Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Testing Personalization Rules >

Ways to Test Personalization Rules

Testing your personalization rules is important for evaluating their effectiveness and correctness. Table 25 lists the features that allow you to test your personalization rules in a development environment before they are deployed in a production environment.

Table 25. Features for Testing Personalization Rules in a Production Environment

Test mode

For evaluating personalization rules.

See About Test Mode, Setting Up the Test Mode, and Using Test Mode to Test Personalization Rules.

Log file

For recording personalization events.

See About Using the Log File, Enabling Personalization Event Logging, and Testing Siebel Personalization.

XML export

For exporting personalization objects to an XML file. Later you can export this file into a production environment.

See About Exporting and Importing Personalization Data, Exporting Personalization Data as an XML File, and Importing Personalization Data.

Reload personalization

For updating the object manager with changes made to personalization rules.

See About Clearing and Reloading Siebel Personalization, Reloading Siebel Personalization for the Current Object Manager, and Reloading Siebel Personalization for Other Object Managers.

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