Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Configuring the Remote Client > Process of Configuring the Remote Client >

Modifying the Configuration File

This task is a step in Process of Configuring the Remote Client.

To determine the location of the Siebel Server directories, the Siebel File Server directories, and the server database installation, the remote client reads configuration parameters in the Siebel configuration file. An example configuration file is siebel.cfg for Siebel Sales.

Before you configure Siebel Remote, you must set the values for the configuration parameters. If you install a Siebel application, then the Siebel installation program creates a siebel.cfg file in the bin directory on the remote client with default values for each configuration parameter.

Depending on if the user starts synchronization while using the remote client or by using the stand-alone synchronizer, Siebel Remote reads the configuration parameters from the CFG (configuration) file that the Windows shortcut specifies for the remote client or for the synchronizer. By default, the Installer sets up the shortcut to use siebel.cfg as the CFG file, but you can change this setting, as required.

If Siebel Remote performs synchronization in the Siebel application, then it reads the configuration information from the CFG file of that particular application. For example, if you use Siebel Call Center, then it reads configuration information from the uagent.cfg file. To start a synchronization, the user can choose the File menu, Database, and then the Synchronize menu item.

To modify the configuration file

  1. Locate and then open the configuration file in a text editor.

    For more information, see Locating the Siebel Application Configuration File.

  2. Locate the Siebel section, and then do the following work:
    1. Set the ClientRootDir parameter.

      The ClientRootDir parameter is the name of the installation directory of the remote client.

    2. Set the DockRepositoryName parameter.

      The DockRepositoryName parameter is the name of the SRF (Siebel Repository File) that you are currently using. This parameter must contain the same value as the SRF file on the Siebel Server.

    3. If the remote client uses Quick Start, then set the EnableFQDN parameter to False.

      If the user connects to a VPN and then restarts the remote client with Quick Start, then Siebel Remote might display the following error message:

    Page cannot be displayed.

    To avoid this situation, you must set EnableFQDN to false. Setting EnableFQDN to false might impact other functionality, such as the behavior of a pop-up blocker. For more information, see Configuring Siebel Remote to Use Siebel QuickStart to Start the Remote Client, and Siebel System Administration Guide.

  3. Locate the Local section, and then do the following work:
    1. Set the DockConnString parameter.

      The DockConnString parameter is the logical network address of the Siebel Server to which Siebel Remote connects to synchronize. For more information, see Formatting the DockConnString Parameter and Using VPN When Synchronizing Through the Internet.

    2. Set the TableOwner parameter.

      The TableOwner parameter is the name of the account on the local database where the Siebel schema is installed. The default value is SIEBEL.

    3. Set the DockTxnsPerCommit parameter.

      For more information, see Guidelines for Setting the Number of Transactions That Siebel Remote Applies Before a Commit.

  4. (Optional). Configure the configuration file to use a different data source.

    If your organization requires data and applications that are stored on separate devices, then you can use a data source that is different from the one that you specify in the Local section of the CFG file.

    CAUTION:  Make sure you modify the description of the existing local data source in the CFG file. Do not add more local data sources to the CFG file because Siebel Remote does not support these additional local data sources.

    1. In the Local section of the CFG file, edit the information of the data source so that it identifies the actual location of the sse_data.dbf file.
    2. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator program and then choose the SEAW Local Db default instance.
    3. Click Configure.
    4. Click the Database tab.
    5. Edit the name of the local database file so that it identifies the actual location of your local database file.
    6. Click OK two times.
  5. (Optional). Specify a location for the SRF.

    Beginning with Siebel CRM Version 7.7, you can locate the SRF outside of the SIEBEL_ROOT\objects\language directory. To place the SRF file in a location of your choice, you do the following steps:

    1. Place a copy of the SRF in the required location.
    2. In the Siebel section of the CFG file, set the value of the RepositoryFile parameter to the full path of where the SRF file resides, including the name of the SRF.

      For example, c:\my custom directory\siebel.srf.

  6. (Optional). Configure the sort order.

    For more information, see Configuring the Sort Order.

  7. Save your changes, and then close the CFG file.
  8. Implement your changes across the Siebel Enterprise, as required.

    You must apply any change that you make to the repository file to the appropriate Siebel Servers that serve the modified application to the Web clients. For more information, see Upgrading a Regional Node.

Guidelines for Setting the Number of Transactions That Siebel Remote Applies Before a Commit

The DockTxnsPerCommit parameter sets the number of transactions that Siebel Remote applies to the local database before it performs a commit. You must set this configuration parameter to a value that satisfies the requirements at your site. The default value is 500. You can use the following guidelines:

  • If the user uses the Synchronize Database menu item of the File menu in a Siebel application, then set the DockTxnsPerCommit parameter to a high value. A merged transaction does not lock out another user. This configuration improves performance.
  • If the user uses a stand-alone synchronizer, then set the DockTxnsPerCommit parameter to a high value only if the program is the only active user on the server database. For more information, see Using the Stand-Alone Synchronizer.
  • If the program applies transactions while the user accesses the server database through the Siebel application, then set the DockTxnsPerCommit parameter to a low value to prevent locking out other users while Siebel Remote merges transactions.

Verifying Database Connectivity on UNIX or DB2

To verify database connectivity to SQL Anywhere on a UNIX or on a DB2 operating system, you can use odbcsql.

To verify database connectivity on UNIX or DB2

  1. Set the SIEBEL_UNIXUNICODE_DB environment variable to ORACLE.
  2. Test the connection.

For more information, see Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.

Formatting the DockConnString Parameter

To synchronize to the Siebel Server, Siebel Remote uses the DockConnString parameter in the CFG file. This parameter contains the name of the computer where you installed the Siebel Server software and where you extracted the remote client. Make sure you set the DockConnString parameter before you initialize the remote client.

To specify the DockConnString parameter, it is recommended that you use the following format:

  • Siebel Server computer name: network protocol: sync port #: server: encryption.
  • Siebel Server computer name, assuming the default static port number is 40400.

When you set the DockConnString parameter, you must use the following format:

siebel server name:network protocol:sync port #: service:encryption


  • siebel server name is the logical network address of the Siebel Server to which the remote client connects to synchronize.
  • network protocol is the name of the networking protocol to use. TCP/IP is the only valid value and is the default value if you do not specify any value.
  • sync port # is the TCP/IP port number that is dedicated to the Synchronization Manager. If you do not specify any value, then the default value is 40400. For more information, see Changing the Port Number.
  • service is the TCP/IP service. SMI is the only valid value and is the default value if you do not specify any value.
  • encryption is the encryption package. The encryption facility must match the type that the Siebel Server uses. Siebel Remote supports MSCRYPTO and RSA.

All elements of the DockConnString parameter are optional except the Siebel Server name. If you do not include an element, then you must include adjacent colons. For example, the third example below does not include the network protocol element. The following examples are valid values for the DockConnString parameter:





Changing the Port Number

You can change the default value of the port number that you specify in the DockConnString parameter. You can also specify this port number as a command line option when you start the Siebel Server.

To change the port number

  1. Make sure advanced parameters are visible.

    For more information, see Making Advanced Server Parameters Visible.

  2. To use the administrative interface to change the port number:
    1. Locate the record for the Synchronization Manager server component.

      For more information, see Locating the Record for a Server Component.

    2. In the bottom applet, click the Parameters tab, click Advanced, and then query the Parameter field for Static Port Number.
    3. Specify a value in the Value on Restart field.
    4. Restart the Siebel Server.
    5. Update the remote client CFG files to match the setting you specified in Step c.

      For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File.

  3. To use the Server Manager command line interface to change the port:
    1. On the Siebel Server, navigate to the SIEBEL_ROOT\bin directory.
    2. Open the Server Manager command line.

      For more information, see Opening the Command Line Interface for Server Manager.

    3. Enter the following command:

    srvrmgr> change param portnumber=port number for comp synchmgr

    1. To list the port numbers, you can enter the following command:

    list advanced param portnumber for comp synchmgr

Using VPN When Synchronizing Through the Internet

It is recommended that every synchronization session occur within the corporate firewall. If your deployment must support synchronization to the Internet from outside the firewall, then it is recommended that you use a VPN (Virtual Private Network). If there is a firewall on the network between the remote client and the Siebel Server, or between the VPN Server and the Siebel Server, then the port for synchronizing with the Siebel Server must be opened on the firewall, and this port must be a port other than port 80.

If you do not use a VPN connection, then it is possible that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or another host on the route could block communication on the port you specify for synchronizing.

Configuring the Sort Order

You can configure the sort order for the local database or for the sample database.

Configuring the sort order

  1. Access the remote client computer, and then locate the CFG file.

    For example, siebel.cfg or uagent.cfg. For more information, see Modifying the Configuration File.

  2. Open the CFG file in a text editor, and then modify the SortCollation parameter.

    The SortCollation parameter determines the sort order of the SQL Anywhere database. For optimal performance, it is recommended that you set the SortCollation parameter to Binary. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

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