Siebel CRM Desktop for Microsoft Outlook Administration Guide > XML Files Reference > XML Code to Customize Forms >

Types of Controls for the Control Tag of the forms_xx.xml File

This topic describes the types of controls you can configure for the control tag of the forms_xx.xml file. It includes the following topics:

Values of the Control Tag of the forms_xx.xml File

Table 34 describes the values you can specify for the class attribute of the control tag of the forms_11.xml and forms_12.xml files.

Table 34. Values You Can Specify for the Class Attribute of the Control Tag


A button control. if you use this control, then it is not necessary to use a field tag.


A check box control. The field that the field tag assigns to this control must include the following configuration:

  • The name of the field
  • The field type must be Boolean


A simple control that allows the user to choose any value from a list. For more information, see Combobox Control of the forms_xx.xml File.


A datetime control that allows the user to choose a date from a calendar. The field tag must contain the date or datetime field.


A control that displays a menu when the user clicks the control. For example, if the user clicks Addresses on the contact form, then Siebel CRM Desktop displays Personal Addresses or Business Addresses. For more information, see Dropdown Control of the forms_xx.xml File.


A panel control that includes a border. If you use this control in a cell where the size is 1, such as with a separator, then it is not necessary to use a field tag.


A simple edit box control.


A control that behaves like a check box control, but uses a different graphical interface. This control displays on the Sharing bar.


A control that the user can use to choose any object. Siebel CRM Desktop uses a lookup control to establish a relationship between objects. For example, to link an account with a contact. For more information, see Lookup Control of the forms_xx.xml File.


A control that Siebel CRM Desktop uses to display the values from more than one field, such as price, revenue, and so forth. An example usage of the multi_currency control is where Siebel CRM Desktop must display the amount and currency values in a single field. For more information, see Multicurrency Control of the forms_xx.xml File.


A control that Siebel CRM Desktop uses to display the Primary association in a many-to-many (M:M) relationship. For more information, see MVG Primary Selector Control of the forms_xx.xml File.

Microsoft Outlook_view

A control that Siebel CRM Desktop uses to display a set of related items in the Microsoft Outlook view or form. For more information, see Microsoft Outlook View Control of the forms_xx.xml File.


A static control that you can use as a label on a form. If you use this control, then it is not necessary to use a field tag.


A group of controls that you can use to display the fields of one object on the form of another object. For example, you can display a Siebel CRM activity on the native form for a Microsoft Outlook task or calendar item. For more information, see Subform Control of the forms_xx.xml File.

Combobox Control of the forms_xx.xml File

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to combobox, then you must define the following tags in the control tag:

  • source. Describes the list values for this control. The source tag includes the following attributes:
    • type. Contains the ID of a list that the siebel_basic_mapping.xml file describes.
    • field. Contains the name of the field that Siebel CRM Desktop displays as a list value.
    • format. Defines the mask for this field output. Note that attributes are usually the same for all lists that drop down, which includes the following format:



    Although Label is a variable, you must specify it as an absolute value, as described here.

  • field. A field of an object that stores a value that the user chooses in a list.
Example Code of the Combobox Control

The following code illustrates use of the combobox control:

<control id="0x20105" class="combobox">

<source type="ContactLeadSourcePicklist" field="Value" format=":[:(Label):]"/>



Dropdown Control of the forms_xx.xml File

The dropdown control of the forms_xx.xml file is a button that includes menu options. If the user clicks this button, then Siebel CRM Desktop displays the menu. Menu items for this menu are added to scripts.

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to dropdown, then you must define the following tags in the control tag:

  • control. Contains more tags that you can use to describe the dropdown control.
  • text. The value in the control tag that you can use to define the text of the dropdown control.

You can use the caption attribute to define the caption for the dropdown control.

Example Code of the Dropdown Control

The following code illustrates use of the dropdown control:

<cell size="22">

<control id="dd_contacts" class="dropdown" caption="#lbl_contacts" tab_order="1" visible="false"></control>


Lookup Control of the forms_xx.xml File

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to lookup, then you must define the following tags in the control tag:

  • source. Describes the list values for this lookup control. The source tag includes the following attributes:
    • type. Contains the ID of an object that Siebel CRM Desktop uses in this control.
    • field. Not used.
    • format. Defines the mask for this field output. For example:

    format=":[:(First Name) :]:[:(Last Name):]"

    • resource_id. Defines the ID of the description for the lookup dialog box that the lookup_view_defs.xml file describes.
  • field. The field of an object that stores the ID of the object that the user chooses in a lookup object.
Example Code of the Lookup Control

The following code illustrates use of the lookup control:

<control id="0x20100" class="lookup">

<source type="All Items" format=":[:(FirstName) :]:[:(LastName):]" resource_id="lookup:all_types"/>

<source type="Contact" format=":[:(FirstName) :]:[:(LastName):]" resource_id="lookup:contacts"/>


Multicurrency Control of the forms_xx.xml File

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to multi_currency, then you must define the following tags in the control tag:

  • value_field. Contains the amount field name.
  • currency_field. Contains the currency field name.
  • exchangedate_field. Contains the exchange date field value. This tag is optional.
Example Code of the Multi Currency Control

The following code illustrates use of the multi_currency control:

<control id="1" class=" multi_currency " tab_order="1">





MVG Primary Selector Control of the forms_xx.xml File

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to mvg_primary_selector, then you must define the following tags in the control tag:

  • source. Behavior is similar to the lookup control. The source tag includes the following attributes:
    • type. Defines the many-to-many association ID that Siebel CRM Desktop uses for this control.
    • linking_field. Contains the field name of this association where the ID of the parent object is saved.
    • flag_field. Contains the field name that Siebel CRM Desktop uses to set the primary flag.
    • display_format. Defines the output mask.

Microsoft Outlook View Control of the forms_xx.xml File

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to Microsoft Outlook_view, then you must define the following attributes in the control tag:

  • view_id. Contains the ID of the view that Siebel CRM Desktop uses for this control. The views.xml file describes the view IDs.
  • type. Defines the ID of the type of objects to display in this control. The siebel_basic_mapping.xml file describes these objects.

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to Microsoft Outlook_view, then you must define the following tag in the control tag:

  • dasl. Contains filters that Siebel CRM Desktop applies to this view. This filter must be in dasl format. For more information about dasl, see the relevant Microsoft documentation. Consider the following example:

    <control id="activities_view" class="Microsoft Outlook_view" view_id="activities:form_view" type="Action">

    <dasl><![CDATA["{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/sbl%20Account%20ID" = '{{id|s}}']]></dasl>


    <text>Opportunity:sf Account Id:AccountId</text>

    <control id="0x10113" class="Microsoft Outlook_view">

    <text>Opportunity:sf Account Id:AccountId</text>



Subform Control of the forms_xx.xml File

The following code illustrates use of the subform control:

<cell size="22">

<control class="subform" id="activity_subform">

<cell size="22">

<stack layout="horz" spacing="20" padding="6">


<control class="static" id="ActivityLabel">

<text>Activity Name:</text>




<control class="edit" id="ActivityName">








Web_page Control of the forms_xx.xml File

If you set the class attribute of the control tag to web_page, then you must define the url attribute in the control tag. The following code illustrates use of the web_page control:

<control class="web_page" id="linkedin_search">



You can define a static or a dynamic URL as the value of the url attribute. If the URL is dynamic, then JavaScript supports it. For example, you can present a dynamic personal page for a business contact on the Contact form. The following is an example of this JavaScript:

if (!is_new)

form.linkedin_search.navigate = "" + form.item['Last Name'] + "&first=" + form.item['First Name'];

If the url attribute is not set, then Siebel CRM Desktop loads the about:blank page by default.

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