
  • Exclude From Explode.SIS OM Quote.Line Item 1 to Exclude From Explode.SIS OM Quote.Line Item 10

The general format for all these user properties is:

<User Prop Name>.<Integration Object Name>.<Integration Component Name>#


Copying Components Whose Quantity Exceeds 1

The following example shows this method creates multiple copies of a component.

  1. Start with an order to add multiple Calling Cards as part of a GCI One Bundle.
  2. Explode copies all components with quantity > 1. The diagram that follows provides an example.
    Click for full size image
See Also

Methods Delta Method, Apply Method, Trim Method, Explode Siebel Object Method, and Is Fully Exploded Method and workflow SIS OM Quote To Order PMT Version in Siebel Order Management Guide.

Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.