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Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow

The Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow provides the advanced pricing capabilities. It contains steps and subprocedures that populate the List Price, Start Price, and Net Price fields. It also calculates the monthly recurring and nonrecurring subtotals for root Customizable Products. These prices and subtotals are calculated based on information from price lists, customizable product adjustments, volume discounts, attribute adjustments, aggregate discounts, service price details, product promotions, and manual discounts.

NOTE:  The Dynamic Pricing Procedure replaces the Pricing Procedure - Default.

Figure 17. Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow Process
Click for full size image

Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  1. Checks for price list effectivity. The application will throw any error if the price list is not yet effective or has expired.
  2. Calculates the extended quantity of all component products of a CP instance. Also, it carries over some useful information from the CP root to CP components for later use.
  3. Gets the list price for each row in the row set, and appends other values from the Price List Item Buscomp to the row.
  4. Puts the CP Root Price List Item Id on each component of the CP for later use.
  5. Moves those rows with an action code that are not priced to another row set that will not be priced throughout the procedure.
  6. Gets CP Pricing Designer adjustments for components of a CP.
  7. Initializes the start price value as the list price value.
  8. Applies attribute adjustments to the start price and throws an error when an invalid combination for attribute pricing occurs.
  9. Moves service products from the row set into another row set for use in the service pricing subprocedure.
  10. Calls subprocedure Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price for nonservice products.
  11. Updates the covered product net price field on the service product rows in the row set.
  12. Calls subprocedure Pricing Procedure - Service to handle the service product-specific pricing for service products.
  13. Calls subprocedure Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price for service products.
  14. Merges the service and nonservice row sets into one row set.
  15. Establishes the NRC and MRC prices for one-time and monthly recurring price types, which will later be used for Customizable Product Rollup.
  16. Merges the priced and unpriced row sets into one row set.
  17. Spreads the discount of the root bundle products to the bundle component products.
  18. Rolls up the prices of component products to the CP root.

Table 19 lists the steps in the Dynamic Pricing Procedure workflow with the business service and method that is called by each.

Table 19. Steps of the Dynamic Pricing Procedure Workflow
Business Service
Sub Process

Check Header Price List

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Query Transform


Determines if the header price list is expired or not yet effective.

Raise Expired Error

Business Service

Pricing Manager

Raise Price List Expired Error


Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is expired.

Raise Not Effective Error

Business Service

Pricing Manager

Raise Price List Not Effective Error


Halts execution and provides an error message to the user if the header Price List is not yet effective.

Customizable Product Roll-Down

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Hierarchical Transform


Calculates the quantity of a component product of a CP instance.

Get List Price

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform


Gets the list price for each row in the row set. Appends other values from the price list item Buscomp to the row.

Get Root Price List Item Id

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Hierarchical Transform


Puts the CP root price list item ID on each component of the CP for later use.

Split Unpriced Actions

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Split Transform


Moves those rows with an action code that are not priced to another row set that will not be priced throughout the procedure.

Customizable Product Adjustment

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Simple Look-Up Transform


Gets CP adjustments for components of a CP.

Start = List

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Conditional Action Transform


Initializes the start price value as the list price value.

Matrix Adjustment

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Dynamic Lookup Transform


Applies attribute adjustments to the start price.

Invalid Combination?

Decision Point




Determines if there was an invalid combination for the attribute pricing matrix.

Display Invalid Combination Error

Business Service

Dynamic Matrix Retrieval Service

Throw Invalid Combination Error


Halts execution of procedure and throws an error when an invalid combination for attribute pricing occurs.

Split Service Products

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service



Moves service products from the row set into another row set for use in the service pricing subprocedure.

Discount Non Service Products

Sub Process



Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price


Update Covered Product Net Prices

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Row Set Lookup Transform


Updates the covered product net price field on the service product rows in the row set.

Price Service Products

Sub Process



Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price

Prices the service product row set.

Discount Service Products

Sub Process



Pricing Procedure - Service

Service Pricing.

Merge Service Products

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Merge Transform


Merges the service and nonservice row sets into one.

Get MPT Prices

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Conditional Action Transform


Establishes the NRC and MRC prices for One-Time and Monthly Recurring price types.

Merge Unpriced Actions

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Merge Transform


Merges the priced and unpriced row sets into one.

Roll-down bundle prices

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Hierarchical Transform


Spreads the discount of the root bundle products to the child products.

Customizable Product Roll-ups

Business Service

Row Set Transformation Toolkit Service

Hierarchical Transform


Rolls up the prices of component products to the CP root.

Siebel Pricing Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.