Siebel Order Management Infrastructure Guide > Data Transfer Utilities Business Service > Data Transfer Utilities Methods >

DataTransfer Method

The DataTransfer method transfers data from the source business component to the destination business component. Its arguments are described in Table 59.

Table 59. Arguments of DataTransfer Method

Data Map Object (Required)

The name of the data map object that defines the mapping.

Operation (Required)

Valid entries include Insert, Update, Delete, and Upsert.

GotoView (Optional)

The name of a view that appears to users after the data transfer operation.

Option (Optional)

A text field that allows you to specify additional options for the operation. Supported options include:

  • NewSrcBusObj. Force to instantiate a new Source business object. Use instead of NewBusObj.
  • NewDstBusObj. Force to instantiate a new destination business object.
  • RootNotCommitted. Suggest DTU not to commit the root component, if possible.
  • SrcRootAdminMode. Set the source Buscomp of the root data map component to Admin mode. This is valid only if the root source Buscomp has not been executed.
  • BatchMode. This is a performance enhancement option that suppresses runtime events, disables undo, and defers field pre-defaults until committing the record. Batch mode is only enabled for source or destination business objects that are not the active (initiator) business object.

The following syntax is recommended for defining Option:

/option1 /option2 ...

For example,

/NewSrcBusObj /NewDstBusObj

Initiator Business Object (Optional)

Used as a sanity check. If the BusObject that invokes DTU is different from what is specified by the InitBO argument, DTU exits as an external error.

Initiator Business Object is part of the invocation context. DTU receives a reference of the initiator business object only when invoked from Runtime Evens, Buscomp Named Methods, or workflow processes with its business object defined. DTU can be invoked without an initiator business object.

Initiator Business Component (Optional)

By default, the Buscomp that invokes DTU serves as the InitBC. Initiator Buscomp plays an important role in determining how records are transferred. Use the InitBC argument to set other Buscomp in the Initiator BusObject as the Initiator Buscomp.

Initiator Search Specification / Initiator Sort Specification (Optional)

Initiator Buscomp search spec and sort spec.

Initiator Buscomp Enumerate Flag (Optional)

Y/N. By default, Initiator Buscomp Enumerate Flag is N. When it is true, DataTransfer is applied to each record in the initiator Buscomp. When InitSearchSpec or InitSortSpec is specified, InitEnumFlag is implicitly true, even if InitEnumFlg is set to N.



RowId (optional)

The ID of the root source buscomp record. For more information, see Using DTU with Order Management Signals.

IgnoreRowId (optional)

Y/N. If Y, RowId argument is then ignored. For more information, see Using DTU with Order Management Signals.

SharedGlobalDestId (optional)

Y/N. If Y, the destination record ID is output to a shared global called DTUSharedGlobalDestId.

NOTE:  It is recommended that you specify both InitBO and InitBC specifically when invoking DTU.

DTU requeries the initiator buscomp when InitSearchSpec, InitSortSpec, InitEnumFlg are used.

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