Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Setting Up Application Services Interfaces for Siebel PRM > Shopping Cart Transfer Workflows >

Transfer Cart Outbound Initial Workflow

The Transfer Cart Outbound Initial workflow is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Transfer Cart Outbound Initial Workflow
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When this workflow is called, the following events happen:

  • The first event checks for the availability of the items the customer wants to purchase.
  • The next event finds the communication information associated with the partner and runs the Transfer Cart Outbound Request Process subprocess to create the shopping cart data structure.
  • The next event checks to see if the brand owner is in debug mode (controlled by the Debug Flag in the Process Properties). If so, the brand owner needs to dump the data into a file and read in a suitable response from a file.
  • Most of the time the Debug Flag is set to false, and allows use of the Web Services instead. In this case, the RPC call is made and a response is received when Web services is complete.
  • The Response is processed by Transfer Cart Outbound Receive Acknowledgement Workflow (either success or failure) as the final event in this workflow.
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